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Smart, Snarky Audi Ads Leave Watchers Feeling Dirty


Based on its last pair of efforts (1, 2) we decided that ad-wise, Audi's getting pretty - and flippant too, a quality that's lost in luxury car ads that get by on status alone.

Venables, Bell & Partners, San Francisco and production company OUTSIDER USA got together to continue the trend with a couple of new spots.

Moments for the Audi TT plays the tease with meaningful moments cut tantalizingly short, smugly signifying that while you can't get much done in .02 seconds, you can at least change gears. Really, really fast.

Parking is a spot for the A4. The action and length betray an unmistakable fuck-you to marks like Lexus, which features parking assistance technology.

In the world of high speed and hot bumpers, Audi's positioned as the innocuous-chick-turned-hot-bitchy-babe, and everyone wants to like her anyway.

by Angela Natividad    May-29-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Carlton Draught Gets Candid in Surround-Sound-Worthy Spots


There's nothing the assertive audience likes more than a company that puts all its cards on the table.

So if you're going to be honest about pushing your hops, you might as well do it in an epic way: with a score, some choir robes dyed in primary colours, and a giant esophagus made up of burly men running in circles.

There's more industry jabbing in another spot from the same series. "Fermented in a big metal thing!" We love that drama-soaked tone. Anheuser-Busch, which is trying really hard to get beer taken seriously, must be gnashing its teeth in aggravation.

The spots fall under the tactful slogan "Made from Beer" and are for Carlton Draught. We hope they sell lots of bloody beer.

by Angela Natividad    May-29-07    
Topic: Commercials

Bom Chicka Wah Wah Invades Outside World


No better way to start a revolution than with stickers. Just ask Shepard Fairey. Or in this case, Axe. Observe slap-on improvements on mundane street signage here and here.

The effort was launched by Lowe, Belgium via Ads of the World, so we're more or less sure somebody's going to snarl, "Hey, that's fake."

In a less subtle effort to demonstrate how completely irresistible the common man could be with a more persuasive spritz, Axe recently also had really hot cops spray and siege at random on the streets of Poland.

Oh, Axe-scented man, let us at him, we can't resist. Except, oh, that we can.

by Angela Natividad    May-29-07    
Topic: Guerilla

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