Effective Email Marketing Tools for Beginners


Email marketing can be time-consuming, but the good news is that there are quite a few tools that can help you simplify and automate many aspects of it. Hence, here are the most effective email marketing tools for beginners.

#1 HubSpot Email Marketing

HubSpot Email Marketing is an entire marketing automation platform with a variety of features and functions you can use for digital marketing. One of the best things about it is that it allows you to create entire email campaigns while also performing one-off email marketing actions.

#2 MailChimp

Perhaps one of the most well-known email marketing tools currently available, MailChimp is ideal for anyone who is looking for a tool with a good track record. You can choose between a free or a paid plan and get access to numerous features that will help you create an effective email campaign.

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by Steve Hall    May-17-22    
Topic: Direct

Here are All the Elements You Need For A Succesful Digital Marketing Campaign


Now it's the 21st century. We live in the era of digital technologies, without which almost no one can do at the moment. Digital technologies make our life more convenient and easier. Difficult to find a person who does not use a smartphone or computer. With the help of these devices, we order food or clothes, buy cinema or theater tickets, watch movies and, of course, look for all the information we need on the Internet. If we do not know something, it will definitely be on the World Wide Web.

Today it is difficult to imagine our life without gadgets. Therefore, any modern company needs to understand the fact that now people find most of the information not on signs or banners, but in their electronic devices, such as a smartphone, TV or computer. And this means that it is with the help of these very devices that they will be able to learn about your company. If, of course, you promote your business in the right way and build a winning marketing strategy.

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by Steve Hall    May-17-22    
Topic: Tools

Content Repurposing: Why and How to Do It?


Many marketers incorrectly believe that repurposing content means jazzing up a blog with more relevant or evergreen data, and the rankings go up. If only life as a marketer was that easy, right?

It is, in fact taking existing content on your site, changing the format altogether, and getting two or three uses for it instead of one. So although it requires more thought, planning and execution to accomplish, it is still very much worth your while and will save you on the bottom line in due time.

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by Steve Hall    May-10-22    
Topic: Publishing

3 Secrets to Great Video Marketing Content in 2022

No marketer has any doubts about how valuable video has become. As a channel, it's a leading source for engagement. As a platform, it's an easy source for brand exposure. And as medium, video has a low barrier of entry -- all you need is a smartphone to produce content.

But for all of the optimism I just laid out, there are obvious obstacles that go hand-in-hand with each item on that list.

An engaging channel is great...but how do you gain (and hold) the attention of people instead of all the other channels out there? A platform that can attract new people to your brand is great too...but how do you know which specific video platform is most popular among your target audience? An easy-to-start medium can have great ROI...but how do you deal with the fact that most viewers expect polished, high-quality, well-edited, professional-looking videos?

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by Steve Hall    May-10-22    
Topic: Video

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Why Are Technical Support Services Important For Small Businesses?

Technical support services are necessary for any small business owner who wants to give their customers the best experience possible. These services must be reliable and effective, staffed with experts who can answer even the most difficult of questions, quick to respond to clients, and a company that will keep up with technological advances to stay relevant.

There are many benefits and a few things you should know before turning over your business's IT issues to technical support. Take a look at these pointers here to understand the important technical support service for small businesses:

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by Steve Hall    May-10-22    
Topic: Tools

Why Do I Need a Local SEO Strategy in 2022?


The digital marketing industry is consistently evolving because Google keeps on changing its algorithms to rank websites. As 2022 starts, many people are expecting developments in Google SERPs algorithms, while some even wonder if local SEO strategies are going to work this year. Digital marketing experts expect to see some significant changes in the local SEO for the betterment of their client's businesses.

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by Steve Hall    May-10-22    
Topic: Campaigns

5 of the Best Tips to Get a Job Using Indeed

Are you one of the millions of job seekers looking for a new career opportunity? If so, you've likely come across Indeed - one of the most popular jobs search engines on the internet. Finding a job can be difficult, but using the right tools and resources makes it a little bit easier. If you're looking for a new job, Indeed is a great place to start. In this post, we'll give you five tips to help you get the most out of your job search on Indeed. Keep reading for more helpful advice!

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by Steve Hall    May- 9-22    
Topic: Tools