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Remember the Svedka Fembots? Now You Can Become One


We're written a lot about Svedka Vodka and their fembot-based ad campaigns. For the most part, they've been good (to be sure, you'll have to check the archives). We've even begun drinking the stuff. Why? It's half the price of Grey Goose and just as good. At least we think so.

Anyway, the folks over at uber-awesome Barbarian Group, working with Oddcast, have put together the Svedka Bot Builder which, after uploading your face (from your computer, your webcam of from Facebook) and choosing what you want your bot body to look like (and even give it a drink to hold), lets you to turn it into an IM icon, a widget, make an e-card or send if to Facebook.

by Steve Hall    Jul-29-09    
Topic: Brands, Games, Online

Yes, You Really Do Need Underpants For Your Hands


This is just too funny and ridiculous not to point out. So yea, the style of wearing fingerless gloves is not a new thing but we're pretty sure we haven't seen "hand underwear" or Handerpants before. And they have more uses than anyone could imagine. Why, we have no idea but the commercial seems to think they'd be quite useful to night bloggers, twitterers, old people, ninjas with delicate hands, graphic designers, wolfmen, British sitcom stars, dungaree inspectors, jerks, geniuses and more!

We now returned to our regularly scheduled programming.

Thanks a lot for tha commercial break, Matt.

by Steve Hall    Jul-29-09    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Explosively Expletive Expelling Executive Calmed With Purity Juice


No doubt we've all overheard, been on the receiving end of and even delivered a tirade such as the one the man in this McCann Erickson-created commercial for Purity Organic delivers. Oh it's got it all. Every single swear word in the book (bleeped out, of course) complete with impending head explosion.

It reminds us of some of the worst bosses we've ever had. And the best ones too. Especially when you're on the bosses side when he's delivering one of these beauties.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Movies Save Us From Summer's Annoyances


Well who knew summer could be such a challenge? It's suppose to be all warm and fun and adventurous and outdoorsy. You're supposed to take trips to the ocean, the mountains, the park, go for a hike, have a picnic and generally suck up the lushness of it all.

Well, the two poor souls in this clip just can't seem to get their summer groove on. That is until they make their way to the safety of an air conditioned movie theater. Yes, UK movie site, Focus wants us to forget those romantic walks on the beach, those hikes in the woods, those second dates at undiscovered restaurants and...a make our way to the dark confines of a movie theater.

Hey, it's not all bad. Sometimes the movies are even good.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09    
Topic: Good, Video

Some Campaigns Conceptualize Themselves


Ice cream excites people. Cake excites people. So why over think an ad concept that's trying to ride those two pieces of knowledge? Cliff Freeman & Partners didn't when they created this :15 for Baskin-Robbins featuring the "Ice Cream and Cake" song by Miami-based DJ crew the Buckwheat Boyz, also famous for their hit song "Peanut Butter Jelly Time."

See? Sometimes simplicity just works.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Really. Working at A Financial Services Company is Not Boring


Believe it or not, this is a recruiting video for a a trading company. You'd think a job in a place like this would be all serious and stuff but, if we are to believe what Optiver Trading is telling us, the place is one wild ride. We're not quite sure if it's a good ride or a bad one. Boxers, no. Acupuncture, no. Chocolate cake, yes. chocolate cake with...ew...no. Interrogation, no. Hot chicks sitting on your lap, yes. Not so hot chicks sitting on your lap, no. Roman soldiers holdong you hi, yes. boobs in the face, yes. Strangulation, no.

Yes, working at Optiver is no picnic. But it sure is dynamic and interesting. LAVA Communications created the video, along with eight others, on this YouTube channel.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09    
Topic: Good, Strange, Video

Being Nice Will Kill Young Creatives


It's true being nice just to be nice doesn't help anyone. In fact, according to this video for the Denver Ad Club, it can cause a person to drown. Of course, no one in advertising is ever nice just to be nice. In fact, going into advertising offers the perfect platform for a person to rip the shit out of another person and toss it of as simply "critiquing the work."

But anyway, the Denver Ad Club wants young creatives about NEXT, a portfolio-building program designed to bluntly inform people what's working and what isn't in their portfolio.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09    
Topic: Industry Events

Sprint Talks, TNT Cons, Jack Black Goes Viral, Roehm Works


- We just love the fast-talking data stream of these new Sprint commercials.

- The University of Colorado is launching a new school called Boulder Digital Works, in partnership with Crispin Porter + Bogusky, MDC Partners and Hyper Island (top digital school in Sweden).

- Like TNT's Leverage? Then you'll like the Jetset Studios-created online promotion, Con Your Friend.

- Jack Black thinks Jelly Bean will be the next viral sensation. Uh, no.

- OMG! Julie Roehm has a job!

- If only Olympus camera really did have camera lenses that could shoot as wide as these ads imply they can.

- Stupid.

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09    
Topic: Events

Possibly the Happiest Bank Campaign Evar


When was the last time a bank campaign made you feel all giddy and happy? Never? Well you might feel that way after viewing these three spots (here, here and here) for Regions bank created by Luckie & Company. Along with Crossroads Films and director Wayne Isham, the campaign latches on to recent research which finds the U.S. personal savings rate has gone from negative in 2008 to 6 percent today. Hence, Regions is there to give people's savings a home.

Along with the three spots, the campaign includes online advertising, a new microsite, redesigned ATM screens and a branch makeover.

Must have been an interesting gig for Isham. "Now hold that can up, shake it and dance." Over and over and over and over and over...

by Steve Hall    Jul-28-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Online, Point of Purchase

Even Adrants Thinks This Campaign is Gratuitous


Huh? Did we just write that headline? Are we now going to launch into how the use of sexual imagery is gratuitous, after having defended it (sort of) for years? Yes we are. Why? Not becasue sexual imagery is a bad thing. No. Not at all. But because this particular campaign leaves one with a giant, "You're selling what to who?" disconnect.

Copyranter found a New Zealand-based campaign for Widex hearing aids which employs "a naked hussy and a tattooed, tasseled tranny (I think)." Yea. Seriously.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-09    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Racy

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