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Pancreatic Cancer: The Assassin with Flair.


"That's Dan. And I'm Dan's pancreatic cancer."

How do you even begin to take a pitch like that seriously?

I just love how, after describing Dan's untimely death with a listless "eh," Pancreatic Cancer looks out the backseat window and croons (with the most subtle of accents), "I have 35,000 other people to kill this year."

Blase, baby, blase. Unintentionally hilarious work by Gardner Nelson + Partners for the Lustgarden Foundation. Somebody needs to page Charlie Brooker and tell him to update his list.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-15-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Strange, Television

Just Because It Doesn't Love You Doesn't Mean It's Defective


Think adopting a Russian teenager is hard? Try taking home a shy yet obstinate pet.

In these Saatchi & Saatchi spots for Iams, Felicity Huffman selflessly reminds us that "the real reward in adopting a pet is when the pet adopts you." So don't fish for that return receipt just yet.

This is part of Iams' Home for the Holidays Adoption Drive. It was only supposed to last through the holidays, but it fared so well that Iams thought, What's the harm? If it sells more munchies...

See dog ad and cat ad. Oh, and more credits here.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Television

Facebook's Whopper of a Sacrifice, Polygamous Secrets, GOOG Slims Down


- Facebook shuts down Burger King's "Whopper Sacrifice" app, which offers users free Whoppers after they de-friend 10 people. The data-sharing giant treated the app as a privacy breach.

- Google shafts 100. Dodgeball will be no more; Google Video will cease taking uploads in a few months' time.

- Paris-based Havas is splitting CEO duties between COO Gabriel Saenz de Buruaga of Madrid, and CSO Anthony Rhind of London.

- How advertising works.

- Got a secret, but can't be bothered to make a postcard? Contribute to Big Love's web of secrets. Note that each secret you enter endorses polygamy. Kidding. Maybe.

- Get a load of Obama's beast.

- Oh nooooes, renting a movie is just too hard for some.

- The Social Path lists emerging careers of 2009.

- MTLB's gas-related wisdom.

- Eyewear for the poor.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-15-09    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Online, Political, Promotions

Pfizer Wages War Against Unregulated Drug Trade


"Get Real, Get a Prescription Advert" is an ad Pfizer UK put together to discourage people buying prescription drugs from unofficial websites. The Langland-developed work is nauseatingly convincing.

The ad will run in 600 movie theatres nationwide until March. It was put together in response to recent research that found one in 10 UK men buy prescription-only drugs from unregulated sources per year.

Aww. Think of all the money not filtering into Pfizer's pocket.

In all seriousness though, around 50-90% of medicines sold illegally aren't actually what they claim to be -- which served as the muse for this spot.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-15-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Television

Skittles Loses the Plot.


In the latest of its "_______ THE RAINBOW, TASTE THE RAINBOW!" ads, Skittles gives us the perplexing "Tailor." In it, a guy gets measured for a suit in front of three mirrors, each of which reflects a man of a totally different ethnicity. (One viewer felt this approach represents the "different perspective" each mirror brings to your life. Uh ... hrm.)

Anywho, one reflection pulls out a pack of Skittles and starts poppin' them. "Wait. I'm not eating Skittles," the customer protests, at which point the tailor starts shouting at the reflection in Thai.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-15-09    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Slendertone Will Make You Blow.


Check out "First Time," the first-ever online video attempt by a company called Slendertone.

Put together by Publicis, the video depicts individuals, couples and groups either grinning or standing around uncertainly -- before their faces explode with either alarmed or joygasmic expressions.

The ad leaves you to guess what Slendertone actually does, but especially curious users are invited to visit slendertone.com, where all is revealed.*

Until you actually go out of your way to do that, however, you'll probably be standing around going, "It's a vibrator, right? Or an orgy-inducing party game?"

Probably doesn't help that at some point, the feel-good background song exclaims, "I'm about to blow, yeah!"

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Online, Strange, Video

Brandy, You're a Fine Girl, But Scurvy -- er, the Sea -- is Calling.


In a set of prints put together by THE REPUBLIK/Durham, boat manufacturer Wellcraft Marine Corp. appeals to salty sea dogs by emphasizing the rugged freedom and independent nature of life on choppy water.

o "Nothing tastes better than freshly outsmarted fish." (At left.)
o "Bowlines moor boats to docks. Windor knots moor men to desks." Ooh, seaman pwnage.
o "You've never been seasick. Bet you've been landsick a few times though."
o "You wouldn't be caught dead with a fruit in your beer. Unless, of course, you were dying of scurvy."

Each bears weathered-looking imagery, a Wellcraft logo and tagline, "The Boater's Boat."

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine

Doritos Narrows 'Crash the Super Bowl' Finalists Down to 5.


Having long ago concluded it never has to finance another agency-produced ad EVER AGAIN, Doritos announced the five finalists of this year's "Crash the Super Bowl" contest. They are:

1. "Free Doritos," Joe Herbert, Batesville, IN
2. "New Flavor Pitch," Oren Brimer, New York, NY
3. "Power of the Crunch," Eric Heimbold, Venice, CA
4. "The Chase," Chris Roberts, Burbank, CA
5. "Too Delicious," Michael Goubeaux, Los Angeles, CA

Impressively, they all share Doritos' abrupt frat-boyish brand persona. Almost like they were made by guys cut out of the same mold but of varying degrees of funniness.

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Durex Knows About Your Balloon Animal Thing.


We all hit an age where our innocence is lost and we should be kept away from balloon animals at all costs.

Know why? Because, given the opportunity, we'll grab two and make them hump each other, either out of boredom or to entertain other co-eds whose brains haven't fully developed yet.

Capitalizing on this sad phenomenon, Durex gives us its latest online vid, which Superfad CD Robert Rugan creatively dubbed kama-balloon-animal-sutra.

"When you get the chance to create 'kama-balloon-animal-sutra', everyone involved gets really stoked about pushing the boundaries as much as possible," Rugan beamed.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange, Video

Human Rights Ain't Much without Human Intervention


Here's an Amnesty International ad that depicts footage of ordinary people sticking their noses where they don't belong -- and stopping injustice, sometimes even death, as a result: a guy in a colorful button-down shirt throws a door open to free prisoners, a pregnant woman leaps in the way of a beating, a girl in a velour tracksuit takes a rifle from a young child.

Gotta say, we felt pretty nonplussed by the ad until we saw the kids with rifles, blowing smoke out of their nostrils and shooting into space.

The message? "Individuals can make a difference." The track is Until the Day is Done by Michael Stipe. Work by Mother/London.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause, Online

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