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Adidas Delivers Panty Shot in Mini Skirt Showdown


This is pretty strange. Then again, it's from Japan. Which, with its obsession with anything and everything to do with placing cute girls in compromising positions, makes it totally normal. Here we have adizero vs. Mini Skirt, a challenge to determine, well, we really don't know what. That the wind from a guy running with Adidas sneakers can whip up a girls skirt so you can see her panties? Yes, only in Japan.

We can thanks TBWA\Hakuhodo for this oddity which, as Japanese oddities go, is pretty tame.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-10-11    
Topic: Commercials, Racy, Strange

Fosters Does Goldfinger, Drunk Monkeys Sober Up


- Foster's Beer does the James Bond Goldfinger thing with Holly Valance. last year, Sky+HD did the same thing with Kelly Osbourne.

- The Monkeys are no longer Drunk. They're just regular Monkeys now. Australian Agency Three Drunk Monkeys will be now known simply as The Monkeys.

- Ten memorable ads that defined a generation.

- Facebook never liked breast feeding. Now they don't even like the word "breast."

- This is what Calvin Klein thinks is customers do all day long.

- American Express has launched Friends of Japan, a program that is "designed to reignite attention and support for earthquake relief efforts."

by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-11    
Topic: Agencies, Celebrity, Commercials, Social

If You Waste Water, You Are weird


Thank God we don't have to witness yet another idiotic PSA about the importance of saving water. Aside from the fact it's a renewable resource and three quarters of the earth is covered with it, we're sick of being preached to like wasteful sloths who could care less about economizing on anything. Oh wait.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-11    
Topic: Cause, Strange

Giant Woman Takes Bath in Lake to Pimp Soap


To promote the "art" of bathing (yes, apparently it's an art), British company Soap & Glory has installed a 13 foot high, 67 foot long, two ton sculpture - created by Oliver Voss - in Alster Lake in Hamburg Germany.

Of the installation, Soap & Glory Founder Marcia Kilgore said, "We've been looking for a way to say, 'Thank you!' to everyone for embracing our products, and making us a real success there. At Soap & Glory, we consider it our calling to bring more beauty to the world, and have fun doing it."

by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-11    
Topic: Outdoor

MTV Asks Us to Give A Shit


If you've ever tweeted, Facebook'd, Google+'d or conducted any other form of social communication while sitting on the toilet, you're the target audience for this new campaign from Give A Shit.

In a two minute video, Twilight actress Nikki Reed urges us all to...give a shit. The campaign, which is backed by MTV, aims to encourage people to...just care. Care about the various problems facing the world. Reed, with inspiration from the Dahli Lama, argues that the simple act of just caring can lead to actions being taken to cure the world of its ills. If only. But, hey, it's valiant effort that taps into everyone "God-given moment of solitude and contemplation."

Join the movement. With a movement of your own.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-11    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Racy

Gratuitous Booty Ruins Graceful Finish


We had our hopes up. Our fingers crossed. Our mind optimistic. And that happy mental state lasted all the way to :52 in this new Adidas Iconics commercial. We were like wow! An ad with Snoop Dogg, skaters, rap, hot cars, superstars...and no gratuitous booty! No booty! We thought, this breaks new ground! This is creative nirvanna! This deserves its own Cannes Lion "Assless Rap" category!

Sadly, like a first timer trying to make it to the finish line without...ahem...prematurely finishing, this ad shot it's wad with less than eight seconds to go. Bam! Pow! Booty! All up in our face! And here we thought we could finally write the headline, "Adidas Alienates Ass. Leaves Snoop Dogg Drooling."

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 9-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Racy

Bundaberg Rum Still Blowing Things Up


This is, by far, the strangest spirits ad we have ever seen. EVAR. It comes to us from none other than Bundaberg rum, the company that "blew up" an alligator and then apologized for not actually blowing up an alligator.

Created by Leo Burnett Sydney and directed by Tom Kuntz, the commercial mirrors (mocks?) an 80's music video. In the spot, we see a dweebish twenty something walk into a bar looking for a drink. As he approaches the bar, a bartender in a white tux opens up a door between his crotch and offers up a tour of the Bundaberg world. Over the top is an understatement. The fantastically goofy song was written by Leo Burnett creatives..

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Foursquare Used to Steal Agency Talent


Admitting it isn't at the top of the list when it comes to digital agencies, EURO RSCG Brussels set out to change that by becoming the most visible virtual agency. How? It set out to check in on Foursquare at 42 of its rivals until it became mayor. When it did, it posted the mayorship on Facebook along with a message encouraging area creatives to join the agency to help make it better. Sadly, no word on whether or not the effort actually paid off.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-11    
Topic: Agencies, Guerilla, Online, Social

Charlotte Gets Social With SocialFresh


If the only thing you experience is Peter Shankman slapping social media gurus upside the head and bringing a modicum of common sense to the practice, then you will have received your money's worth at SocialFresh Charlotte. Shankman will keynote the day and a half conference September 6-7.

Apart from Shankman, you'll hear from Hubspot's Jeanne Hopkins, Webtrends' Justin Kistner, Radian6's David Thomas and many others speak on topics such as integrating social media with email marketing, creating content for inbound marketing, how to best train employees about social media and much more. We're happily sponsoring th event. Check out the details here. If you register, and you should, use discount code "adrants" for 20 percent off.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-11    
Topic: Industry Events

Kenneth Cole Stirs Debate on Abortion, Guns, Gay Rights and War


In its continuing effort to rid the world of every last prejudice, stereotype, human rights issue, environmental problem and other ailment facing the human race, Kenneth Cole is out with Where Do You Stand, an effort that aims to open debate on gay rights, woman's right to choose, gun control and war.

The effort is supported with an online site hooked up with which invite visitors to chime in on these topics. Offline advertising supports as well.

We're going to make one comment on one of the campaign's pieces of creative. And, in doing so, we're going to tip our hand and let you know we are decidedly pro-choice on the issue of abortion. One of the ads reads, "Should it be a woman's right to choose if she's the one carrying it all?"

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 8-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Cause

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