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Harley Davidson Recasts Customers as PETA-Like Animal Activists


Aww, how cute. Those Harley Davidson riders. Who knew they were such sweet, caring, animal-loving softies? Who knew they'd take it upon themselves to free the world's caged animals so they, too, can roam free as if they were straddling a Harley?

Seriously though. We have to wonder what true, die-hard Harley lovers are going to think of this namby pamby portrayal of their usual tough guy image.

This is the work of Victor & Spoils. Which actually explains a few things. The work will debut tonight on Sons of Anarchy.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 6-11    
Topic: Commercials

'Drunk Skeeze' Exposes Crotch For Agent Provocateur


Here's some more Agent Provocateur hotness for you. This work features Paz De La Huerta (who sounds like she must be a distant cousin of Oscar De La Hoya) who is touting the brand's Fall and Winter lineup. The 1:30 video, which is really a collection of a few shorter videos, depicts Huerta in scenarios realistic only in the minds of creative directors and fashion aficionados.

Huerta, who is seen arriving in a vehicle, dropping her purse and, finally, leaving in a vehicle simply cannot keep her undergarments covered allowing drooling paparazzi to capture full on crotch and cleavage shots.

One YouTube commenter sums it up perfectly, writing, "LOL okay, so what I'm getting from this commercial is a 'lady' acts like a drunk skeeze and shows her underwear off to everyone with a crotch-flashing crouch to pick up her keys. Cool, got it."

Yea, that about sums up this work. And if you simply can't get enough Agent Provocateur hotness, we've collected quite a bit of it over the years for you.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 6-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Racy, Strange

Idiocy Still Front and Center in Most Advertising


This is kind of stupid. Would a grown adult actually dump coffee over the head of someone they just took off their inner circle cell phone calling list? That seems to be the assumption Comparis is making in this new commercial for its circle of friends feature which allows for the inclusion of more than five friends.

Idiocy can be funny, of course. After all, we love to look down our noses at buffoons who would actually do this sort of thing thereby making us feel superior and intelligent in comparison. But why is it that so many brands have to stoop to this level of idiocy just to move product? Are people simply not capable of consuming information delivered in a straight forward fashion? Especially when said information is clearly - and without need for embellishment - compelling enough all by itself such as is the case in this commercial?

You tell us.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 6-11    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary

Infiniti Europe Fails to Set Itself Apart From Competition


Aiming to "change the face of luxury motoring across Europe," this new Infiniti Europe campaign from TBWA changes the face of nothing when it comes to car advertising. With the tagline "Since now, the perfect line is a curve" - whatever the hell that means - the campaign is said to help position the brand as a viable alternative to Mercedes, Audi and BMW.

Explaining the campaign, TBWA European Creative Director MacGregor Hastie said, "With the launch of this campaign we are more than certain of having given Infiniti its proper place in the world of high-end luxury car brands and have found an extraordinary and distinguishing big idea that will allow us to create ever stronger and more creative campaigns in the future. Because, as every one knows, the perfect line, is a curve."

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 6-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Opinion

Wait, What? Sears Sells Lingerie?


By now you've all heard the Kardashian Kollection will make its debut this week at Sears. We've shared our opinion on Sears' choice to saddle up with the Kardashian ladies already so we won't rehash that here. But at Adrants it's our duty to bring you every last story detail...especially when it involves lingerie. So with that thought in mind, we give you Kim, Khloe and Kourtney modeling lingerie from their Kollection.

But seriously. Lingerie from Sears? Really? This is the store at which you picture your mother or grandmother shopping for a few pairs of high-waisted, full coverage underwear synonymous with the antithesis of sex appeal. We're really having trouble wrapping our head around this whole Sears/Kardashian thing. Then again, if your a dying brand, you'll try just about anything to survive. And can we really blame a brand for that?

by Steve Hall    Sep- 6-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Racy

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