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AT&T Slammed in Spoof Spot


AT&T is dreading the day its iron-clad, exclusive contract with Apple expires allowing Verizon to carry the phone thereby causing million upon millions of iPhone owners (yes, they'll likely need a new phone) to switch from ATT&T to Verizon all on the same day.

This spoof spot by Pat Lee gleefully craps on AT&T for it's terrible service, dropped calls and general crappiness. Sadly, it's unlikely ATT&T will be able to get its shit together before Verizon steps in causing, perhaps, one of the biggest cell service defection rates of all time.

If only Verizon would just buy AT&T then we could all stop worrying about this crap and go back to using our phones instead of bitching about them.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Spoofs

When the Payoff Doesn't Live Up to the Build Up


So we're watching this commercial and thinking, 'Hey, this is pretty cool. It's got to be for some really great, kick, ass new product." After all, who'd go to the trouble of filming and producing a Chinese Olympic closing ceremony-style extravaganza if all they were selling were rooftop solar panels.

Uh. Oops.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-09    
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Good

Zappos Orgasms, Mr. Six Back, Bono Double Dips


- A little overexcited Zappos fun courtesy of Meg Ryan.

- If you care, Spike would like us to know who the top ten ugliest rappers are.

- smashLAB's Eric Karjaluoto tells us about Blair, a newsletter with "strong insights for design studios on how to avoid begging for work."

- Six Flags' Mr. Six is back and we love him. Oddly, some don't.

- Check out Buffalo Wild Wing's new Night Hunger Monsterizer.

- Bono is a co-founder of Elevation Partners which put $435 million into Palm. He also shills as pitchman for RIM's Blackberry. Hmm. Conflict of interest?

- CustomAdArt lets advertisers post jobs on the site detailing the image they want and how much they will pay for that image. Photographers then compete to create the best image. Have at it, people.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-09    
Topic: Racy

Ducks Gone Wild on Beancast


Bob Knorp's Beancast always pulls together and interesting group of people. On this week's episode were Angela Natividad (yes THAT Angela), George Parker from Adscam and Greg Verdino from Crayon. No sooner had the three got on the phone with Bob before Angela and George managed to devolve the pre-podcast call into a discussion of rapist ducks, the SEO value of Paris Hilton and obscene activities performed on plastic ducks.

The rest of the show is just as great. All kinds of great commentary on Amazon buying Zappos, Target as taste maker, Walmart bludgeoning suppliers for more ad dollars and Twitter ability to generate $48 million worth of media coverage for itself without lifting a finger.

And in classic form, George talks about getting drunk no less than three times in the first 15 minutes.

And poor Bob. The editing must have been pretty difficult editing out all the times George cursed. Oops, you missed one, Bob.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-09    
Topic: Brands, Podcast, Social

Dunk Slam That High Five Shake!


Awkward. You've experienced the moments. When a friend or an almost friend or a business associate made a sports-related quip and, well, got it entirely wrong. In this DDB Vancouver-created commercial for KidSport BC, a community based sports-funding program that provides grants for children to participate in a sport, the importance of sports in a child's life are highlighted. Sadly, the poor "kid" in this spot definitely missed out on some of the basics.

The campaign includes two commercials and eight radio spots which will begin airing July 27.

by Steve Hall    Jul-26-09    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Good

Wait. What? Ad Prices Are Going Up?


Last week, PubMatic released a study which found industry ad pricing levels have increased 35 percent since the beginning of 2009. Pricing for ad inventory sold through indirect channels such as ad networks and ad exchanges has increased every month, gaining 47 percent since the end of January.

The study reports that while 2008 experienced record lows in online ad pricing, 2009 has shown consecutive ad price growth for every month this year ranging from 3 percent to 15 percent per month. You mean Santa will be bringing presents this year? Please, say it's true.

by Steve Hall    Jul-26-09    
Topic: Research

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