Big Brands Support Naked Breasts...Depending on Context


In what could be labeled either a twist-the-story rant or an insightful examination of the double standard brands may or may not apply when they associate themselves - or choose not to - with nudity. Drunken Stepfather's Jesus Martinez is miffed marketers won't advertise on his site because he occasionally features nude images but they will advertise on Jane's Get It Together blog where, recently, fully nude images of woman's breasts have been proudly displayed alongside national advertisers such as Thermasilk, Oakley and Dove.

Should the morality police be called for this serious transgression of double standards or should we all relax because, in this case, context is everything. Drunken Stepfather, an endlessly amusing site focusing on celebrity news, features somewhat racy imagery and occasional nudity. Jane's Get it Together blog features reader-submitted nude pictures highlighting breasts as part of the magazine's Guide to Breast Health. Again, context. Breasts as arousing sex object versus breasts as body part in need of care just like any other body part.

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by Steve Hall    May- 9-07    
Topic: Brands, Opinion, Publishing, Racy, Weblogs

Now You Too Can Be Emo


Apparently there's art to emo. Positing that faking sexual androgyny and and crying into your pillow is a legit lifestyle (who said it wasn't?), self-proclaimed "o.g. emophiliacs" Leslie Simon and Trevor Kelley push their new novel Everybody Hurts: An Essential Guide to Emo Culture.

Learn how to interact with the world through unwashed hair and red-rimmed eyes. Jasus. How much Linkin park can one really take in a day?

The book's getting a push on MySpace. Users thus far have given it a rating of 53.3 percent. And lest you be confused, that's not sub-par, that's failure. Sing about that, baby.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Publishing

Caveman Sucks, Cool Chased, Doodles Published, 90210 Reborn


- Apparently, the much anticipated ABC Caveman sitcom based on the Geico ad campaign really sucks.

- But he gets to be an action figure.

- Cynopsis Digital reports, "American Eagle Outfitters is sponsoring It's a Mall World, its first original series for the web. Shorter three-minute versions of the comedy will premier on air during MTV's Real World from August 1."

- Publicis has re dubbed Modem Media Publicis Modem. OK, then.

- If you're cool enough to work in advertising then you're probably cool enough to read Chasing Cool.

- We've all spent countless hours wasting time in pointless meetings and have passed the time by, perhaps, doodling on the equally pointless meeting agenda. This guy turned his doodling into a business.

- Diet Pepsi does 90210. Anachronistically. And badly.

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Publishing, Television

Industry Newsletter Adotas Sold


Today, rumors were afloat industry newsletter Adotas had been sold. A quick IM to Founder and Publisher Pesach Lattin confirms the rumor but Lattin wouldn't say to whom the publication was sold only that "small group of industry execs" were involved. He promised full details of the sale would be released Monday.

Lattin has sold his position in Adotas outright and will no longer be involved with the online newsletter. Lattin, long involved with online publishing including the famed AdBumb told us the reasoning behind the sale. saying, "After 6 years of publishing interactive advertising publications, I have decided that it is time to focus 100 percent on Vizi|Media and our growing business." So there you have it. The man behind the often controversial AdBumb has left the publishing building for different pastures.

by Steve Hall    May- 2-07    
Topic: Online, Publishing

Mochila Introduces Ad-Supported Multimedia Player For Publisher


Mochila, a service that provides publishers a place to buy and sell content, has introduced the AdMatch Player, a branded multi-media player that lets publisher customize video offerings. It offers up a sort of content marketplace from which publishers can choose con tent and share in the revenue gleaned by ads served through the player. Content will be available from asap, Associated Press,, EFE, Ford Models, The Health Central Network, ITN Source, Lonely Planet, MeeVee, Mobi Jokes, Red Herring, Rodale,, SmashTube, South China Morning Post, Tiempos Del Mundo, and Vibe Media Group. ans others.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-07    
Topic: Online, Publishing

Harlequin Hunts Down Real Men for Post SatC Generation


Because bodice-ripping is so last-century, Harlequin struggles to make the grade as the ages of readers increase slowly.

In addition to reworking the hot-sex-for-lonely-girls formula for today's woman under Red Dress, they're also trying to reinterpret the face of today's man candy, launching another cattle call in desperate pursuit of a man who's neither Fabio nor gangly model.

But what do you feed a woman all hopped up on Sex and the City steroids? A dumb but loyal cook? A mascara-sporting emo rocker? A Silicon Valley hipster? A vegan cowboy?

by Angela Natividad    Mar-24-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Publishing

Adrants Poll Winner Anna Strips Again For Marketing Book


Dare we say watching a woman stripping in a YouTube video is becoming a bore? It may be but since the readers of Adrants voted Anna, the woman who reads from the new book, Punk Marketing, while taking her clothes off to be hotter than Cleo, the other woman who did the same thing for the book, we thought it would be a disservice not to give you more of what you want. So, here she is for a second time; Anna stripping while reading Punk Marketing.

by Steve Hall    Mar-12-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Promotions, Publishing, Racy, Video

Punk Marketing Returns with Bathing Cleo


Those Punk Marketing guys really know how to capture attention. In a surprise hijack of our ADHD-afflicted mental states, a bathing Cleo appears for the sultry third installment of the book's twisted "storytime with a stripper" effort. And while arguably more chaste, we like it way better than PETA's striptease state of the union.

"Business people must rise up and take back subtlety," Cleo purrs as she toys with a bar of soap. Interesting point. And we're appalled that we sat through all 4.5 minutes of it. If this is indeed the best way to capture an antsy websurfer's attention, how best to capture a reader's? Does the book come with illustrations?

Catch the first and second vids here.

by Angela Natividad    Feb-27-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Publishing, Racy, Video

'Punk Marketing' Continues Its Stripper Video Promotions


Damn! How's a guy expected to finish a marketing book when it's read to you by a woman sitting on a bed slowly removing her clothing? One would think the publisher authors of this marketing book, Punk Marketing, would at least want you to finish the book before another sort of finish unexpectedly occurs. [Ed. OK, that's just gross! Who the hell wrote that?] This is the second disrobing hottie video the publishers authors have released to promote the book. In the first, the model, Cleo, disrobes on a plush rug in front of a fire. In the second, she's on a bed. In both cases, she's reading excerpts from the book. In both cases, we watched the video instead of picking up the book which has been on the desk in front of us for three weeks. OK. We admit. We've read some of it and we like it.

by Steve Hall    Feb-16-07    
Topic: Good, Publishing, Racy, Video

Online Magazine Introduces New AdFrame Ad Unit


Whether this goes anywhere or not is anyone's guess but no one thought the online ad banner would become what it is today either. A new online magazine, Dormant Forces, has launched and will be supported by what it calls an AdFrame designed to elicit "curiosity clicks." The Adframe consists of small, subtle squares with nothing but the advertisers name or tagline. Clicking the square takes the visitor to the advertiser's site. The publisher plans to do a similar thing in the printed version of the magazine. Anyone care to predict the future of this venture?

by Steve Hall    Feb-14-07    
Topic: Online, Publishing, Tools