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Adrants Offers Marketers 'Fake Blog' Apology Service


Since so many clueless marketers such as Coke, McDonald's, Walmart and others seem to have tremendous difficulty accepting the fact people absolutely hate being tricked and duped online and can't seem to manage the backlash properly, Adrants, today, has launched the Fake Blog Apology service. For any marketer who finds themselves at the mercy of forum freaks, blog purists and righteous cause group watchdogs, we promise to create a public apology devoid of marketing and PR babble that is contrite and actually reflects the honest acknowledgment of your idiotic mistake. To take advantage of this important, face-saving service, send an email to idiot@adrants.com. You'll be in good hands.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Announcements, Weblogs

Spoof Says Brown Zune Better Than iPod


Apples commercials have been spoofed for decades but most of the spoofs have always favored Apple. This spoof, though, which compares Microsoft's Zune to Apple's iPod, clearly favors Microsoft and makes a big deal out of Zune's one button song sharing feature.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Spoofs

Second Life Lets Would-Be Creepies Live Out Fantasies


You can do what on Second Life?! That was, and remains, our reaction when we discovered you can role play rape in the back alleys of the commerce-friendly virtual wonderland.

Apparently even Second Lifers can't do the rounds alone after dark. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Bad, Games, Online, Racy, Strange

Carat Fusion Knows True Meaning of Christmas


Carat Fusion is injecting a bit of common sense into the out-of-control agency Christmas card trend and rather than trying to create something that's funny or cool or witty that just comes off as dumb, the agency has created something that refelcts what Christmas is all about: giving. The agency's Carat Fusion Holiday Cookie Maker lets visitors decorate gingerbread cookies. For each cookie decorated, the agency will donate $1 (up to a limit of $5,000) to Save the Children. Now that's a Christmas card.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Online

Marketer's 'OMG, Check This Out!' Emails Lame, Advice Offered


Alphamonkey, editor of Transbuddha, has some strong words for marketers who think they need to throw a veil over their lame "check out this cool site" emails that flood the email boxes of those of us on the editorial side of things. We couldn't agree more. Alphmonkey writes, in part, "Don't treat site editors and bloggers like they're dumb, and we won't immediately consign your e-mails to our ever increasingly vigilant spam filters. If you (and your client) think your site is mierda caliente, then have enough faith in it to provide us the details we want. Who built the site? Who is running the campaign? What other campaigns go with it? That information won't tank a campaign, I promise." Marketers, please heed that advice. Work with us. Don't treat us like idiots.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Opinion, Viral

Petition Says Marketers Start Christmas Promotions Too Early


Whether she's trying to drive readers to her blog or develop business for herself doesn't really matter. What does matter is Lotus Child's (yes. apparently, that is her real name) effort to stop marketers from beginning their Christmas promotions too early. Claiming promotions beginning in November and October are just too over the top, Child has created a petition called Take Back the Holidays. So if you think we're getting overzealous with our Christmas advertising plans, head over to the petition and check it out.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Online

Wal-Mart And Twelve Days of Christmas Save Etiquette Blunders


While everyone's embroiled in the Wal-mart/Julie Roehm debacle, the retailer is still out there pushing its wares. With a holiday theme including the singing of The Twelve Days of Christmas, the Jason Reitman-directed spot illustrates perfectly what it's like to show up at a party empty-handed and how Wal-mart can convert you from loser to sophisticated party-goer in the length of time it takes to sing a Christmas carol.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Actor Peter Boyle Dead, Chick-Fil-A Dreams, Ageny Overdoes Holiday Effort

- Cynopsis reports, "Peter Boyle, who portrayed the often cranky father in the CBS comedy Everybody Loves Raymond, died Tuesday in New York after suffering from multiple myeloma and heart disease. He was 71 years old."

- Does this agency do any client work or do they sit around all year creating Christmas card videos?

- Chick-Fil-A has released a Ames Scullin O'Haire-created commercial promoting the SEC vs. ACC rivalry.

- We're reading George Parker's Madscam. We like it. We're not done yet but one YouTube user has and has published a video review of the book.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity

People In Need of an Intervention Convinced Bahamas Will Cure All


Hmm. These four news commercials for the Bahamas are both dumb and funny at the same time. To urge vacation-hesitant weirdos to consider the Bahamas as a destination, the spots center around a "Bahamavention" during which very weird stuf happens and people are converted into Bahamas vacationers. Is it just us or is that Bahamas logo strikingly similar to various versions of the Microsoft Windows logo?

by Steve Hall    Dec-13-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Sara Lee Skin Care Campaign Releases Bravia-Style


Sanex, the Sara Lee body care brand (wait, don't they make frozen cakes?) is working with PR agency immediate future to release a European commercial Sony Bravia-style. The agency has set up a site that will follow the creation of the ad which involves "over 100 bodies imitating skin cells." We've been promised updates as the campaign develops and we'll share them with you, good or bad because, as you know, criticizing something can be as much fun as praising it.

UPDATE: Oops. Someone forgot to tells someone something. The ad's already out. So much for the sneak peeks. It aired in Denmark in November. We'll still share any goodies regarding the production of the ad if they are of any interest.

by Steve Hall    Dec-13-06    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Online

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