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Love Mad Men? Then There's An Event For You


If you love the AMC television show Mad Med, then you'll love the week of August 10 in New York City. There's a long list of promotional events going on leading up to the debut of the series's season three premiere, Sunday, August 16.

There's Drink Like A Mad Man at the Hilton August 10. There's The Golden Age of Advertising projected on the side of the Museum of Arts and Design beginning Wednesday, August 12. There's New York Mets Gone Mad August 14 during the Mets/Giants game.

Check it all out here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-31-09    
Topic: Cable, Events

The Sappy Marriage Proposal Never Gets Tired


So someone sent us a message which read, "Not sure if you're the sensitive sappy type but here's a link to the extended version of a new TV campaign we just finished for Robbins Brothers Engagement Ring Stores."

OK so reading Adrants might not lead one to believe the people behind it (in this case, me) have anything but vindictive bones in their bodies but they would be wrong. Are we jaded? Yes. Are we temperamental? Yes. Are we unfairly bitchy from time to time? Yes. Are we like a playground will of wise ass little shits with nothing better to do that sling mud at one another and call each other names? Yes.

But, believe it or not, we are not insensitive and we are close to the biggest sap out there. After all, we cried during Sandra Bullock's film, The Proposal. Yes, we really did.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul-31-09    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Opinion, Video

Mudd Jeans Magically Dress You in the Morning


So yea, don't you always wake up all hot-looking like this with your clothes magically dressing you all by themselves? Apparently, it's business as usual for the woman in this Mudd Jean commercial.

And when you walk to work, you strut like a model coming down the catwalk, too, right? Every office contact is a flirtatious event and you absolutely own the nightclub when you go out at night. Right?

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-09    
Topic: Commercials

Dick Cheney and Tupac Attack Fashion-Challenged Chicagoans


Beware Chiocagoans. Do not get caught walking the sidewalks wearing bad fashion lest you get jacked by Dick Cheney and Tupac. OK, so it's not really Dick Cheney and Tupac but it's a team of guerrilla-style fashion police from apparel brand Fashion Geek who accost people on the street dubbed to have less than a clue about fashion.

At points, it gets pretty violent. Hence the giant disclaimer at the end of the video. So...this is how we sell clothes now?

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Guerilla, Strange, Video

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'Naked' Girls and Pudgy Dude Strut For Guitar Hero 5


So this video, Naked Girls Interrupted, had everyone abuzz yesterday. Sexy, Sexy. Sexy. Yes, sexy. That is until the guy shows up. In the video, we see four naked women...and the guy...strut their way down the street as song titles appear over the black bars that are blocking out the naughty bits. It's all for the upcoming release of Guitar Hero 5.

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-09    
Topic: Racy, Video

Insurer Hides, Comedians Fight, Interns Pimped, Mobile Explained


- Some insurance companies will do anything to avoid paying a claim,

- I guess if you like Paulie and Dawn, you'll like this video.

- Ten Portland ad agencies are pooling resources and sharing talent to launch the second year of the ground-breaking COLABORATORY internship.

- Into mobile media? Here's and insider's guide to planning and buying mobile media

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-09    
Topic: Agencies, Commercials, Mobile/Wireless, Strange

Fit More in Than Ever


As if preparing for some sort of orgiastic, possibly food fetish-related, house party, the people in this commercial gleefully get dirty as fast as they can in order to make it to the party. Once at the party, it seems we're witness to what appears to be doggy-style exhibitionist action with aforementioned people looking on and cheering as a couple get closer to, well, it's not what you think.

Hey. Whatever turns you on.

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Racy, Strange

Contrite Boyfriend + Gaming Remote = Chocolate Disaster


The ladies will understand this one. The men, not so much. Well, the stupid ones, that is. So here we have a guy promising to spend more time with his girlfriend, telling her how he doesn't want to lose her and offering up a gift just to make everything alright.

Of course, it's the wrong gift and the poor guy loses all the points he was building up while buttering her up.

Watch and learn, men. Watch and lean.

by Steve Hall    Jul-30-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Body Parts Candied, Charter Cures Idiocy, Graduation Hijacked


- Be very wary of the kid who's mastered the art of turning important body parts into Fruit by the Foot.

- Yawn. American Legacy is still recruiting people to work for big tobacco companies.

- We have Charter Communications to internet access but we haven't transformed from an idiot to an employee of the month. Hmm.

- Mullen Creative Director Edward Boches outlines the seven thing Alex Bogusky should blog about.

- So what do you do when you're worried your movie won't be a hit? You pay a high school girl $1,800 to say she loves some guy she doesn't even like during her graduation speech.

- We got this box in the mail too. Didn't write about it at the time. Probably should have. Not a bad stunt.

- When your office building's revolving door doesn't work, don't call maintenance. Call the agency that created the marketing stunt.

by Steve Hall    Jul-29-09    
Topic: Agencies, Commercials, Guerilla, Promotions, Social

The Things That Catch Your Attention in Your Inbox


When you're cruising through your inbox to rid it of the few items your spam filter missed, pointless newsletters you never signed up for, Nigerian-style scams (which, sadly, still make their way through) and shockingly unrelated press releases and you stumble up one featuring an image of a woman bent over with her head in a box and wearing nothing more than heels, and underwear, you do sort of pause and wonder, "Huh? What the hell is this for?"

OK, that was a long sentence. Anyway, this email is from The Observer's Very Shop List and it's all about improving your summer wardrobe with a visit to Rue La La, a "a private two-day sales boutique of the most desirable designers at 30-80% off retail prices."

Have at it.

by Steve Hall    Jul-29-09    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Direct, Racy

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