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Tobacco Company Involvement With YouTube Smoking Videos Pondered

CMM News points to a Sydney Morning Herald article which calls to our attention the odd proliferation of videos on YouTube that show women smoking. Now that wouldn't be so weird except for the fact that in many of the videos, that's all they're doing: glamming on the cam while puffing away seductively. Sydney University School of Public Health Professor Simon Chapman viewed many of the 27,000 smoking-related videos on YouTube and while he acknowledges the videos could simply be an innocent social phenomenon, Chapman also wonders whether it's a clandestine effort by tobacco companies to promote smoking's cool quotient.

While tobacco advertising in America has been severely limited, it's been completely outlawed in Australia since 1992. Whether or not any tobacco company is behind this is likely to remain a mystery. A Philip Morris rep neither confirmed or denied involvement in with the video and said the company adheres to local laws and Internet advertising to minors should be banned. YouTube declined to comment for the story. While we find it hard to believe tobacco companies have any involvement in this and there's plenty of not-so-glamorous smoking videos to back up that belief, stranger things have certainly happened regarding this industry's marketing efforts.

by Steve Hall    Nov-21-06    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Social, Strange, Trends and Culture, Video

Campus Bicycle Rides, Facebook Group Promote Credit Card


Pop quiz: What gets 29,000 college students to sign up for a credit card company's loyalty program in a four week period? Free bicycle rides around campus. That's right. Working with Trashtalk! Outdoor (gotta love that name), financial institution Chase placed branded bicycles on 17 college campuses and offered students rides from 9A to 3P while urging them to sign up for a Facebook group where they could enroll in Chase's credit card loyalty program. Now that's way more fun than getting handed a boring flyer while passing by the student union, right?

by Steve Hall    Nov-21-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions

Tide Moves Outside Laundry Aisle


Tide demonstrates how white it is by marketing in the milk aisle. Very clever. Whether it's effective is another story. There's something weird about picking up a box of powdery white soap when you're in milk mode. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Outdoor

'Turistas Go Home' May be Underhanded Anthem


Here's an interesting ad for the film Turistas which comes out December 1. So soon after the other anti-tourist film Hostel, we're guessing there's a growing distaste for obnoxious half-naked co-eds traveling the world. The billboard's mild urban terrorist style is also disturbingly appealing. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Poster

Yahoo Mail Launches E-mail Championship


Because there isn't enough geeky stuff in the world with its own championship games, Yahoo! Mail in conjunction with Poke London have decided to launch an E-mail Championship to determine the world's best e-mailers. The object is to position Yahoo! as the choice of e-mail champions.

We're sure a pocket of people are going to eat this up. So if you type mighty fast and can communicate in hieroglyphics just as well as English, consider joining. It would be an awesome thing to tell your grandkids about when they're midway through joking about the reality TV phenomenon. We're sure it will really impress them. Really. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Online

Taser Companies Make CEOs Earn Paychecks Shock-Therapy Style


Inspired by the video of a UCLA student getting repeatedly tased by cops in the school library, which was too sadistic even for us, Ad Freak decided to research how taser companies hawk their wares. What they found was this video depicting Taser execs zapping the shit out of each other to demonstrate a taser's non-lethal but efficiently trauma-inducing capacity. "If only your boss showed this kind of commitment," Ad Freak observes.

We're guessing university cops don't test tasers on themselves before dashing out the door with them in the morning. If they did, they might discover it doesn't quite tickle - though we might consider getting tased ourselves if it means a mind-blowing settlement from UCLA and watching some dumbasses get fired. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Online, Strange, Worst

San Francisco's Most Beautiful Deficit Seeks Sponsorship


To offset an $87 million deficit, the Golden Gate Bridge is seeking brand integration relationships. Kevin Bartram of Sponsorship Strategies in Novato was hired to conduct a pre-sponsorship study and assist with raising funds. The name is not up for grabs, however, so for those seeking to rename it something really clever (like Rice-a-Roni Gateway or the Big Gay Arches), you will have to throw your money elsewhere.

There's concern about whether the number of suicides (over 1,200 successes and counting) will keep sponsors away. To jab at the money-hurting landmark's cry for financial aid, Hal Riney of Publicis & Hal Riney wryly notes, "Maybe they could charge 10 thousand bucks each and we could welcome [potential suicides]." - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Sponsorship

Saatchi Congratulates Toyota on Marketer of the Year Award


In just two short sentences, "Thanks for always pushing us to do our best. Then being brave enough to sign off on it," Saatchi says so much about the strength of a good agency/client relationship. At least until the client picks a new agency. The sentences appeared in an ad congratulating Toyota on being named Advertising Age's 2006 Marketer of the Year.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Good, Magazine

Corelle Greases Runway to Demonstrate Plate Durability


Dinnerware companies are known for neither sex appeal nor wit, but Corelle shoots for both and gets at least the latter with an ad in which some models march down a runway holding plates unimpressively when suddenly the first model slips and falls. This is because Corelle has greased the runway to demonstrate that even if a model's ass breaks, their plates (which remain pretty ugly) will not.

You can take a look at the video here. We would have Youtube'd it but as you probably well know Youtube doesn't have jack since the copyright chill effect. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Television

Wommies Wanted, Gamers Slammed, Subservients Strip


- The Word of Mouth Marketing Association is hosting the Wommie Awards, an annual case study competition. The deadline for entry has been extended beyond the original Nov. 17 cut off.

- While the site suffers from long load times, EatBetterAmerica lets you submit fat-filled recipes for a allow-cal "recipe makeover." Just in time for Turkey Day. It's from General Mills.

- Like no one else can, George Parker wreaks havoc on Sony and all the other gamer idiots out there who think the PS3 is the second coming of Christ.

- If you liked Subservient Chicken but were angry the Chicken would never take his clothes off, here's yet another Subservient Stripper.

- Product placement in books continues to get more and more pervasive.

- Not everyone loves the new Sony PS3.

by Steve Hall    Nov-20-06    
Topic: Events, Games, Product Placement, Word of Mouth

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