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Help Sell Rum, Channel a Fruit


By gad, can it be? Why yes, it can! It's another CGM contest, this time for Malibu Rum's new Tropical Banana. All you have to do to win the cash prize is artistically interpret Banana Boat's "Day-O," made somehow less potent in a remix by DJ RJD2.

Be quick, yellow comrades - deadline's mid-June.

Hooray for acting like an ass on camera for cash. Though to be fair, if somebody handed us a check for $25,000 for dressing up like bananas and gyrating to a bad remix, we probably wouldn't drum up any angst. And if there's liquor in the deal (there would have to be), better still.

by Angela Natividad    May-14-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Promotions, Video

Call Him Stinky McStinkFace. While He Stares, Nut-Kick Him.


Salty prose can only say so much. Sometimes you have to shuffle the cards a little, keep 'em guessing, pull out some mild-mannered nonsense dressed up like fighting words and observe: a bemused, uncertain audience becomes your oyster.

Because that's kind of what happened to us when we watched this Orbit ad.

Energy BBDO, Chicago put together The Affair to show even the most scuzz-tacular situation can be relegated back to sterility with Orbit gum.

We're itching to run outside and call somebody a Hoboken, just at random, while shaking a fist in righteous indignation. Throwing a shoe might be kind of awesome too, but we'll see where the feelings take us.

by Angela Natividad    May-14-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Television

Nothing Encourages Pursuit of Happiness Like a French PSA


We do love a good French PSA in the morning.

Shedwa pokes us in the direction of a couple of French AIDS awareness ads admonishing watchers to "live long enough to find happiness. Protect yourself." The message is typical but the ads certainly aren't (unless you're comparing them to this. Aren't the French awesome?).

See both versions below.

o "Baby Baby" (the straight one):

o "Sugar Baby Love" (the gay one):

more »

by Angela Natividad    May-14-07    
Topic: Best, Cause, Commercials, Online, Racy, Television

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