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And to Alltel, a Good Night


Lame headline? Sure. But let's not focus on that. What's better than using Fred Willard in this new Alltel spot from Campbell-Ewald? Better than not using of elves and reindeer in yet another Christmas spot? The move to a 1-year plan with FREE, I said FREE, LG Touch. No big deal except the industry has been gouging people with early termination fees for a long time. It's only reluctantly adopted the current system where ETF fees drop $5 a month over the length of contracts. (Didn't keep Verizon from doubling theirs.) Spot below, after the jump.

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by Bill Green    Nov-17-09    
Topic: Commercials, Television

Want Faster Download Times? Move Overseas


Truer than you know, Optimum online users. (Just check other countries' times against the U.S. Parts of Europe seem appear to offer four times the speed for half the price.) I digress however. Duval Guillaume points us to new print showcasing Telenet's broadband offering, after the jump.

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Campaigns

The Little Red Chair That Could


Space Chair. Not since Dennis Hopper stood on the little bastard has a chair gotten this much attention. You can see the making of here and the rational behind it, but basically Grey London wanted to do something that reinforces the Toshiba ethos of innovation and using technology in ways others don't. So, why not float a chair 98,268 feet and record it with hi-def Toshiba cams as the highest recorded commercial evuh! (That's 18 miles high kids--space begins at 62.)

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Commercials, Television

The King Takes Up Office Space--in Brazil


The King hits Brazil and no office is safe. Sure it's not in English, but grabbing your boss' ass is universal. In spot two, always amp up teens and give them a Ferrari. *awaiting beach thong/banana hammock spot next* (Crispin haters, save the emails, Ogilvy Brazil and Hungry Man did them.)

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Commercials, Television

Waaaa, But It Doesn't Sell Gum, Waaaa

Shooosh. It reinforces Orbit gum's clean a dirty mouth premise by using "street" artist Goons to clean up... the streets. It's cool. Watch it. Then say hi to agency Evolution Bureau for coming up with it.

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online

Because The French Play Scrabble Too


Mattel's Scrabble along with Ogilvy and Wizz Paris bring the game's classic wordplay to life in a series of new short film animations. The press release says UGC, but, vraiment? Hmmm. That's some pretty tightly animated UGC. Everyone else? C'mon, admit it, you know you do shit like try and make senary a double-word score with fard. NOW TRY IT IN FRENCH. (My fav so far is Road of Wonders below.)

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Consumer Created

Detroit--We Have Less Layoffs Than Those "Other" Guys?


Sorry, just trying out a headline or two. As part of a project to live in and report from Detroit for a year, Time Inc. asked five local ad agencies, to come up with ads answering the question: Why would anyone smart, young, and creative move to or stay in Detroit? why Detroit is a good place to live. Crowdsource that vote now before the ads run in Fortune next week. Two thoughts: 1) Too bad Time Inc. didn't ask residents who work for a living outside agency glass palaces for their ad ideas and 2) Cute how global shops are thought of as local! Ennyway, can you do better than these? Leave your lines in the comments-I know you will.

by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Announcements, Campaigns, Cause, Poster

A Marine Speaks, Brangelina Snakes, $1,000 Beer and a Greener NBC

- Spend five with this PSA, it's worth it.

- Friendly, enjoyable and good natured cash-back initiative--or riot

- Redskins will remain Redskins.

- Walk the Walk for Designism and bid on some cool artists' shoes.

- Surrendering to the Olympics.

- Calling all media all-star rock star freaks.

- At a $1,000 a bottle, drink this brew s-l-o-w.

- NBC goes green for primetime shows.

- It's about the Brangelina jewelery snakes people.

by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Announcements, Cause, Celebrity, Events

This Flu Season Got You Sneezin'?


From Boston Public Health Commission comes Ethan "Smizzy" McCoy and Talkin' 'bout the flu. You gotta love rap that works the word diarrea into the mix and includes outtakes along with Twitter and Facebook links. Kleenex on... the... mic. (Below.)

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Announcements, Policy, Television

Joe Jackson Sells Out--One More Time


(Not, Michael Jackson's Joe Jackson either, freaks.) Guess it wasn't for a "limited time only" seeing as it ran last year--and then again this weekend. I hadn't seen this Taco Bell spot then so why not post about now, and open/reopen the debate about selling out. As one blog comment summed it up:

"Actually, f*** the Gordita, Joe Jackson's new album Rain is mind-blowingly amazing. Check it out, and forever ditch the Taco Bell."

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by Bill Green    Nov-16-09    
Topic: Commercials, Television

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