What if today's campaign tactics were applied to the election of 1860?
Crazed by this Presidential race, ad bloggers Make the Logo Bigger and Jetpacks ponder this question. Here's the fruit of their labours, "paid for by Friends of Douglas."
Contemporary context gave history both personality and a face. We laughed, we cried, we wondered -- ever so briefly -- what could have been.
Indentured servitude for me? Plantation micro-management for Steve? (Well, I guess one could argue that slavery was on its way out, even without that wee shove we dubbed the Reconstruction.) Propaganda aside, just how big of a deal is an election, anyway?
I Need A Reduction
- Feeling the need for a breast enlargement? Forget surgery. Just drink milk.
- One of the more convincing vote for Obama ads we've recently seen (semi NSFW)
- All kinds of pharmaceutical advertising parodies here from (mostly) Saturday Night Live.
- Tonight at 8PM, Obama will air his 30 minute commercial on NBC, CBS, FOX, Univision, MSNBC, BET and TV One. Hello? ABC? Hello?
Hot damn. As November 4 nears and political ads grow increasingly more negative, MoveOn.org -- which has a knack for instigating a fight -- whips out its own ammo.
Non-voters are the target. This faux news video can be customized to include the name of any potential non-voter. Plug your name in to see it defamed across Facebook, in church marquees and among angry middle-aged protesters. (It's a surprisingly heady sensation. This must be how Heather Mills feels every single day.)
Aside from that sidebar about McCain bombing goats, the best part is when George W. Bush thanks you for your service. I think it gave me hypertension.
From director Charles Stone and his Wassup crew from the days of old comes this updated Wassup spoof which captures the last eight year's worth of "unfortunate events" such as the tanking economy, Iraq, New Orleans and more. The whole thing turns out to be an unofficial commercial for Barak Obama. And a well done one at that.
The Rubicon Project tapped its "LA movie friends" to create this spoof vid, in which Channel 3 News goes behind the scenes to pinpoint the company's awesomeness.
I was told this would be "a tongue-and-cheek take on the magic" behind Rubicon's success, but until 1:25 it's nothing but pure pitch.
That was irritating. But afterward the whole thing was kinda funny.
Frank Addante is awesome as the young, arrogant startup douchebag. Know how Rubicon screens for talent and makes VC cash? Chugging contests. Not that that's a secret; anybody who's been to one of their parties could've figured that out.
Just wish I'd seen the hilarity coming before Minute One was up. Because seriously, I thought I'd been tricked into sitting for a demo. Actually, I still kinda suspect that I did.
While the Life Takes Vista spoof has been around for a while in various forms, this new take offers up even more goofy creative mashups such as "A dog rolls over, a man scrolls over," "He takes Levitra. Life Takes Vista" and "I'm a naked PC."
It's amusing enough though the least the creators could do is get the Share on Facebook link to work properly.
Adrants reader Candace sent us Palin as President, a just-for-kicks interactive site "updated daily until November 4th!"
Palin sits behind the desk of the oval office, wearing a frozen doll-like grin. Click on the items around her and along the walls.
"Where'd Russia go?" she wonders when I brush by the window. For bonus points, take a shot every time you see or hear the word "Maverick."
more »
Believe it or not, Amber Lee Ettinger's career as Obama Girl was just preparation for a political endorsement that manages to be even more surreal. (Yes, it even outdoes her Giuliani dance-off.)
America's favourite lobbyist now throws her bikini-clad weight -- and lip-syncing skillz -- behind President Howard Ackerman of Red Alert 3. Love that "Let's screw 'em all with Ackerman" tee she's rockin'. And that intro -- it's so vintage Dick in a Box!
Isn't it awesome when an agency -- in this case, DraftFCB -- contaminates a good thing with a flinch-inducer? Whatev, this is officially The World We Live In. Expect to see "Back Ack" splashed across YouTube, RedAlert3.com and the Barely Political website.
June 10, 2007: We never thought we'd tire of the millions of erectile dysfunction spoofs that have found there way to us but we finally have. It's just not that much fun anymore to listen to a fake voice over drone on about 36 hour erections while a dude walks around with a big dick prop sticking out of hin his pants. Except, of course, when that dick prop and closing elevator doors are in the same scene and the spoof stars Cuba Gooding Jr.
What's McCain's campaign for real change? Bringing politics to more humble roots: the frozen foods market. It's McCain Potatoes -- now in three lovable styles! Because can you honestly call sweet potato fries crusty and old?
Didn't think so. "Go for the BLUE bag."
Thanks to Adrants reader Tom for the tip. Don't look now, but this might actually be funnier than VPILF.