Can we put these somewhere on the packaging?
1. Skittles may encourage kinky roleplaying behaviour. "Be a bike, baby, be my bike. And I will bring you to heaven."
2. Skittles may actually be steroids. They both start with S and they're also both plural. Hey, it's an easy mistake to make.
3. Skittles may lead to violent tearing-asunder of world-as-we-know-it.
These new ads for Skittles created by TBWA, Toronto made us not want to have seconds. Outcomes take a turn we don't want to make after the titillating first handful.
We much prefer the Little Lad with the little dance and the I-hate-life! expression. He was so tame in comparison. What happened to that guy?
Well here's some interesting commentary on stereotypes and suicide. As a hooded man approaches an elderly man who has just parked his car in a deserted rooftop parking lot, the elderly man cowers in fear the hooded man is about to mug him. Instead, the hooded man passes him by and heads for the edge of the rooftop as the elderly man realizes the ongoing scenario is much different that what he initially assumed. The spot is part of a British campaign calling attention to the fact suicide claims the lives of three men each day.
If you ever wanted to be on a reality show but refused to subject yourself to the idiocy of The Apprentice, Oxygen is giving you another chance with AdFight, a show that pits creative teams against one another to create a TV campaign for a national retail advertiser. Winners will have their work shown as part of the advertiser's campaign.
If you can spare 3-5 days at the end of June when filming begins, send an email to by June 8 to be considered. Check out all the details here.
Atlanta-based agency WestWayne has modified it website to resemble the classic 404 Page Not Found page. Humorously, yet very insightfully, the page reads, "The consumer you are trying to sell products or services to has been disconnected from your brand."
The page then offers suggestions such as, "Stop calling them consumers, they are people" and "Build a relationship with them and they will return the favor."
It's a daring move for an agency to make. To forgo all that Flashtastic, ego-driven drivel no one cares about in favor of a simple, straight forward message is truly commendable.
OK, we get that this VW Beetle commercial is supposed to somehow transcend the fact the thing's a car and is something far more...well...different but tagging a commercial about a car with "Some people don't really want a car" while showing the car leads us to say, "Well, yea. I don't really want that car. I'll just take that really cool, over sized VW Beetle balloon the guy's carrying around over his head." All of this beautifully crafted confusion comes courtesy of DDB Barcelona.
Two print ads accompany the spot, one of which illustrates very simply how the VW Beetle can brighten up your day. The other conveys the thrilling rush a vehicle can cause.
- Cynopsis reports, "ABC will test the hour-long user generated news show i-Caught for six weeks from August 6 in an attempt to get the YouTube generation interested in TV news." Great. More fake news.
- has begun to restaff its management void. Joining the San Francisco office as president is Jordan Warren most recently with Eleven, a 50 person agency he started seven years ago.
- The porn film Pirates is hitching a ride on the Pirates 3 publicity train.
- George Parker keeps us updated on the continuing Julie Roehm saga discussing her recent suit against Wal-Mart.
Naked has launched a blog that includes aggregated content from employee's online places and spaces.
- Even as online video grows exponentially, television viewership has not decreased.
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It's always nice when an ad makes such good use of symbols, sounds and gestures that it doesn't need some unfortunate content guy to translate the text across 15 languages.
This spot for just implores "Save Our Planet!" - which is apt, because that's what it's called. It could have been about 45 seconds shorter, though.
We wonder whether or not Eva Longoria's handlers will be happy when they see this Tonic Night Club Latin Seduction Fridays poster sent to us by Sanj the Toronto nightclub has currently placed around the city. Celebs must always walk that fine line between underexposure and overexposure but we don't think this is exactly what the Eva Longoria camp had in mind. We'll make easy for you, lawyer. The club's number is 416-204-9200.
Of course, this whole thing could just be part of an elaborately masterminded underexposure campaign. The image on the poster originates from this earlier image of Longoria.
We're trying to decide what we can say about this ad, short of "Corona makes Jumanji." But no, we can't think of anything.
If you drink Corona, you will have Jumanji. Or screaming orgasms. Hopefully not both at the same time.
If you've been in this business for any amount of time, you've sat through your unfair share of mindless meetings during which dense data is pointlessly pontificated to the point of insanity-laced frustration. Half way through the presentation you want to jump on the presenter and beat them to a bloody pulp for stealing yet another hour you'll never get back. This presentation from Good Magazine might also cause you to jump on the presenter but with entirely different motivations.
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