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Toyota Leverages Unboxing Fetish For Yaris


We never saw the draw of unboxing videos in which people meticulously and obsessively unbox the latest new gadget step by step. But, it's definitely a thing and a lot of people are into it which is why we guess this unboxing video for the Toyota Yaris will be somewhat of a success. We will say we love the giant "user's manual" and the multiple highlighting of the obvious so often seen in this sort of video.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-12-11    
Topic: Video

Voting Opens For Advertising Week Walk of Fame Inductees


Beginning today, advertising icons and slogans will battle it out for inclusion on this year's list of inductees to the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame during Advertising Week October 3-7.

People are encouraged to vote for their favorite icon and slogan on BuzzFeed at . Voting begins today and closes Friday, September 30th at midnight ET.

Of the Walk of Fame, Advertising Week Executive Director Matt Scheckner said, "The 2011 campaign promises to be hotly contested as nominees canvas the country looking for votes. We are looking forward to a good clean campaign and to welcoming new inductees into the Walk of Fame."

Who will you vote for?

by Steve Hall    Sep-12-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Marty McFly Shoe Finally Makes Debut


For years, people across the internet have been begging Nike to make the pair of shoes Marty McFly wore in Back to the Future. On September 8 the shoes made their debut on eBay. The auction of 1,500 pairs will benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. 150 shoes will be auctioned off each day until September 18.

In one promotional video, Saturday Night Live's Bill Hader acts as shoe salesman to Oklahoma City Thunder's Kevin Durant. Christopher Lloyd makes a surprise appearance in full Doc Brown character.

In another video, Fox urges fans to take part in the promotion both to grab themselves a pair of the kicks as well as to donate to his foundation.

Will you buy a pair? They'll set you back approximately $2,500 at current bid levels.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-12-11    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Promotions, Video

Play Musical Brandy Glasses on YouTube


Enjoy playing the piano but you are too much of a geek to step away from your computer long enough to play? Grey G2 in the Ukraine has created something especially for you; the Glass Piano. For client Koktebel Brandy, the agency created an interactive video with brandy-filled glasses you can "play" using your keyboard. Not bad.

Check it out below and an explanatory video here.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-12-11    
Topic: Video

Fat-Laden Breakfast Sandwich Miraculously Makes Cloud Stay Aloft


Why anyone would think a 430 calorie, 29 grams of fat, 740 milligrams of sodium-laden breakfast sandwich would help a low lying cloud to float upward is a mystery. But Jimmy Dean does and that's the scenario offered in this new TBWA\Chiat\Day\LA-created commercial for the the Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg & Cheese Croissant which breaks today.

The spot marks the first time the Jimmy Dean Sun character has ventured beyoind the confines of his home and office. Now traveling in a Jimmy Dean branded food truck, Sun will now deliver happiness to anyone who's feeling a bit down.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-12-11    
Topic: Commercials

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