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Old Spice Offers Something to Help us Forget Fabio


Gone are the days of advertising when the same character played spokesperson for years at a time, sometimes decades. Recall the Maytag man, the Dunkin' Donuts guy or Mr. Whipple. So it shouldn't be surprising that Old Spice is dabbling with other characters for its ad campaign. No, Isiah Mustafah isn't gone for good but other characters will be brought into the mix.

A new commercial features a man who looks like a "well decorated sea captain who battles monsters on a large nautical vessel." But, thanks to Old Spice, he smells like one. Not exactly sure that a good thing but the commercial does carry the same wacky tone of the original Isiah Mustafah spot.

Other ads will feature a billionaire jet pilot and a rock star.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials

Capital One Pits College Mascots Against One Another


Now Corporation, working with VMG Creative has released a series of short films for Capital One promoting the brand's Mascot Challenge which urges people to vote for their favorite mascot. In the videos, we see the Iowa State's Cy, TCU's Superfrog, LSU's tiger and Oregon State's Beaver.

The videos direct people to a Capital One site on which they can view more videos and vote for their favorite mascot. Each week there will be a challenge culminating in a winner be chosen in sixteen weeks.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-11    
Topic: Promotions, Sponsorship, Video

Billboard Made of Bacteria Promotes Movie "Contagion'


To pimp what certainly appears destined to be a blockbuster movie, Warner Brothers Canada turned to Lowe Roche to create two billboards that functioned as giant petri dishes which were then injected with bacteria. Over the course of a week, the bacteria grew to form the name of the movie being promoted, the Steven Soderberdh film Contagian.

Pretty ingenious promotional idea if you ask us. The billboards were small but they attracted quite a bit of attention. The first 50 people to view the board were given passes to see the movie when it opens in theaters September 9.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-11    
Topic: Outdoor

Food Bloggers Bitch About Getting Free Food


Oh it's been a while since the "blogosphere" - to coin a humorous and long-dead term - got their panties in a twist over some stunt a brand pulled. But these "kerfuffles" - to coin yet another humorous term - are always great fodder for a good 'ol internet bitch-fest.

So what's all the hubbub about? In August, ConAgra Foods, parent to the Marie Callender's brand of frozen foods, invited food bloggers to a New York restaurant they were told was owned by TLC Ultimate Cake Off Host George Duran and where they would receive a special, four course meal.

But instead of a meal cooked by George Duran, the bloggers were served frozen lasagna from Marie Callender's. Hidden cameras were in place to record diner's reactions. As it turned out, about 62 percent of the food bloggers actually liked the dish. But they were miffed and claimed they had been misled.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-11    
Topic: Guerilla, Opinion, Promotions, Social, Weblogs

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Sports Illustrated Supermodel Irina Shayk Fronts Rampage Campaign


Following in the footsteps of Bar Refaeli and Gisele Bunchen, Sports illustrated supermodel Irina Shayk is making her debut as the new face of fashion brand rampage. Shayk will front the brand's new Fall campaign. You can watch Shayk talk about her role in the campaign in the video below well as check out the ads here, here and here.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Racy

Cows Hate Cold Hands


Farmers take notice. Actually, don't. Why? Because it's a rare farmer these days who actually milks a cow by hand. For you city folk, most cows are now milked by a machine that connects to the cow's teats (yes, that's what cow nipples are called) then automatically disconnects when the cow is finished giving milk. Anyway, that doesn't seem to be relevant to Zippo and its agency, Pittsburgh-based Brunner, which advocate the use of the Zippo hand warmer prior to hand milking a cow.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-11    
Topic: Commercials

Pepsi Max Film Festival Entry Freezes Time (Without Special Effects)


When entering the MoFilm London Pepsi Max Short Film Competition this year, Lawrence Chen and fellow creative Hagan Wong wanted to create "a branded short film that moved through a frozen moment in time, but did not cost half a million dollars and did not use any computer graphics or digital special effects." Below is the result of their work and we kinda like it.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Uncle Marv Aids Young Filmmakers


In three new BBDO-created, Untitled Films-produced videos for Royal Bank of Canada's sponsorship of the Toronto Film Festival, Uncle Marv comes to the aid of young filmmakers trying to break their way into the film business. Of course, everyone doesn't have a well-connected Uncle Marv so Royal Bank of Canada wants it known they are staunch supporters of young filmmakers.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Industry Events

Irish Sporting Organization Not Happy With Hunky Dorys Hotties


Remember the Hunk Dorys hotties? Let us refresh your memory. Last year Irish chip brand Hunky Dorys strapped several women into bikinis and had them play rugby for an ad campaign. Predictably, there were complaints and the campaign was dubbed sexist by many who complained to the country's Advertising Standards Authority.

Over the weekend, the brand debuted a new campaign which has scantily clad women playing soccer. A few complaints have been logged by the ASA so far.

One of the ads in the campaign contains the headlines, "Still staring?" next to the image of a scantily clad woman baring significant cleavage. A second ad features the same scantily clad woman revealing her ample assets next to the headline, "Taaaasty." The Hunky Dory website contains all the imagery you'll need to conjure up your perfect Gaelic football fantasy.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 7-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy

AdLook Objectifies Ukrainian Ad Women, Charlize Theron Struts


- In Ukraine, AdLook ranks agencies by how hot their female employees are.

- The Festival of Media Asia 2011 has extended their entry deadline for until Friday, September 16.

- Blogworld, which takes place November 3-5 in LA, has finalized the list of speakers for its Monetization Track.

- A Calgary mother was inspired by her gay daughter's experience with bullying to launch an anti-homophobia campaign.

- Charlize Theron struts her stuff in a new Dior J'Adore ad campaign.

- Ryanair is once again stirring the pot, this time with an that urges people to "See the Frauleins With the Big Jugs" during Oktoberfest.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 6-11    
Topic: Agencies, Cause, Celebrity, Industry Events

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