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But Alltel, Wireless Guys Aren't Geeky; They Wear Pomade, Like You


Brentter was recently sent the latest iteration of the Alltel Wireless ad series, which improves upon the earlier set by adding more geektacularity to the personalities of its wireless competitors.

We agree that the new series is better (the "we could learn to be archers" reference in this acknowledges films-gone-geeky like Lord of the Rings and Napoleon Dynamite), and the campaign's definitely drawn the roving eyes of friends seeking to change wireless plans.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Mobile/Wireless

Smirnoff Taps Pure Spring Water, Alcohol For Source


When we first started watching this JWT-created, Koichiro Tsujikawa-directed commercial, we thought we were watching one of those $40 per bottle spring water ads but no. It's an ad for Smirnoff's new Source vodka (well, sort-of vodka in that light, wine-cooler sort of way) which touts its key ingredients, alcohol and pure spring water. Well its nice to know Smirnoff is making a vodka that's made with nice clean crisp water but what about all the rest of their vodkas and flavored goodies? What the hell are they made out of? New York City tap water? Nice commercial but all it's done is made us wonder wonder whether or not we should ever buy another Smirnoff product...since, apparently, they're just made with plain old dirty tap water.

by Steve Hall    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Commercials

Billboard Purism, Calgary Promotes Gwangyang, AOL Buys Tacoda


- Christiania Spirits is hosting a billboard competition. Finalists will be judged on the company's guiding principles known as Purism. OK then.

- A recent ad in the Economist promoting South Korea's Gwangyang as a business center used the Calgary skyline to do so.

- AOL has plans to acquire behavioral ad network Tacoda. The company will use Tacoda's targeting capabilities to improve its advertising offering.

- On the eve of Saatchi's new red pigtail guy commercial, Improv Everywhere is staging a faux protest claiming the ads unfairly represent red heads.

- AdFreak says Microsoft's new Live Derby 2007 game which promotes Live Search doesn't do much more than prove Microsoft is uncool and is still good at crashing.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Consumer Created, Magazine, Online, Outdoor, Strange

Under Armour Taps the Boom Boom


We missed the July 15 launch of Under Armour's Boom Boom Tap, it's new commercial targeting the young female athlete they like to call the "team girl." With Boom Boom Tap, Under Armor hopes to see similar success it saw with Click Clack, the marketing slogan for its football cleats which netted the company a 20 percent share of the market.

Focusing on the aspect of team play, the commercial, rather than focusing on a single sport, focuses on soccer, field hockey, softball, hockey and lacrosse. The Boom Boom Tap part of the commercial was born from the sound made during a huddle break. What? Were you expecting some lame-ass, less-than-witty commentary on boom boom tapping? Not this time.

by Steve Hall    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Ice Cream Truck Songs Perch High on Nouvelle Culture CD Collections


There is something deliciously clowny and fragile about the ice cream truck songs developed by Michael Hearst for his aptly titled solo release, Songs for Ice Cream Trucks (sample at Wired).

When we were kids, ice cream trucks had maybe two songs in circulation and an angry turbaned man at the helm. These tracks bring playful innocence to the otherwise-jaded profession of hawking ice cream on the streets of 'burbia. How the world is changing.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Good, Radio, Trends and Culture

Girls With Mops. Only in Japan


Girls. Plaid pleated school girl skirts. Knee socks. Mops. Yes, that last one is correct. Only in Japan do you find these wonderfully odd combinations. Apparently, it's to promote a television drama called Life. All this courtesy of Flickr user antjeverena.

by Steve Hall    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

You Mean Ads Can't Stretch the Truth?


The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has just burrowed into L'Oreal's ass for the use of false eyelashes in an ad for its Telescopic Mascara, a product that promises to make your lashes "up to 60 percent longer."

The ad features Penelope Cruz, who sported the illicit hairs. According to the ASA, the ad should have made it clear that the actress was wearing falsies. L'Oreal claims this is "common industry practice" - just as, we imagine, all of these conventions are.

Since when are we playing Nazi to the (unrealistic?) appearance of stars in ads? If we're going to unleash the dogs, maybe we should first address the copy writers that come up with lines like, "Imagine, lashes that could reach for the stars."

by Angela Natividad    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Policy

Blue Q Brings the Boobie Back to Tubevertising


Imagine the worst of '80s music, the most transparent of body-builder come-ons and a never-ending infomercial merged into a bikini-sporting ad campaign.

We're not really sure what else to say about these Blue Q spots by Mother, except that they feel a little like a sensory molestation. Or you know that feeling of violation you get when somebody puts a finger in your belly button? More like that.

We would like to try some of that Irish accent breath spray, though.

Hunk and Babe variations here. And we'd be asses if we forgot the Sexy Music Video.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Video

HBO Voyeur Draws Idle Eyes into Dollhouse Worlds

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These spots for HBO Voyeur, developed by Jun Group in tangent with BBDO, made us feel more than a little nervous about what might be going on upstairs.

In this dollhouse menagerie, a family man is having an affair with the girl upstairs. And while we may not see all the details, the security cam does.

Two more here and here.

It's not totally clear what's happening in all of them but that's supposedly part of the fun of being a voyeur (until somebody tries to kill you, like in Hitchcock's Rear Window). The HBO Voyeur site also leads users to thestorygetsdeeper.com, which is essentially a bunch of people on a forum going on and on about how mysterious this all is.

They do have extra bits on the storyline though, which makes things peripherally more interesting.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Good, Online

Cardboard Robot Brings Tin Man to Life in Streets of LA


Stardust Studios' Neil Tsai directed a new project for the Cardboard Robot art collective, a street art group led by Mason Brown.

Granted, the world doesn't need another jaded street art society, but we do think it's cool that the man-versus-machine discourse has come to factor into creative play on concrete avenues.

The result was filmed in downtown Los Angeles and onstage at The Source. It's an industrialist's Alice in Wonderland.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-25-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Trends and Culture, Video

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