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New Headless GoDaddy Girl is Hot


No, we still don't know who she is but now we have a picture of her entire body. Yes, her head is cut off which just begs a butterface joke but we'll refrain from sinking into that gutter. Oh wait.

Anyway, she has two legs (nice ones, two arms, two boobs (looking fairly curvaceous) and likes to wear short shorts.

That's really all we have to go on for now. Any of you care to guess who this finely shaped lady is? Will you jump out of your seat during the game when she is unveiled?

Or will you yawn when you realized is just another GoDaddy marketing ploy?

by Steve Hall    Jan-31-11    
Topic: Racy, Super Bowl 2011

Nissan Quest Makes Life Easier for Mall Maniacs


If you're an avid shopper who worships materialism and daily trips to the mall, you'll love this new TBWA-created commercial for the new Nissan Quest which has all kinds of shopper-friendly features such as one-touch technology and an air scrubber which, well, cleans the air.

Of course, wouldn't it be easier to just push the button on the remote which would automatically open the doors, a feature most minivans already have?

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by Steve Hall    Jan-31-11    
Topic: Brands

Study Predicts Super Bowl Winners and Losers


In a study that has noting to do with the actual ads that will appear in the Super Bowl, Brand Keys predicts Groupon, Skechers, Pizza Hut, GoDaddy and Hyundai will see the highest ROI from their Super Bowl investments.

During he third week in January, the Brand Keys study queried 2,000 men and women, 18-65 who indicated they would be watching the Super Bowl this weekend about their propensity to "engage" with one of the 29 known Super Bowl advertisers.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-31-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2011

99 Cents Gets You 88 Percent Beef


By now you've heard Taco Bell is facing a law suit that claims the restaurant chain is serving a "meat mixture" which consists of just 35 percent ground beef. Taco Bell has responded with ads in, among others, The New York Times and Wall Street Journal containing the headline, "Thank you for suing us" and a video (below) in which Taco Bell President Greg Creed explains exactly what's in Taco Bell meat.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-31-11    

Chinese Dude Grabs Boobs in Weird Ad


America has its fair share of strange commercials but all pale in comparison to Asian commercials. Asia knows how to do weird. Asia just has a weird sense of things when it comes, to, well, a lot of things. Have you seen their game shows?

So take :30 out of your day to watch these two Chinese lovers expressing their undying affection to one another until, well, until it gets weird.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-31-11    
Topic: Strange

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