America's Next Porn Stars Roam Streets of New York


So wannabe models have America's Next Top Model. What do wannabe porn stars have? They have America's Next Hot Pot Porn Star. Twelve aspiring sexpots spent the summer in an LA mansion competing with each other to see who could lap dance the best, kiss the best, orgasm the best, have sex the best and generally cause a dramatic uplift for their male sex partners.

Three of the girls were in New York late last week promoting the show which is airing on cable pay per view. One of the contestants, Audrey Bitoni, who was recently interviewed on CNBC and, of course, has the biggest breasts, was intriguingly matter-of-fact when discussing her reasons for choosing a career in porn noting she'd be watching CNBC all the time for advice on how to spend the $10,000 if she were to win.

by Steve Hall    Sep-24-07    
Topic: Cable, Online, Promotions, Racy

Even More Britney, Datran Remembers 9/11

- If you haven't had your fill of Britney yet this week, tonight VH1 is airing All Access: Britney's Most Shocking Year Ever which promises to rehash all the poor girl's dirty laundry from the divorce to the head shaving to her pantyless partying to her feud with mom and much more. We can hardly wait.

- Today, Datran is donating a portion of every transaction to Tuesday's Child, an organization that offers support to the families affected by September 11.

- The Many Worlds of Jonas Moore has been nominated for this year's final competition of the MIPCOM Mobile and Internet TV Awards- Best Short Form Entertainment, Drama category, taking place in Cannes, France.

by Steve Hall    Sep-11-07    
Topic: Cable, Cause, Celebrity

Britney Spears Waddles Through MTV Video Music Awards Debacle


There's one sure thing that can be said about Britney Spears' performance at last night's MTV Video Music Awards. She delivered exactly what everyone expected; a horrifically embarrassing performance that had to have Kevin Federline rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollably. Practically tripping over herself throughout the limp, lifeless, lip-synced performance, Spears began the performance looking as if she'd just stumbled out of a bar drunk searching for something to hold on to so she wouldn't fall over.

From there, it didn't get any better. Several years ago - before Federline, before kids, before physical and emotional meltdown - Spears would have been all over that stage exploding with high energy dance moves. But at least twice last night, she had to be hoisted up and down from a riser like an overweight kid trying to climb out of a swimming pool.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-10-07    
Topic: Cable, Celebrity, Opinion, Worst

HSM Rocks Ratings, Diesel Fuels, Asses Wiped


- Cynopsis reports, "High School Musical 2 premiered on Disney Channel on Friday night and drew in a record breaking audience of 17.2 million viewers, according to the Nielsen preliminary fast national ratings." The kids do like their HSM.

- If you think the CxO Insanity has progressed to buffoonery "WorldNow announced today that advertising sales veteran Adam Gordon has joined WorldNow's Local Media Network as Chief Revenue Officer, National Ad Sales."

- Diesel's up to something again.

- Mini gets even..."minier"?

- We once said wipe your ass with this ad. Now, apparently, all you have to do is use up all the toilet paper.

- "Facebook surfers are costing Australian companies billions of dollars a year in lost productivity." Oops.

OK, this is just gross.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Cable, Online, Specialty

Al Gore and Cameron Diaz Want You to Save the Earth


Anything to get people to care about Current TV. Al Gore has hooked up with Cameron Diaz to introduce its ":60 Seconds to Save the Earth" contest which calls for people to submit :15, :30 or :60 PSAs urging people to care about the climate. The winning spots will air on Current TV and on MySpace's Impact channel. So if you're feeling green and have the CGM itch, this is your chance to get something on the air as opposed to having it trashed by the client.

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-07    
Topic: Cable, Celebrity, Consumer Created, Good

Bloggers Build DIY Network 'Blog Cabin'


For those of you tracking the many purposes a weblog can serve, you can now add house building to the list. DIY Network will air a new show August 16 at 9PM called Blog Cabin which will document the building of a log cabin which was built with guidance from bloggers contributing a DIY Network weblog over the course of several months. From roof style to window selection to fireplace, bloggers logged over 4 million suggestions and votes during the project. They even alerted the apparently forgetful building crew a window had not yet been installed. Check out the entire project here.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 3-07    
Topic: Cable, Consumer Created, Social, Weblogs

'Mad Men' Not so Different From Today's Mad Men


While it might have been a bit less than imaginative to begin Mad Men focusing so heavily on the impending doom of tobacco marketers, the AMC debut was quite good in our eyes and illustrates things haven't changed since "the good 'ol days." In an early scene talking with his boss about pitching a Jewish department store account and how it would be nice to have someone Jewish in the pitch, series's star Don Draper, played by Jon Hamm, offers, "you want me to run down to the deli and grab somebody."

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by Steve Hall    Jul-20-07    
Topic: Cable, Opinion, Trends and Culture

Car, Gun, Fight, Poker, Breast-Filled Promo Reaches Orgasmic Conclusion


Spike TV, to promote it's manliness, has tossed all manner of stereotypically manly imagery including fast cars, guns, fist fights, poker and water-drenched, bikini-clad, moaning women squeezing their breasts together into a promo which ends, of course, with an orgasmic explosion. OK, we get it. Spike TV is all about men.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 5-07    
Topic: Cable

Time Warner Cable Kills Band's Career With Horrible Commercial


We're hoping the geniuses behind this Time Warner 1-800-OKcable commercial knew, in advance, they were creating something fully intended to be "wink, wink, nudge, nudge, we know this is horrible but we're doing it anyway." We also hope the Tri-State band Future 86 was paid a whole lot of money for the privilege of never being taken seriously again.

by Steve Hall    Jun-21-07    
Topic: Cable, Commercials, Strange, Worst

Jack Daniels to Sponsor AMC's 'Mad Men'


The folks over at Commercial Alert don't like the fact Jack Daniels has signed on as a major sponsor of AMC's upcoming series Mad Men which will display the brand and the product prominently in the show with a character getting drunk on the stuff at a bachelor party in the first episode. Drunk at a bachelor party? That never happens.

With Mad Men taking place in the sixties, the height of the three martini lunch, to us, it makes all the sense in the world for liquor sponsors to be all over this show and for the show's characters to, heaven forbid, get drunk once in a while. Remember, this was the era of pre-political correctness, pre-cause group, pre-well, everything. People had unfettered, guilt-free fun back then.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-13-07    
Topic: Cable, Opinion, Policy