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More Dog-Oriented Holiday Fare


Agency T3 wishes us a "happy doggone New Year" on pup-friendly holiday cards with corny wordplay along the lines of "click here for more, dawg." Upon selecting a dog you see a little video and are invited, among other things, to see its balls.

All in all the cards are all right, no more pointless than dog judo or dogs licking their balls to holiday music. You know, people get really fucking weird about dogs around this time of year. No, they don't even get weird; they get creepy. What's that about? - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-15-06    
Topic: Online

Samurai Kittens People Invite You To Look In Santa's Pants


COG1 takes a pause from bloodying kittens to deliver What's in Santa's Pants, a confusing, slow-loading site for Fuse TV. Guess what's in the pants of a pervy Santa perched between a contentious elf and a Russian ... hooker? Muse? Cookie-baker? We don't know why she's there aside from making eye candy and strained comic relief. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-15-06    
Topic: Cable, Games, Online

Beer Bottles Bring Christmas Spirit to Union Station


Who needs chimes or bells to create Christmas carols when you have beer bottles instead? Yes, Amstel has come up with an inventive promotion that fits perfectly with the holiday season. In New York's Union Square today, a group of carolers delivered holiday tunes by blowing on beer bottles filled to various levels to make the right sounds. Giving something back while selling. Nice.

by Steve Hall    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor

Pinar Lets Silverware Speak for Themselves


Givenchy once said something about how elegance can always be found in the simplicity of a straight line. We totally slaughtered that. In any case, we think the philosophy is well-demonstrated in this ad for Pinar by agency Tempus.

The headline reads "Investment for flavour"; the body says, "Pınar, Turkey's 31 yeared flavour brand, is continuing to grow with your investments and add flavour in your meals."

We're not sure what they sell considering the first image we saw on their site was this one, which intensely perplexed us, but we'd probably buy forks from them. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Good, Magazine, Poster

Mia Hamm Expecting Kicking Duo in Spring '07

Hurty Elbow nudges us over to an odd ad for a Mia Hamm interview about the twins in her tummy. The image gave us a somewhat disturbing mental picture of twin knee-sock-wearing socker players kicking like crazy in the leathery interior of their soccer ball mum. "These babies can kick!" says the cheery-as-hell 34-year-old legend.

Weird. But we're fond of Mia because she did those cute "anything you can do I can do better" ads with MJ before he got lame. So congrats on the pair! - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Magazine, Strange

Yahoo Makes Gives Shleps Everywhere a Shot at Photojournalism


Because actual Amazon-braving, dysentery-getting, foxhole-hovering journalists don't have enough to bitch about already what with crappy pay and self-entitled bloggers, Yahoo! fuels the fire with You Witness News, a beta service that magically converts any kid on the street with a camera phone into a paid member of the photojournalist elite.

The idea has potential considering a guy with a camera phone fully recorded the unfuckingbelievable horrors of that UCLA student tasing incident awhile back. We'll see where it goes. In any event, it'll be fun to watch the sparks fly among the watchdogs of the profession. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Social

Apparenly Seasons Can Have Blogs Too


If you thought the blogosphere was limited to hipsters, cool-hunting businesses and 12-year-olds, you were horribly wrong. Winter (yes! That most frigid of seasons) just started its very own blog, Winter is Cool. Guess we couldn't have named it better ourselves...

And to push its right to the 2.0 pie, it's got an agency too - AgencyNext out of Massachusetts. Read an interview with the strangely defensive season here. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Strange, Weblogs

EU Trashes German Pipe Dreams


On Tuesday the European Court of Justice smashed Germany's attempt to challenge a law banning tobacco ads in the EU. Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou adds sting to the blow: "We now expect Germany to finalize the adoption in its national law as soon as possible, just as other member states have done."

This comes shortly after the decision to ban smoking in some public parts of Germany, following France and Spain.

Once among the most puff-puff friendly of continents, Europe's caught the anti-smoking bug. Someone noted "trying to walk down the street with a cigarette now lends an experience akin to racist reactions in the '50's."

A small salute to Matt at Caffeine Marketing for bringing the news to our attention. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Policy, Social

Wal-Mart Fumbles Post-Julie, Loses GSD&M


Looks like the belle of the big-box ball is losing suitors. GSD&M President Roy Spence states, "I want to thank Wal-Mart for inviting us to re-pitch the business. I have decided to decline. We helped build Wal-Mart from $11 billion in sales to $312 billion. We declare victory [...] and we are moving on."

January marks the end of the 20-year relationship and GSD&M is apparently stoked "about the prospect of chasing retail accounts that Wal-Mart's business long kept the agency out of."

GSD&M remain mum on all that Julie bullshit but there's little doubt the issue is an unsavoury contributor to the slicing of the cord.

Finalists from the previous review still running for the red-hot $580 million account include Ogilvy & Mather and Interpublic's Martin Agency. Roy's image at left courtesy of AdAge. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Agencies, Brands

P&G Tickles 2.0 with 'Men in Cramps'


Catch Up Lady fills us in on the mysterious force behind Men in Cramps: Procter & Gamble, differentiating themselves from other brands who try (hard) to get down with the viral crowd and ultimately fail.

"We simply didn't have enough women who knew about our menstrual product [ThermaCare], and had to find a new way to connect with them," says Tom O'Brien, associate marketing director for personal health care at P&G, Cincinnati. R&D reveals women lamenting "there was one group of consumers they would like to see understand more deeply what it meant to have menstrual pain -- men."

Well, they nailed it with "cyclical nonuterine dysmenorrhea." Big Pharma's been successful at inventing chronic ailments for so long it's only natural they'd hit a home run doing it as a spoof. Catch one of the ThermaCare ads with poster boy Dr. Fardel here. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Best, Campaigns, Online, Promotions

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