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Coke and Youtube Team Up for vGreetings


There's nothing sweeter than a holiday pairing between a monolithic moniker and the scruffy new brand whose platform lies in user appropriation of copyrighted material.

Yet somehow Coke and Youtube make it work for their "wishcast" vGreetings, a touching dual effort to spread goodwill among mankind.

Send video greetings with Coke-oriented staples of Americana like the polar bears. And if that's just not your hype, maybe a greeting from Youtube personality Geriatric1927 is. Big ups to nalts for pointing this in our direction. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-11-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Video

PUMA Has Hipster Orgasm or Breakthrough Moment of Cool


We can't decide so we're going to ask you to help out. London-based production company created a promotional video for PUMA featuring BBOYS that's making the film festival circuit. We're told it's to support the relaunch of PUMA States. Take a look at it. We're having a hard time deciding whether this is actually something deserving of the label "cool" or if it's just another brand having a hipster orgasm.

by Steve Hall    Dec-11-06    
Topic: Brands, Video

Survey: Should Julie Roehm Have Been Fired?


With all the news and analysis last week regarding Wal-mart's Julie Roehm, let's get down to the most important issue at hand. Do you think Julie Roehm should have been fired? Take a quick yes or no survey here.

by Steve Hall    Dec-10-06    
Topic: Agencies, Research

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