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American Apparel Out of Racy Ad Ideas


According to Copyranter, American Apparel has run out of ideas. No longer toying with masturbation, foot fetishes or witty word play, the retailer is left with nothing but women bending over while wearing tights. Comparatively, this recent ad is so tame it could almost be mistaken for and American Airlines ad.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Racy

Forget Obama Girl, Giuliani Posse Girl Tops Bootylicious Chart

When we viewed the latest Obama Girl video in which she squares off against a trio of Giuliani Girls, we, of course, enjoyed watching Obama Girl, the beautiful Amber Lee Ettinger, shake, twist strut and generally amaze us with her beauty. But, every so often our eyes were distractingly drawn to one of the ladies in the Giuliani posse who seemed to curvaceously jut outward in every direction. With each bend of the hips and thrust of the chest, seemingly impossible curvaceousness filled the video as if Amber Lee weren't even present.

A little digging reveals the woman to be none other than former WWE Diva and model Rebecca Dipietro who does, indeed, posses amazing curves and isn't afraid to show them off. Anyway, as you know, it's probably just us and non one else suffered this distraction from the beautiful Amber Lee but we thought we'd make you queasy by sharing because, well, we like to emotionally mess with our readers.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Racy, Video, Viral

Those Foreign Lyrics Sure Are Catchy


They say music is the universal language. It moves us similarly no matter what language we speak. It breaks down cultural barriers caused by language and political differences. This family, enjoying a nice car ride, has been infected by a catchy tune on the radio that's appealing to both mom and dad as well as the kids. Give it a listen. But, catchy as the tune is, you would be well advised to listen with headphones on or the volume down.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Curbing Extremities, Y! Personals Oozes Casual Confidence


Imagine for a second that dating sites are people. There's something to be said about a dude that just seems comfortable in his own skin as opposed to one that's constantly changing tacks.

Ad text on this simple Yahoo! Personals piece reads, "If you're ready to settle down, but not ready to grow up ... then you're ready to meet someone on Yahoo! Personals."

Simple. No boob-tacularity or cock jokes. No cheesy love hook or douchey common interest talk (the ad equivalent of "Hey baby, what's your sign?").

And it works.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Online

Australian Virgin Mobile Campaign With Flickr Photos Stirs Debate


There's a storm brewing over Virgin Mobile's use of a Creative Commons-covered photographs from Flickr users in a recent Australian print campaign. While Virgin Mobile clearly notes in the ads, created by Glue Society, where the photographs came from, some are concerned the people in the ads should have been given the chance to sign a model release and the Flickr users and photographers should have at least been asked permission to use the photographs.

With everything just a right click away, the issue of fair use, attribution, copyright or whatever name you want to apply, is a slippery slope indeed. Three days ago, one Flickr user who, apparently, has legal connections says he's sent a cease and desist letter to Virgin Mobile but has not yet received any acknowledgment regarding the letter. Flickr users, including the older brother of one of the girls who appears in one of the photos, are debating the issue here.

We've contacted Glue Society for comment and will report any response we receive as soon as we receive it.

UPDATE: Following an avalanche of complaints, Virgin Mobile has canceled this campaign.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Consumer Created, Policy, Social

Cause Branding is Cool, Just Don't Forget the Cause


I'm pretty fascinated by this campaign YouthNoise has been conducting alongside Virgin, which uses mobile in ways that are creative, considering its challenges.

To raise awareness about teen homelessness, the company put together a 46-part novella via text message. Every day an opt-in teen received a couple of texts a day that continued the story. And at the end of the campaign, the more emotionally involved got to make contributions to the ending.

Considering the subject matter, the novella was popular, but sort of a buzzkill. In retrospect, Ginger Thomson of YouthNoise said she wouldn't conduct that same campaign again with such a sad story.

Can you imagine throwing open a magazine full of bummed-out models that seem to hate life? Oh wait, most of them already look like that.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Cause, Events

Folgers Sponsors Coffee-Induced Heart Attacks


We just can't get enough of this stuff! We love it when computers are left to do the work of humans because, well, computers are dumb and dumb nets dumb no matter how much the things try not to be dumb. Ah yes, our favorite whipping boy, contextual advertising, has risen his ugly head once again in a ad for Folger's coffee directly next to an article about hoe coffee could trigger the first heart attack in some people.

Oddly this story is dated August 15th so either there's some time travel going on here, this thing is a year old or it just came up in a Yahoo News search. No matter. It's still fun to witness idiocy in action.

by Steve Hall    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Online, Strange, Worst

The 'Teen Life' Category: a Tribute to Marketers' Ability to Swallow its Own Hype


A Tuesday YPulse session dubbed Totally Wired: Life seemed unable to decide whether it was dissecting Gen Y or seeking a restraining order from it. I managed to extract the following interesting points from the discussion:

* Every kid from middle school on down never knew a world without internet access
* Every kid from college on down never knew a world without video computing

The moderator noted, "[Technology for them] is natural, it's part of their DNA."

I don't know about all that, but it was a very poetic statement.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Events

YPulse Drops Hard Knocks from the New School

The Totally Wired "New School" consists of web 2.0 movers and shakers, many of which aren't much older than me. (Think Zuckerberg - except he's not here.) Check out the details here, under "The New School."

Generally speaking, they make me ass-bitingly jealous. But onto the meat of things:

David Birnbaum of Takkle says the media partnerships your wee company develops are critical to its future. Don't just hunt down a big name to piggyback; you have to consider whether your brands are a logical fit.

To illustrate, he points to his company's relationship with Sports Illustrated, the magazine you read when you're into sports but too young to buy Raider Girl calendars yet.

Takkle videos are highlighted within the magazine. Sports Illustrated ain't small-time, but that's beside the point: it shoots for the same demographic as Takkle, with the same strong sense of team-spiritedness and values. This kind of logical pairing is way more effective than just stapling yourself to a big-name brand and hoping to ride the wave.

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by Angela Natividad    Jul-19-07    
Topic: Events

Simpson's Bazaar, Disco Dreams, Eyewonder Calls, Mops Orgasm


- In the ever expanding quest to make sure every inch of media space contains some elements of its campaign, the Simpson's Movie campaign has hit the pages of Harpers' Bazaar.

- Grow Interactive has created Disco Dream Ride, a site which promotes Lance Armstrong's fan club and the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team. Visotors can webcam themselves and affix their heads to character on the site Trailer Crashers-style.

- Eyewonder has launched a Click-to-Call feature or its rich media ad units.

- Naked people, cock rings and orgasm mops get it on for Method cleaning products. These are the ComeClean people.

- The "world's most boring movie" is supposed to promote paint. We think not.

- Here's the full length Obama Girl vs. Giuliani Girl video we tipped last week.

- First there was Diet Coke and Mentos. Now, there's Carlsberg and Mentos. And it's bad. Really, really bad.

by Steve Hall    Jul-18-07    
Topic: Magazine, Online, Racy, Tools, Video

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