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Finally, a Place in the UK Where Racy Ads May Live.


The United Kingdom's got this really anal government body called the Advertising Standards Authority. Based on citizen complaints and its own yardstick for appropriateness, it's banned everything from nightmare-inducing Marmite ads to blasphemous haircare messages to mundane (but deceptive!) mascara spots.

But agency envelope pushers, take heart: the UK's FIVER network is working with Celador Productions to launch The Sexy Ad Show, a six-part send-up of some of the "raciest, most politically incorrect and barely-broadcastable adverts to [emerge] from ad-land."

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-12-09    
Topic: Promotions, Television, Trends and Culture

Become a Mastermind in Advertising.


Ontario College of Art & Design puts Masterminds on the pedestal in this complex formula composed of the Executive Masters of Design in Advertising.

"Learn what it takes to be one of the greats."

Look closely and see if you can find Bogusky, Gondry and Mary Wells. There's also the Google guys, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, and ... wait a sec ... is that Herbert Krabel of Guerrilla Comm?

Fame, manifested in the subtlest of ways.

Ready to rock the school house? Check out Ontario College of Art & Design's ad man grad school curriculum.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-12-09    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Online

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