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Antonio Banderas the New Face of Iberostar Hotels


Antonio Banderas? He still has a career? We thought he went the way of Fabio. Hmm. It seems there is life after a mediocre Hollywood career. And that life is usually to become the spokesperson of some brand we've never heard of.

But it all makes sense. Because the hotel we've never heard of is in Mexico. And we don't live in Mexico. And, apparently, Banderas is still big in Mexico. So we guess it's all good.

The man will front the Iberostar Hotels & Resorts marketing campaign for the next three years. Developed by the Mrs. Rushmore Agency, the campaign will focus on the concept, "On Vacation Everyone is a Star."

That's kind of funny.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity

Stripper Sues, Man Boobs Bounce, Ass Gratuitously Shot


- Former Penthouse Club stripper Nicole Hughes has sued Penthouse for putting her in a Scores ad without her consent.

- Mini goes big with Man Boobs

- When Philips asks directors to create a few short movies from the same script, you know it's going to have a gratuitous ass shot.

- Ten rebranding disasters and what you should learn from them.

- Justin Long says Get A Mac campaign might be over.

- Want to make one of those consumer-generated Doritos commercial? Check out this tutorial from David Shane.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-10    
Topic: Brands, Policy, Racy, Strange

Bristol Palin Says 'Pause Before You Play'


In a pro-abstinence PSA for Candie's Bristol Palin wonders what teen pregnancy would be like if she didn't come from a famous family, have all their support or have a lot of opportunities, In the end, she say, "It wouldn't be pretty." Which is a bit of a mixed message.

It's as if she's saying teen pregnancy is OK if you are famous, have support and opportunity. But if your an average person with limited resources and not much of a future, it would be very wise to "pause before you play."

Which is it, Bristol?

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-10    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity

Nike Sponsors Tiger Woods' Mea Culpa in 'Daddy Death Card' Ad


Last night, ESPN and The Golf Channel aired a new Nike commercial featuring Tiger Woods...and his dead father. The black and white commercial with Woods in Nike garb staring motionless into the camera is voiced by his late father, Earl Woods, who says, "Tiger, I am more prone to be inquisitive, to promote discussion. I want to find out what your thinking was. I want to find out what your feelings are. Did you learn anything?"

Of the commercial and Woods, himself, Nike said in a statement, "We support Tiger and his family. As he returns to competitive golf, the ad addresses his time away from the game using the powerful words of his father."

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-10    
Topic: Best, Celebrity, Commercials, Opinion, Strange, Worst

Woman in Chains With 'Access Denied' on Her Ass Not Good Ad Imagery


A phone hacking ad for call management systems company Re-Tell has been banned by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority. Why? Becasue it shows the image of a woman from the backside with chains around her and a sign which reads, "Access Denied." The group ruled the ad as "likely to cause serious offense."

In the News reports, "The company explained that the photograph of the naked woman in chains was chosen because it was the 'most striking image available' when they entered the phrase 'access denied' into a search on a reputable photograph gallery."

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Policy, Racy

Woman Beaten on Chatroulette Look-A-Like


Latching on to the popularity of Chatroulette, Publicis France created a look-a-like video chat service, Do You Chat, that, for a few minutes, looks very much like the actual Chatroulette. That is until a wife beater-wearing dickhead walks in and begins to beat the crap out of a girl on camera. The work was done for Neither Whores Nor Submissives.

Following the beating, the chat window fills with:

> In this case, you can't help her.
> But if it happens to your sister, your neighbor or a friend, there is something you can do.
> Contact your local organization.
> Ni putes ni soumises, french organization against domestic violence.

It's a powerful message and it's delivered in a unique manner.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Good, Online, Video

Town Rebrands Tap Water As Luxury Water


Lahti Aqua, a modern descendant of the waterworks of the city of Lahti, turned 100 this year. To celebrate a century of providing clear, quality water, Lahti Aqua wanted to change the perception that people around Lahti have of their "regular" tap water. The ecological goal is to lower the usage of bottled water.

Lahti's water is said to be of better quality that bottled water. Supposedly, it's the cleanest tap water in the world. The water is tested daily, because the Heineken group brewery Hartwall uses the same water to brew its beer. Hmm. That's not really saying much but who are we to judge?

The "brand" designed a water carafe and gave it away free to restaurants and cafes in Lahti. Here's the story.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Strange

Game Maker Bites Politician in the Balls


Well what's more funny than a pompous politician getting his nuts bit by a dog? Well, a lot actually, but this bit from NAMCO for Dead to Rights featuring "MP Duncan Gurney" talking about violent video games is perfect for gaming's target audience: adolescent boys who obsess over bathroom humor. Oh, and everyone else who like to see a dick get his due.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Strange, Video, Viral

Apartheid Recalled in 2010 FIFA World Cup Commercial


Unless one was there, one can't really imagine what life was like in South Africa during Apartheid. But Wieden + Kennedy hopes to bring one fact to light. During 30 years of imprisonment, political prisoners, including Nelson Mandela, on Robben Island formed a soccer league. And that fact became the genesis of a commercial for the 2010 FIFA World Cup on ESPN.

ESPN Marketing Director Seth Ader explains the campaign saying, "Our goal with this spot is to educate people about the historical significance of the World Cup being played in South Africa."

The initial spot will be followed by four other which will roll out prior to the start of the World Cup on June 11.

Kind of powerful when you take it all in.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Stark Expo Exhibitor Accutech Will Help You Lift Your Coffee Cup


Now this is funny. Not because it's actually funny but because it could become our reality. What with the proliferation of technology and the tendencies of people to enjoy living in an Idiocracy, this Stark Expo spoof featuring a company called Accutech, while totally fake, isn't far off from a very possible future.

After all, who really enjoys "performing repetitious ergonomically challenging tasks" such as, oh , lifting a coffee cup to one's lips?

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Promotions, Spoofs, Video

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