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Ladies, Drew Will Add 'Double Whoa' to Your Boobs


American Eagle Outfitters is the place you shop for baggy cargo shorts, rugby/polo-style short sleeved shirts or a nice sundress. A nice combination of preppy meets ripped, baggy jeans for the younger set. In 2006, though, someone at AE noticed many young girls didn't want to look so young (or preppy) any more and aerie was born. If you're unfamiliar, aerie is the place 15 year old girls go to buy lingerie so they can seduce 25 year old guys into taking them out on dates.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-11    
Topic: Commercials, Racy

McDonald's Hopes Coins Frozen in Ice Get Spent at McDonald's


To hype its Dollar Days $1 drinks, McDonald's Canada placed 4,000 Canadian dollar coins arranged like the golden arch inside a giant block of ice and asked passersby to chip away at the structure to retrieve the coins. It took just five hours for all the coins to be retrieved. Some would jump to the conclusion this was a tremendously successful stunt. We'd call it a success if McDonald's knew just how many of those 4,000 coins made their way into the chain's coffers.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-11    
Topic: Guerilla

Human Powered Vending Machine Dispenses Drinks


To induce trial, brands have, forever, been giving away their products hoping they are actually good enough for people to come back and buy. Over at Activate, it seems, that free ride is over. In its place is a ride that requires a person to do some actual work before being given a product to try.

In LA, Activate drinks has set up what it calls a human-powered vending machine. Angelenos can hop on, peddle for 30 seconds (way too short if you ask us but we're sure Activate doesn't want to cause any fat, lazy Americans a heart attack) and get a free drink.

Not a bad approach if you ask us. Americans have been fat and lazy for far too long and could use a reminder that it takes actual work to get things in life.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-11    
Topic: Guerilla

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