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Noses Cleaned, Brief Simplified, Pistachios Pimped


- This is just too funny. World Championship Nose Cleansing. All to promote a nasal spray.

- Having trouble getting started on a creative brief? There's an app for that. Brief Buddy.

- Wonderful Pistachios is out with a slew of new ads featuring the Facebook-slighted Winklevoss Twins, gooy Mr. Bill, crazy Crystal the Monkey, the angry...Angry Birds and the bootylicious Khloe Kardashian.

- Sony Ericsson partnered with artists, intellectuals, and other artists from around the world, provided each with a Sony Xperia phone and asked them to see what they could make with it. Then they documented the project.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-14-11    
Topic: Agencies, Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Research, Social

Beat Boxing, Banjo Picking, Hip-Hop the New Folk


A new campaign for Kent State University's WKSU Folk Festival, Sept. 21-25, called You Don't Know Folk, asks folk music lovers to broaden their ideas of who, and what, is folk. The print, poster, guerrilla and online campaign, created by advertising agency Marcus Thomas, has some great headlines.

Print ad headlines include "Ever hear a beat boxing jug blower and a banjo picking opera singer singer bust out a swaggering hip-hop jam?", "Know who burned down the house with Dave Matthews, chewed gum with Elvis Costello, and partied on a boat with Mick Jagger?" and "Think a former NASA technician. two Ivy League graduates and a saw player don't know how to bring the funk?"

Ads will appear in local Ohio newspapers, wildpostings will be placed and QR coded guitar picks will be distributed. All lead to the campaign website.

by Steve Hall    Sep-14-11    
Topic: Campaigns

Legal Sea Food Snubs Nose at Animal Rights Groups


We love this new DeVito/ Verdi-created ad campaign for Legal Sea Food. Why? Because it slaps upside the head all the tree-hugging, animal-loving cause groups who spend their days complaining about stuff when, instead, they could be at Legal Seafoods devouring succulent crab, salmon or trout.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-14-11    
Topic: Campaigns

Mens' Crotch, Biceps Most Attractive to Women


Remember the woman with the iPad head? It was all about helping guys get inside the minds of women. And it was a promotion for the launch of Cosmo For Guys. Well, the team behind the iPad head, Thinkmodo is at it again. To determine just what interests a girl about a guy, Thinkmodo mounted four cameras on a guy and set him lose in New York City

The cameras were mounted on his glasses, his bicep, his crotch and his butt. The video below shows us what happens and what truly interests women. They're eyes wander just like guys' eyes wander.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-14-11    
Topic: Guerilla, Video

Lingerie-Clad Hotties Not Allowed to Sell Juice in Russia


You've gotta love the new-found freedom the Russians have expressed over the past few years and, especially, how its made its way into advertising. Of course, it was totally predictable. You see, the easiest way to make a splash with anything you do is to...wait for it...employ a scantily clad woman. And that's exactly what the Russians have recently done in much of their advertising including in this ad for a fruit drink.

But, this ad has a twist. While this ad does go to salacious levels just to sell juice, it also sends a kind of message. When a woman with a shotgun approaches a hottie who is cavorting in a field and, seemingly, making mad passionate love to a strawberry...and scares her off with a shotgun, you know you're getting a completely different message.

Sex may have a place in advertising but certainly not in an ad for a children's drink. And the woman with the shotgun isn't going to have any scantily-clad hotties frolicking in her strawberry field to sell some juice. Nope. Not on her watch.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-14-11    
Topic: Commercials, Racy

Budweiser Remakes 9/11 Commercial For Tenth Anniversary


As you all know, we're a sucker for any commercial that manipulates the heartstrings. Just as it did ten years ago, this remake of the famed Budweiser 9/11 commercial (aired during the Super Bowl in February 2002) which featured the Clydesdales paying their respect to New York City is as powerful as the original.

The new commercial is nearly identical to the original except for one small change. When the horses kneel in respect, the skyline now shows One World Trade Center under construction. Oh and the snow has been turned to grass.

You can view the new one and the original below.

Not everyone liked the remake. Hill Holiday CEO Mike Sheehan, whose agency created the original, voiced his opinion on the agency's blog.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-13-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Opinion

Are We Still Laughing at This KFC Commercial?


There are so many urban myths (or truths if you choose) about the origin of KFC chicken. Everything from headless chickens to genetic mutation has been speculated. Seems everyone is getting a kick out of the latest KFC commercial which says, "What part of the chicken is nugget? We're KFC. Our cooks don't make nuggets. They make Popcorn Chicken."

Seems there's some concern over the definition of a nugget versus the definition of popcorn chicken. Though KFC's definition of popcorn chicken is quite clear: "100 percent off the bone premium breast meat" which is claimed to be better than "pressed, formed nuggets."

Of course, if one wanted to be a stickler for detail, one could call attention to the fact the word "chicken" is no where to be found in KFC's definition of popcorn chicken. Then again, that would just make one a person with way too much time on their hands.

by Steve Hall    Sep-13-11    
Topic: Commercials, Opinion

Nine-Year-Old Gets Jiggy With Her Stuffed Animals


So...this is what the kids are doing in their rooms these days. Well, at least nine-year-old UK street dance whiz kid, Arizona Snow who locks and pops her way around her bedroom to the stunned amazement of her three friends. The stuffed animals join in and a feather pillow is exploded for special effect. What's it all for? Well, according to the commercial, any nine-year-old can dance just like Arizona Snow as long as they eat a bowl of Wheatabiz Chocolate cereal every morning.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, David Griner.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-13-11    
Topic: Commercials

More PETA Nudity, Webby Awards Call


- Yawn. Yet another celebrity sells her body to PETA.

- See Tom Brady walk around in different pairs of UGG shoes. From M&C Saatchi LA.

- The 10 Most Controversial Ads in Fashion History

- Anne Hathaway is the new face of Tod's

- Chuck McCarthy (@ideasbychuck) finally makes it into advertising...sort of.

- The Webby Awards has launched its call for entry for its 16th annual awards event to be held Spring 2012. The early entry deadline for is October 28, 2011.

- Today, Nielsen released State of the Media: The Social Media Report - Q3 2011 a report on social media's influence on consumer behavior.

by Steve Hall    Sep-12-11    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Industry Events, Research, Social

Arby's Campaign Goes Political


Toronto-based Blammo created two political style ad campaigns for Arby's entitled Curly Coalition of Canada and Homestyle Alliance of Canada. Each campaign takes the tone of political cause group advertising. Each campaign plays out on social media as well including Twitter account for the Curly Coalition and Homestyle Alliance as well as Facebook pages for each (Curly, Homestyle)

See all the ads below.

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by Steve Hall    Sep-12-11    
Topic: Campaigns

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