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Tazo Tea Gets Interactive Storefront Windows at Starbucks


Blast Radius, MediaCom and The Media Merchants have developed interactive storefronts, one in Toronto and one in Vancouver, which allow passersby to go on an adventure to discover each of three new Tazo Teas Starbucks in promoting.

Commenting on the work which The Media Merchants usually do at empty retail locations, The Media Merchants National Account Executive Jordie Morrow said, "A vacant venue allows us to build a massive projection screen, as large as the window will allow, while taking advantage of significant foot traffic. Starbucks, on the other hand, wanted to make the most out of their key locations, in Vancouver and Toronto, and these two interactive storefronts are uniquely positioned on two of Starbucks' busiest locations."

The campaign will conclude February 26. You can view a video of the installations here.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-11    
Topic: Point of Purchase

Online Tool Helps Eliminate (Virtually) Times Square Ads


The Barbarian Group, in partnership with Super Size Me creator Morgan Sprulock and creativity tools company Aviary, has created NoAd: New York, an internet-based effort to remove all advertising from New York's Times Square.

Spurlock was inspired by Sao Paulo's ban on all outdoor advertising since 2007. He then contacted The Barbarian Group to develop NoAd: New York.

Using the tool, all of the ads in Times Square can be edited out. Of course, this has no effect on the real world ads that plaster Times Square and show no signs of disappearing anytime soon. After all, as much as Spurlock tried to convince us fast food is bad for us, have we really seen an reduction at all in the proliferation of McDonald's or Burger King?

- The Bees Awards, celebrating successes in international social media, is looking for sponsors for its upcoming awards event.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 2-11    
Topic: Online, Outdoor

Pricks Get Sick, Sexiest Moments in Advertising


- Former agency guy Cornelio Prick (seriously) and Hugh Prick (seriously) sick and tired of syndicated columnists giving half-ass answers to people and have launched their own Q&A site, Dear Pricks.

- McKee Wallwork Cleveland is out with their annual ADBOWL, real-time website that tracks what consumers think of Super Bowl ads. And it's an iPhone app too!

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Agencies, Racy

Young Adults Really, Really Want to See Your Super Bowl Ad


In its second annual Super Bowl survey, San Francisco advertising agency Venables Bell & Partners found America's love for Super Bowl advertising is alive and well, especially among 18-34 year olds.

The study claims young adults look forward to watching the ads more than spending time with their friends and family, the half-time show and the national anthem, in that order. Of the 64 percent of young adults that would opt to watch the game with commercials versus commercial-free, 25 percent of that group would pay a $.99 subscription fee to watch the ads during the game.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Research, Super Bowl 2011

Vegetables Fellated, Dreams Interupted, Obama Faked


- Yawn. PETA films hot models fellating vegetables because, well, it's sexy and they're never going to get on the Super Bowl anyway.

- Don't let your partner interrupt your dreams.

- And in more PETA news, the organization wants to put up a Go Vegan billboard in Denver but two outdoor companies have rejected it. Something about cattlemen's inability to come.

- The call for entries is now open for the 2011 international ADC Student Brief competition, part of the ADC 90th Annual Awards. The deadline is March 18.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Cause, Industry Events, Racy, Strange, Video

84,000 Hard Ons Raise Money For AIDS


Taking the fight against AIDS literally, German agency Philipp und Keuntje created an online game for AIDS organization Vergiss Aids nicht e.V (Don't Forget AIDS). The game made it possible for players to combat the virus...with their cocks. Literally. Called Cockout, players where asked to don a condom and wave their member around. Penile movement was tracked by webcam which was translated into hits to opponents.

To insure men's members where in the proper state to do battle, the game provided dancing strippers to help players "man up." Once in a state of readiness, players could choose from one of three character; Master of Cock Fu, The Incredible Major Dick and Sir Dick-A-Lot.


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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Racy, Strange

GM Mocks Dealer Ads With Transformers Tie In


Hopefully this GM commercial isn't indicative of what we'll see on Sunday when the brand airs no less than eight ads, five within the game. One commercial mocks dealer ads and steals a bit from all those "transformer" commercials of yore. Of course, that's perfectly fine because the ad is also an ad for this summer's third Transformers movie.

We hope the other ads, all from Goodby Silverstein & Partners, are a bit more creative than this one.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Super Bowl 2011

HomeAway Pays Homage to James Bond


A new campaign for vacation rental marketplace HomeAway will debut during the Super Bowl this Sunday. Created by Austin-based Vendor, Inc. (gotta love the reference to the fact most clients treat an agency like a vendor rather than a strategist/consultant/business partner) and The Mill, the commercial, called Smush, borrows a chapter from the James Bond films and takes us inside The Ministry of Detourism.

Inside The Ministry, all manner of hotel-stay experimentation occurs to convince us that a hotel is not the place we want to stay when we go on vacation. Why subject ourselves to these horrors when we can rent an entire home instead?

Directed by Emmy-winner Rocky Morton, the spot does a great job illustrating the insanities one sometimes has to put up with during a hotel stay. Not that a private home doesn't come with its own problems but the ad makes a compelling argument.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2011

She's Smart, She's Business Savvy, She's Got Huge Boobs


Sometimes teasing is fun. Sometimes it's tantalizing. Sometimes it's frustrating. Sometimes it's annoying. And sometimes it's just a lame advertising strategy. We'll leave it to you to decide into which this year's GoDaddy Super Bowl strategy falls.

Over the past few weeks, GoDaddy has given us a slow release of the new GoDaddy Girl who's promised to be "a hot Hollywood icon." First, we were treated to a view of her legs in pumps. Then it was a nice view of her ass. The booty shot was then followed by some full frontal. And now, a clip of her appearance in a GoDaddy Super Bowl ad has been revealed.

We can say this. Whomever this Hollywood celebrity is, she'd definitely hot and definitely worthy of membership in the GoDaddy Girl club. Maybe even the hottest yet.

Stay tuned. We may even get a view of the bottom of her feet before game day.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Super Bowl 2011

SportsNation's Michelle Beadle Spoofs Super Bowl Ads


In an apparent effort to to get herself into a Super Bowl commercial, ESPN SportsNation's Michelle Beadle took a stab at placing herself in some classic Super Bowl ads of yore; Mean Joe Green, The Budweiser Frogs, the eTrade Babies and the Betty White Snickers ad.

They're all horrible. But kinda funny.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-31-11    
Topic: Spoofs, Super Bowl 2011

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