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Bob Garfield is Only 55? Long Live the Ad Blogs


While reading Bob Garfield's farewell piece today in Advertising Age, nothing really surprised us. The man said everything we expected him to. He lobbed a few barbs, apologized for a few missteps, trashed ad blogs, pimped his books, reminded us he's almost always right...and told us he's 55. Say what? 55? Only 55? Seriously?

OK, that's just mean and it plays right into Bob's hatred for the horror we ad blogs purportedly promote: the cheap punchline. To wit, Garfield wrote, "What is paramount is being an honest broker of your own judgments, and never succumbing to the temptation of skewing negative for the sake of a cheap punchline. If you wish to see what happens when this principle is ignored, spend five minutes reading the ad blogs or Gawker. They are intermittently amusing, deliberately mean and ethically bankrupt."

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-10    
Topic: Opinion

Robert Dinero Glad He Didn't Have to Move His Desk


As thanks to those who will attend the Tribeca Film Festival this year, Ogilvy & Mather put together this ad showing us just how difficult it would have been or them to bring the conference to us had we not attended. It's even got Robert Dinero (Yea, we know it's De Niro Apparently, no one got the joke). Of course, it doesn't look like he would have come to us even if we had wanted him to.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials

Bogusy, Monty, Kutcher Comment on Humungo


So Humungo has been born. You see Plaid was Plaid. Then is was acquired by Source Marketing and it became huge...uh...Humungo. Now it's part of MDC. So to see just how much, if at all, people in the industry noticed or even cared about the acquisition, Humungo's Darryl Orht asked Scott Monty, Alex Bogusy and (well, tried to) Ashton Kutcher what they though.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-10    
Topic: Agencies

Crews Continues, iPad Gets BlendTec'd, Parker Ponders

- Oh please. More Terry Crews Old Spice commercial? Make it stop.

- Hahahaha. The BlendTec guy gets his hand on an iPad.

- George Parker ponders, "My money is on the hiring of CP+B to to a "Deadenbacher" on Michael Jackson and have the King of Pop hawking "sugared fizzy water" as GodJobs so aptly described it to John Sculley when hiring him to come in as CEO and stab him in the fucking back."

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-10    
Topic: Strange

My Name is Sarah And I'm A Credit Union Member


CommunityAmerica Credit Union is out with a new Callahan Creek-created campaign. Using live action, motion graphics and computer animation, the campaign aims to set the credit union apart from your average bank. Three commercials feature fictional CommunityAmerica members, as if they are speaking to a large group at a town hall meeting.

After we got over the fact the one entitled "Sarah" wasn't an homage to another, slightly more (in)famous Sarah of the political variety, we came to enjoy the down homey-ness of the messaging. And while one might think for a minute these people are about to launch into an, "I'm Sarah and I'm an alcoholic" soliloquy, each of the three personalities does a nice job explaining the benefits of Community America.

The campaign will run through 2010 on local and cable stations throughout the Kansas City area.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials

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