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Long Lost Hippies Promote World Peace With Global Orgasm


Found! Long lost hippies from the 60's! We always wondered where they all went and now we know. Well, at least we know where two of them went. Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell are co-founders of the anti-war organization Baring Witness which is all about peace...and nudity...and, well having a gigantic global orgasm. Yes, the two are behind Global Orgasm, an effort that urges the world to have a synchronis orgasm Friday December 22. Apparently, it's all to "effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy a Synchronized Global Orgasm."

Cue The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin and all those other hippies turned legit activists. OK so a lot of them are dead now for various reasons but you get the idea. It's the return of the hippie. The Internet Hippie. They've discovered they can get their message out to a whole lot more people using the Internet than holding signs, protesting and shouting their beliefs to angry cops. OK, OK, so their not the first cause group to use the Internet but just go with us on this one. So rather than lying to your partner saying, "you rock my world" after you embellish that recent orgasm, now you literally can rock the world by joining this movement. OK, movement is a bad word. Who wants to think about that bodily function when there's a more pleasureable one to be had. Oh wait. Some people like to mix the two. Sorry. To each his own. Have fun.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Racy, Strange

Those Burger King Xbox Games Are Out


Make the Logo Bigger sent us a promo video for the Burger King Xbox games we wrote about back in early October and even though we've hated that creepy King and bad product placements in video games, we're warming to the idea of video games that don't try to hide that fact they're all about advertising - as long as they're good. Besides, the creepy King seems to be much better suited to an appearance in a video game than in a video with Brooke Burke. There's a review of the game here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-19-06    
Topic: Brands, Games, Good, Opinion, Video

Videos Urge Exercisers to 'Remain Rigid And Release'


With line-walking gratuitousness and the single statement that sounds like it belongs in a masturbation tutorial, "remain rigid and release," these two promotional videos for Stuff 4 Dudes ever so euphemistically promote the site's offerings, Yoga 4 Dudes and Ballwork 4 Dudes. Sure, they're not the newest thing out there but they offered up FishNChimps, the guy who sent them to us, an enjoyable break from his mission of finding methods to help him achieve his 2007 resolution: weight loss.

by Steve Hall    Nov-19-06    
Topic: Promotions, Racy, Strange, Video

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