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Bright House Hunts Down Asterisks


We're not sure why a company would position itself as an asterisk hunter when, in fact, it's impossible to run a company, or anything for that matter, without certain ground rules, terms, conditions and guidelines but broadband company Bright House thinks it's asterisk-free and wants to celebrate. So, who are we to stop a company that wants to have some fun with the annoying asterisk found in so many advertisements these days. Here's their Fry Hammond Barr-created commercial and here's the Asterisk Hunter website.

by Steve Hall    Jul-17-07    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video

Team Italy Wins Nokia Nseries Young Creatives Competition


OK, then. If this semi lame-ass thing won the Nokia-sponsored Young Creatives Competition recently held during Cannes, we really don't want to spend the rest of the day viewing the other 19 finalists. Huh? Did we just trash the work of up and coming creatives? Indeed, we did. But, don't listen to us. After all, they only had a tiny little Nokia Nseries camera to work with and zero budget of which to speak. The videos documenting the competition are more interesting than the actual work. Especially the Team Finland video during which the interviewer asked whether or not the team was in disguise when, in fact, they were simply dressed in the usual goofy, wannabe garb most creatives don the world over.

by Steve Hall    Jul-17-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Strange

It's A Fembot. It's A Blu-ray Promotion. Nah. It's Just A New Razor


Oh no! On no! Please no! Not again. Not another multi-bladed razor. Can't Gillette and Schick just give it up? Of course, we have no idea if this teaser video on YouTube claiming to be "the new face of male shaving" has anything to do with the next six-plus facial razor craze. More likely, it's some new fangled Shave Everywhere-like device destined to rid the male species of even more unsightly body hair.

by Steve Hall    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Video

Yellow Stickies Got Our Intern A Job In Advertising


A former Adrants intern just found her first full time job in advertising and wrote to tell us how she got the job.

"Hey there. So after the awesome internship with you guys, my friend Tim told me he just got a job at an agency and, just like you always said, practically all the work he does has to do with sex. So you know I've only been out of college for a while and all I've been doing is clubbing, drinking and fighting off guys who only want me for sex :-) Seriously! What's up with that? It's not like I have a sign on me that says, 'Free orgasm. Insert here!' I mean, you know I'm nice looking but still! That doesn't mean any guy can just climb on top of me, groan like an animal for 60 seconds and then just roll over. I mean come one. I have a college degree! I'm not just a repository for a guy's pent up urgencies whenever his need arises.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Spoofs

Celebrities Make Noise For Amnesty International


What do you do when you want to call attention to Amnesty International's Make Some Noise human rights campaign? You get a bunch of celebrities doing strange things to make noise, of course. After all, that's what they're great it, right?

by Steve Hall    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Video

Sour Skittles Proves Cows Aren't the Only Species Which Need Milking


We, along with Make the Logo Bigger, are sure most farmers who walked bleary-eyed into the milking parlor at 5AM and found this guy hooked up to an automatic take off machine and eating a candy bar, they'd run back to the farm house and ask what the hell their wife put in the scrambled eggs this morning. But not this farmer. Nonchalantly noting his milk product is sour, he thinks it's fine some seen-him-before-but-can't-place-him actor is hooked up to the milking machine while eating Sour Skittles. He just wish he wasn't eating Skittles. Weird, yes. Funny, definitely.

by Steve Hall    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Podcasting to Get Boost From Association of Downloadable Media


OK so podcasting has been around for like ever, right? So why haven't all the big brands jumped in? Because big brands don't like the unorganized wild west-like world of the current podcasting space. A new new trade group, the Association for For Downlodable Media hopes to change that bringing organized standards and metrics to podcasting making it easier for standards-loving, established brands to easily jump in.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Podcast

New Zealand: Big Tummies Are Never OK, Even if They House Fetuses


AdFreak drew our attention to this wee controversy in New Zealand, which is up in arms on account of Hot Milk, a lingerie mag for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Images of preggy ladies wearing the racy panties have been dubbed "soft porn" by some.

Jasus. It sucks to be swollen-footed and hormonally out of wack. Do you have to wear parachute underpants and tablecloths too?

by Angela Natividad    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Magazine

Danica Prettifies Face of Motorola


Now that all the Danica hype has cooled, Motorola, fashionably late, slaps her on her very own MOTO DANICA billboard, which reminded us less of Motorola and more of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

If a Motorola-branded Danica Power Ranger did exist, we hope its (presumable) drag-racing powers would be slightly more dependable than Motorola's mobile phone prowess, because if not, that would be a major case of RAZR burn.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Outdoor, Sponsorship

Even Shoes Can Be Weapons of Change. Or Not


We thought we'd seen the last of the (oft spoofed) (red) campaign but on the streets of New York, the red plague remains alive and well.

It made its most recent appearance in this Converse ad at left, touting (red) products as weapons of change. For those who can't read the blurry photo, the ad says, "Buy (Product) Red stuff. Join the movement. The time is now. Do something."

For a bold headline like "Weapon of Change," that follow-up entreaty leaves much to be desired. The only thing we feel genuinely compelled to do is trash the copywriter who put that desperate string of sentences together.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-16-07    
Topic: Bad, Cause, Outdoor

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