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Little Guy Pokes Fun At Big Guys' Phone Tree Hell


While it's hardly new for a telecom company to set itself apart from their more impersonal competitors by promising attentive, responsive personalized service, Gyro International has found a fairly (we say fairly because we know one of you wise asses is going to dig up some old campaign that did a similar thing, sling in our face and tell us we suck at providing advertising news) unique, simple and humorous way to do just that for client VCOM Solutions.

Using nothing more than a visual of a telephone keyboard and an annoyingly witty operator voice over, Gyro has delivered a simple message simply. Now whether or not VCOM actually does anything better than the big guys is another story entirely,

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Good, Online

Guitar Hero II to Provide Entertainment During Chicago ad:tech Show


Now this ought to be good. If you were even remotely considering attending the ad:tech conference at Navy Pier in Chicago July 31-August 1, there's something that just might solidify the decision for you. We've all been to various industry events and parties where, for whatever reason, co-workers eventually find themselves on some stage doing some strange thing providing endless humor and enjoyment for everyone in attendance. And, no, we're not talking about Arnold's Boston office pole dancing at a recent Christmas party. Though it might be interesting to see what all the booths babes would do if a giant pole appeared in the middle of the exhibit hall floor.

more »

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Games, Industry Events

CIMA to Host Official ad:tech Chicago Party


On Tuesday evening following the first night of the Chicago ad:tech conference at Navy Pier, the Chicago Interactive marketing Association will host the "official ad:tech party" at Fulton's on the River beginning at 7PM.

If you are a speaker or on the ad:tech Advisory Board, there will be a reception for you beginning at 6PM following the last session of the first day of the conference. The reception will be held in the Grand Ballroom Balcony Lobby, South Side, 2nd level.

Surely there will be many more events packed into the evening and we'll let you know about them as soon as we have the scoop. That is if you care and if you'll be there.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Industry Events

Don't Drink and Drive Message Delivered Without Blood and Gore


Heeding the results of recent research which finds young men don't believe all those horrific drunk driving crash ads becasue they never get that drunk, London's Department for Transport has launched a new Leo Burnett-created commercial that leaves the crash test dummies and dramatically heart wrenching approaches behind in favor of a bartender who spews forth imaginary advice from all the people in a guy life who simply wanted a beer.

As opposed to fear of death, this commercial uses fear of guilt as its vice Fear of losing one's license. Fear of explaining that to parents. Fear of jail time. Fear of embarrassment over having to explain all this to those in one's life. While we're not sure all that would go through our head prior to ordering a beer, the message is certainly a a more practical and relatable one.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Tequila With A Deer on the Label Tastes Better


Brent Terrazas points to a strange DavidandGoliath-created commercial for Cazadores Tequila in which a Mexican man envisions the creation of the perfect tequila. For inspiration, he "gazed into his agave fields" and saw...Russian ballet dancers....and a lot of other things. Finally, he sees a deer and that becomes his inspiration and the tagline for this commercial, "The one with the deer on it." Not your normal tequila marketing for sure but a very smart implementation of brand differentiation...even it is just about the label.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Ophelia Fancy Turns Tennis into Contact Sport

This is a little old but it begged for coverage. For tennis players who never felt the cotton polo was sufficiently breathable, lingerie brand Ophelia Fancy will help you get scandalously skimpy for the next match.

Hey, it's hard to find a decent costume that doesn't come out of a plastic Halloween tote bag. And with Ophelia covering our dress-up fetishes (with pasties!) and Hot Milk keeping expectant mothers delectably scant, there's really no excuse to go on a-porting your favorite cotton boy shorts, is there?

by Angela Natividad    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Packaging

Red Bull Plasters Field Near Gatwick With London Air Race Banner


To promote the Red Bull-sponsored Air Race in London, a 120,000 square foot banner, designed by Ministry of Experience, was painted on the grass just 150 below where passing aircraft enter and leave Gatwick airport, the country's second largest. It took 1,230 liters of paint (biodegradable, of course), seven people and 210 man hours to create the message.

by Steve Hall    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Outdoor

H&M Invades the Nearly-Obliviated Sims


Because Second Life is getting too competitive (or not), H&M goes back to where vicarious cyber-living began: the Sims, in a Fashion Stuff Expansion Pack for Sims 2.

We nearly forgot the Sims existed.

Check out H&M Sims trailer. It makes shopping almost as tiresome as it is in real life. Maybe the physical experience would be funner on a runway. Or maybe we're digging too deep and the truth is that all experiences are just funner on coke. Is there coke in Second Life?

by Angela Natividad    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

Blood Bank Draws Blood While You Sit There, Watching


Adverblog drew our eyes to this video for Banc de Sang (the Blood Bank), a Catalunya-based org.

While watching the video we got that tense "dude, what are we waiting for?" feeling, ever aware that the red time bar at bottom was elapsing rapidly. The ending was a nice surprise. Great demonstration of the medium being incorporated into the message.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Cause, Good, Online

Harry Potter Kicks iPhone's Ass, Buzzwise


Perhaps because of the recent novel-leaking scandal, Harry Potter buzz has exceeded the iPhone in spades. Get this: over 4 percent of blogs of late reference Harry Potter in some way.

Is it that serious? Is it? Is it? Perish the thought, says GP. And while we'd love to blow X amount of hours reading the nearly 700 pages that comprise this latest and last masterpiece of JK Rowling's, well, the spoilers convey all the critical stuff faster. Plus, we've still got a bunch more HP movies to sit through. Why ruin the wizard's cinematic potential with that pesky (always, inevitably, better) literary version?

by Angela Natividad    Jul-24-07    
Topic: Trends and Culture, Word of Mouth

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