What is it with skycam filming of people running around like ants until they form images and words? We have no idea, but someone else is doing it again. After TalkTalk and Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad, here's three more (1, 2, 3) for Macif.
Like everyone else, it's Al Gore's turn to be spoofed on YouTube. While Exxon and its PR firm, Washington-based DCI Group, deny having anything to to with it, the creator of Al Gore's Penguin Army, a video that spoofs Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, 29-year-old "Toutsmith" was found by the Wall Street Journal to be using an email address that tracked back to DCI Group. He would not tell the Journal who he was or why he made the video. Oh now let's see. Al's movie slams oil companies. Exxon in an oil company. Nah. There's no connection there.
If you take the least likely people expected to utter a slew of dirty language, old ladies and young girls, and fill their mouths with a full-on stream of dick talk as if it were an everyday conversation, well, the outcome is funny. Call it the bathroom humor factor or stick it in the fart joke category but it's still funny. It never tires. Oh, and if it matters, it's all to promote the Reservoir Dogs game. There's second one with f-word-filled gun play.
There's probably something funny about this Toronto SimplyAudioBook.com billboard featuring George Bush but we're so not into politics and it's too early in the AM to figure it out. Anyway, you're all a lot smarter so if you want, feel free to let us in on the joke.
Coudal Partners has delivered its own Agency.com fist-bump this week with a spoof of the interactive shop's Subway Pitch video. If Agency.com wanted attention, it's certainly getting it. Though we suspect they'd rather be getting attention from Subway than from other agencies tearing their efforts to shreds and creating spoofs.
This outdoor board for Gold'n Plump Chicken carryies one of the most straight forward, un-hipsterized messages we've seen in a long time.
Continuing their idiotic approach to anti-smoking, the TRUTH campaign is out with yet another off the wall commercial featuring the hairstyle-challenged Derek. In this spot, Derek tries to sell cigarette "flavors" to kids basing the whole shtick on the most ancient cigarette company document they've used to date, a 1972 internal document that stated "it's a well known fact that teenagers like sweet products" as if that statement were some sort of revelation. Can we please retire Derek and this idiocy and get back to some of the better stuff we know this campaign is capable of?
- Dallas agency Dieste Harmel & Partners explores the "Latin-ization" of pop culture and the ways of Hispanic teens in this week's edition of its podcast.
- Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners has mailed a black box to every MINI owner which contains a book called " A Dizzying Look At The Awesomeness of Small" and some included gadgets that will interact with ads breaking this month in Maxim and Blender. Check it all out here.
- This sounds really dumb but there's a restaurant that says it's ad-supported. i.e. the food is free.
- Campbell-Ewald has created an introductory site for the new Chevrolet Silverado pickup..
AdFreak tells us Carmen Elektra, perhaps in a nod to her waning viability as...well...anything, has signed with Ritz Camera to be the retailer's spokesmodel for its family of stores. Though Elektra's youth and hipness are questionable, Ritz wants her to appeal to the young and the hip. In any case, it will certainly be a step up from the Ritz dude who always appears in the Sunday inserts. The campaign will promote the chain's picture development services and its new picture sizes.
While the business model comes off sounding a bit like it's leaching off the success of other video sharing sites, new video sharing site, Filxya, splits ad revenue 50/50 with anyone who uploads videos and has a Google AdSense account. The videos are not hosted on Flixya, saving them a ton of money, but appear on the site using the embed code from other video sharing sites like Google Video, YouTube, Daily Motion and other sharing sites. Flixya then surrounds the videos with Google AdSense Ads. Basically, the site is a giant aggregator of content and advertising which uses other site's content and resources to make money for itself and it's users. But, hey, that's not a bad thing. That's just making use of existing content distribution methods.
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