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Steve Jobs Honored at The Webby Awards


This Internet Week coverage is brought to you by ShareThis. The best content is hand picked.

Internet Week culminated tonight with The 15th Annual Webby Awards. Held at the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan, the event was hosted by Patton Oswalt. The ShareThis crew was in attendance to see comedian Louis C.K. accept his Person of the Year Award with the five word acceptance speech, "When I die, bye, bye."

Musician Bjork accepted the Webby Artist of the Year Award for her multimedia album Biophilia, created partly on an iPad along with ten apps supporting it.

Juliette Lewis and Graydon Sheppard received best actress awards for their work on the YouTube series Shit Girls Say. Their five word acceptance speech? "We just want to thank..."

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Industry Events

Fruit Grown in Shape of Juice Boxes to Promote Juice


We're quite positive we've never before heard Old MacDonald's Farm used as a method for explaining how a guerrilla marketing stunt was performed but we have to admit it works in this case. Ageisober, to explain how they created a stunt to illustrate just how real Camp Juice is, created juice boxes made out of real fruit. They created juice box molds in which the fruit was grown. They then placed the finished product in the produce sections of grocery stores.

Cool as the stunt is, our favorite part is how they decided to explain the stunt.

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Guerilla

'Vinyl Throw' Video Promotes Music App


Along the lines of the Ray Ban viral videos, social music app Music Bunk uploaded a video entitled Vinyl Throw last week which features several friends tossing records onto a turntable. Much like the Ray Ban videos, the records land perfectly on the turntable. The video has earned almost 500,000 views in it's first week with no paid distribution.

MusicBunk lets you see playlists created by friends and the songs they're listening to, and allows them to post comments, send them to Facebook and Twitter, and check out new music straight from the app.
For the last week, the video story has remained unbranded. With a hint in the title and subtle logo placement in the video, we've left a cookie trail to MusicBunk.

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Video, Viral

Haley Reinhart Headlines Girls Who Rock During Internet Week


This Internet Week coverage is brought to you by ShareThis. The best content is hand picked.

Girls Who Rock, a concert organized by the all volunteer non-profit She's the First, was held last Friday at the Gramercy Theater during Internet Week. Hosted by Michael Thurber, the concert included performances by Haley Reinhart, Jessica Latshaw, Shin-B, The Jane Doze and the girls from Park Slope Rock School.

The concert, sponsored by online social change community Umojawa, was held to raise money for the rural India school Shanti Bhaven. During the concert, several girls from the school were Skyped in for attendees to see. Of course the internet being what it is, the connection wasn't too good and neither party could hear the other. Although each party could see each other and is was a moving experience as a representative from the school shared the plight of girls in rural India with the audience.

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Cause, Industry Events

@LeeClowsBeard Now A Book!


We just returned from Internet Week and were delighted to find Lee Clow's beard on our doorstep. Well, not literally Lee Clow's beard but a book entitled Lee Clow's Beard written by Dallas-based copywriter Jason Fox (aka @leeclowsbeard) and Lee Clow himself.

Fox started @leeclowsbeard several years ago and he now has 26,000 followers. Of the project, Fox said, Lee Clow's Beard started off ans an experiment. A very small experiment. I wanted to provide bits of insight for fellow ad folks, almost like crumbs of inspiration. And since beards are natural repositories of crumbs, I thought of Lee and his iconic whiskers. He's an ad legend everyone loves, so to have his facial hair act as the tweets' source was a nice way to keep things on the lighter side of the snark meter."

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Agencies

Breasts, Thighs, Legs. No, We're Talking About Chicken!


How do bikini-clad breasts bouncing in slow motion sell chicken? Oh wait. Bikini-clad breasts bouncing in slow motion can sell anything! But in this case, they're selling chicken. Or, well, distracting us from whatever the hell this Chick 'N' Mix is trying to explain to us. Something about too much chicken. But if they are comparing chicken to hot women with bikini-clad breasts bouncing in slow motion there can never be to much chicken, right?


And, yes, we know it's not a real commercial.

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Strange

You'll Never Guess Who's Having an Orgasm in This Ladies Room


Certainly there are any number of options of which parents can take advantage when it comes to advice on raising children. And, certainly, there are any number of ways to call attention to those choices. However, never before have we seen a strategy such as this one from Duval Guillaume for Flemish advice site Opoedingslijn.be. Watch and be surprised.

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Cause, Racy, Strange, Video

Friskies Ends National CATastrophe


This is not your typical cat video. No, this is something far more important. Far more worthy. Far more worthwhile. And far more beneficial to cats than simply to amuse humans. Yes, this video comes to us from AFG& and it addresses the national CATastrophe known as Cat Boredom or CB. It's a desease which leads to cats living, well, a very boring life.

But there is a cure! And it comes in the form of Friskies Cat Treats. Check out this important message from Chris Parnell. We love the direct to consumer-style disclaimer.

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by Steve Hall    May-21-12    
Topic: Video

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