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Pilgrims Get Sexy Makeover in Muscle Milk Thanksgiving Video


Teachers, hide your students! The traditional Pilgrim is about to get a deliciously sexy makeover by Jason Reed for Muscle Milk. In this video, we are treated to a far less than staid Thanksgiving as dinner turns into a hip-hop rap fest.

Entitled Sexy Pilgrim, the video was created by San Francisco-based Pereira & O'Dell and turns Thansgiving into something our forefathers never would have imagined.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Good, Video

Canon Plays Digital Version of Freeze Tag


Likening action photography to a game of freeze tag, a group of people were given Canon cameras to use in a game of photographic freeze tag. The result, using many of the photos, is this new commercial directed by Saman Keshavarz.

There's not much more to say about it other than we like it.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Commercials

If Honda's Choir Sung With Helium...


Back in 2006, Wieden + Kennedy created a Honda Civic commercial which had a choir provide the sounds for the car in the ad. It was an amazing feat. Not as amazing as the Honda Cog commercial but much more amazing than this knock off for the Alfa Romeo Mito which is being seeded as a viral.

It's not very funny which is sad becasue everything that involves helium should be funny. Sadly, the singers in this commercials look like Alvin and the Chipmunks in church.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Bad, Video, Viral

Your Blackberry Storm Will Kill You With Lightning


We're not quite sure a brand would associate themselves with life-threatening lightning but McCann-Erikson New York has chosen to for Verizon's Blackberry Storm 2. Of course, the lightning in this commercial isn't really killing anyone. Rather, it's giving birth to the new Storm. That not so minor detail wasn't exactly clear to us at first. Then again, we've been known to be a bit dumb hen it comes to stuff like this. Kinda like a Verizon Dumb Dad, actually.

Anyway, our press contact wouldn't be happy if we didn't mention Digital Domain was behind the CG work in the commercial and "did a huge amount of ground augmentation, added CG smoke and post-explosion debris, created an entirely CG Blackberry Storm 2 phone, and provided on-set CG supervision."

Check out the work here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Commercials

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Method Trashes Dow's Horny Scrubbing Bubbles


In the most hilarious cleaning product commercial in recent memory, Method has some fun with Dow's Scrubbing Bubbles. Of course, they don't mention Dow by name but it's clear who's being referred to in this ad.

After fifteen seconds of gleefully shinetastic, but nauseatingly realistic scrubbing bubble commercialism, we see a woman enter her shower only to be confronted by a gaggle of horny bubbles who leer at her and beg her to clean herself in front of them.

It's all part of Method's support for the Household Product Labeling Acts which, ostensibly, would make Dow Scrubbing Bubbles look like a can of acid compared to Method's more natural approach to cleaning.

And yea, this witty little commercial caused a giant kerfuffle.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Strange

Anti-Cancer PSA Backfires, Makes Prostate Cancer Blob Likable


These are the most idiotic ads we've seen in a while. So cancer is bad, right? Of course it is. We should hate it and want to beat the shit out of it. Which is exactly what a bunch of guys do in these PSAs from TBWA\Chiat|Day. The trouble is, as AdFreak points out, is that the poor prostate cancer blob in these ads is almost likable in a cute stuffed animal sort of way.

So when the guys gang up on him to beat the crap out of him, we almost wish the police would show up and slam these guys down on the hood of their cruisers and twist their arms up into cuffs.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-20-09    
Topic: Cause

Allie Sullivan Wears Bunny Ears in Campaign to Socialize Playboy


So I spent four days on a cruise ship with a bunch of social media types. The cruise was informative and fun and you can read about it here. I spent a lot of time with Allie Sullivan who I've worked with in the past when she was at PETA and the Humane Society. She always tipped Adrants to many of those organization's ad campaigns, various marketing stunts and social media efforts.

On the cruise, she told me she hopes to land a job at Playboy which is seeking a Social Media and Audience Development Manager. Hmm. A girl running Playboy's social media efforts? Does that mean Playboy will end up looking like this and Hugh will have to start tweeting about Playboy's position on the objectification of women?


While Playboy certainly does a great job helping men engage in a particular form of personalized social activity, the organization could use some help engaging with with people on a broader level. To, you know, really cement the notion there are actually people out there who read Playboy "for the articles."

OK, OK. While it's apparent the only Playboy tweets anyone will care about are the ones pimping the latest centerfold or the Girls of Social Media features, the organization could certainly benefit from some transitioning away from Hugh Hefner in pajamas as its image.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-19-09    
Topic: Social

Matthew Lesko Snubs Ad Agencies, Hands Money to the People


If you've ever been to an ad conference and seen some dude walking around in a question mark suit or have been assaulted by one of his websites online, you've had the pleasure of seeing Matthew Lesko. He's one of those infomercial/make money online types that, despite the fact they do make tons of money, really get underneath the skin and cause some serious cringe.

Lesko launched Information USA 30 years ago to make people aware of un-advertised government programs that had millions of dollars to help people find work, get training, pay tuition, help with housing, launch businesses, pay for prescriptions and get government contracts. To promote his company, Lesko has spent millions on television advertising and has used ad agencies to help with his campaigns.

Now he wants to give his money to the people rather than an ad agency. He promises to pay five dollars to anyone who visits and joins My America Benefits Plan. Of course, to get the five dollars, a person has to sign up for the program, pay one dollar and then receive five dollars back. no surprise there.

Of course, it's all to make Lesko more money. No secret there. But hey, who doesn't want five dollars? Seems like a lot of work to get it though

by Steve Hall    Nov-19-09    
Topic: Promotions

Social Media (And Rick Springfield) Set Sail on Carnival Destiny


For four days beginning last Thursday afternoon, 60 or so "social media types" boarded the Carnival Destiny and set sail for Cozumel Mexico. The journey was dubbed SocialFresh Cruise and it's goal was to bring together people and ideas. The cruise was organized by Social Fresh, an organization founded by Jason Keath that puts on conferences for marketers involved in advertising, PR, SEO, PR, brand development and, of course, social media. It's also the "conference that comes to you" in the sense most of its conferences take place in smaller markets such as Charlotte, Nashville and Tampa.

Handling the actual cruise details was CruiseDeals.


While there was much sun and fun (it was a cruise after all), for two of the three full days aboard the ship, we attended about eight hours (four each day) of session given by Chris Brogan and many others on topics ranging from personal branding to SEO and everything in-between.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-18-09    
Topic: Industry Events

Smooth Jazz Lures Buyers to Honda Accord Crosstour


Of there new commercial for the Honda Accord Crosstour, RPA offers, "'Instruments' relies on atypical, pronounced polygonal animation and rhythmic music to showcase the all-new Honda Accord Crosstour, a modern alternative to the SUV/CUV category. Noteworthy music, a remix of 'Fever,' helps the spot reveal how lifestyles and experiences, as well as the stuff needed to facilitate these pursuits, fit completely into the Crosstour.

In plain English, it's a decidedly different car commercial. We like it's laid back minimalism which makes the point the car has a lot of room to carry whatever you need it to carry without getting all over wordy about cubic feet and crap like that.

To create the animation in the commercial, RPA worked with Santa Monica-based design studio Elastic.

by Steve Hall    Nov-18-09    
Topic: Commercials

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