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Stripper Reveals Circulation Figures For Dueling Lad Magazines


Here's a beyond dumb but maybe not so much promotional video for Nuts magazine sent to us by FishNChimps which touts its circulation superiority over competing magazine Zoo by featuring a striping females who begins her disrobing with "I've got a figure I want to reveal to you." That figure, of course, isn't hers. It's the circulation figure for Nuts which is greater than that of Zoo's. But hey, women who take their clothes off always seem to attract attention and since its an editorial edict here at Adrants to cover anything involving women who get naked, we figured (ouch. unintentional pun) we'd better tell you about it.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-06    
Topic: Magazine, Publishing, Research, Strange, Video

Take note of the Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising Via Viral Video


A site called Will Video For Food has put together a handy list for those thinking of wading into the cesspool known as viral video. The list, called Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising Viral Video, uses plenty of examples to back up the sins which include Make a white and brown cow. Pretend your not advertising. Spend a fortune on production. Tell consumers instead of engage them. Do a video contest because everyone else is. Set unrealistic conversion metrics. And throw in the towel and decide to just advertise around viral video. We'd add an eighth: Don't call you efforts viral until they become viral.

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-06    
Topic: Good, Opinion, Video, Viral

Snoop For Salaries, Billboards Bluetoothed, PBS Gets Slapped

- If you're interested in what other people make for a salary, here's yet another place to find out.

- CBS is piloting several billboards that beam information about its prime-time lineup to Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices.

- Commercial Alert isn't happy with PBS's decision to solicit ads for its kid-focused websites. The group's director, Gary Ruskin says, "This is a betrayal of parents and children across the country. PBS has forgotten its mission, and is selling our children to the highest bidder. PBS President Paula Kerger should be fired immediately."

- Design Observer lauds design guru Helmut Krone.

- Here's an interesting map showing the global domination of the Starbucks and McDonald's brands.

- Japan has un-banned a nude/pregnant poster of Britney Spears from Tokyo's subway system. Officials originally thought it was "too stimulating" for young people.

- Oh please. Can we just stop with the slap a log on the baby's head thing?

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-06    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Outdoor, Television, Tools

Be Careful Where You Step in Cambodia


In an odd twist, a print and online campaign created by BBDO Singapore is lauding Cambodia's beauty as a travel location and then switching message and calling attention to the 6 million landmines that, are apparently still waiting for someone to step on them. Neat. I wanna go there right now. Expedia, book my flight!

by Steve Hall    Aug-24-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange

Fuck Starving Kids, Have A Freakin' Delicious Starbucks Frappucino


Tick, tick, tick, That's the sound of the clock counting the time it takes Starbucks lawyers to get angry, contact YouTube and ask them to yank this psuedo-frappucino commercial that compares the cost of a "freakin delicious" frappucino to feeding a starving kid in Sudan for a week but that advocates opting for the frappucino instead. Consumer-Created Media at it's finest! Except when the table is turned on the brand.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Commercials, Consumer Created, Spoofs, Video

'Jane' Helps Jane Get Laid, Hopes to Insert Self With Readers


B.L. Ochman reports Jane Magazine has launched a social media-like campaign that includes a blog, a video, a forum, voting and more, all to, well, find 29 year old Sarah DiMuro a date so she can lose her virginity before she turns 30. Yes, this is how we promote magazine readership in the age of social media. But, as in with the cool kids as this is, Ochman points out they forgot the MySPace page, the eBay auction and Second Life.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Magazine, Promotions, Strange, Video, Weblogs

FILA Hosts Second T-Shirt Art Extravaganza


In an ideal marriage or art and commerce, FILA and the New York Collective of the Arts Project are holding their second FILA + NYCOLLECTIVE PROJECT - the Artists Play Two T-Shirt Series this Thursday, August 24 at the company's flagship store in mid-town Manhattan. The project provides a means for artists to showcase their creative work. The event will unveil the Fall 2006 t-shirt line, designed by various artists, as well as an auction for tennis-inspired art to benefit the New York Collective of the Arts.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Events, Good, Point of Purchase, Specialty

I'm Sorry. What Were You Saying?


We're quite sure it's just us but we're just way too OWHB to actually pay attention to the plenitude of texterisms this woman is sharing in this TXTer commercial. We just might have to go visit New Zealand or Australia or wherever this TXTer service is for personal instruction.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Newsflash! Agencies Use Other Agencies' Work In Portfolio


Certainly this practice is not a new one but one Minneapolis Adrants reader took note of the new agency Pocket Hercules' use of its founders work done while they were at Carmichael Lynch and wrote, "You didn't hear it from me. (Minneapolis is a small town) You should look at the site of the agency started by super star creatives from Carmichael Lynch. pockethercules.com Their marketing strategy is " little agency vs. big holding company agency." But then look at the work they have on the site. It's all Carmichael Lynch work. (GREAT CL work) Now, I'm no lawyer, but isn't it illegal to use another shop's work even if you worked there? Anyway, I thought it was ironic."

We don't think it's illegal and we're sure someone will tell us if it is but what agency on the planet hasn't done this before?

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Agencies, Bad

Korean Actress Has Face Contest With Kid For McDonald's Ice Cream


Perhaps as beautiful as That Pepsi Girl, Mandy Amano, Korean actress Song Hye Kyo appears in this McDonald's ad promoting its ice cream. In the ad, Kyo has face contest with the boy and the two go back and forth until they have the attention of the entire restaurant. Perhaps there's someone as dedicated as Justin once was over Mandy to start a fan blog for Song Hye Kyo. She's already got a MySpace page.

by Steve Hall    Aug-23-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Good

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