Gay Stars Help Support Gay Stars with New PSA


Ogilvy art director Dustin Duke pairs up with the team at Mr. Wonderful to put together some PSAs for Out in TV and Film (OTF), an organization whose URL is as unwieldy as feelings about coming out of the closet.

The object is to get gay and lesbian members of the entertainment industry to go public about their sexual preferences, providing a buffer of support that strengthens as others step out too.

The spots will air at the Queer Media & Entertainment Conference and on the OTF website, in addition to the LOGO and here! Networks. Check out the first two, featuring actress and comedian Judy Gold and veejay Kim Stolz of mtvU. They're candid and occasionally funny, so here's to hoping they do the job.

If not, we can always push for educational tours at a star-endorsed gay animal sanctuary, which seemed to work on South Park. Hey, if animals can be gay, that makes homosexuality arguably more natural than purely human stints like, oh ... religious persecution.

Meanwhile, we grow increasingly convinced that South Park has already given us the answers to the majority of our social ills.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Celebrity, Commercials, Good     Apr-16-07  
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Posted by: Susan Sarandon on April 16, 2007 11:51 AM

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