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Lazy Ad Students Crowdsource Their Books


Seriously? You go to ad school. You drop out (lazy? flunked? too expensive?) to finish your books on your own. When you can't, you ask the ad industry to crowdsource it for you. What happened to good old fashioned hard work? Oh right, laziness reigns supreme these days. Can't cut it on your own? Open it up to the internets and surely someone else will cover your ass by doing your work for you.

Why are Eric Stiles and Nick Larson doing this? To challenge the current portfolio school system, they claim. Granted, the schools aren't perfect but if you two want to succeed in this business, you might just want to do some of your own work. Oh wait, we're all a bunch of lazy-ass delegators in this business so you'll both fit in perfectly.

by Steve Hall    Feb-19-10    
Topic: Social, Worst

gig Agency Finds Network For Animals Spokesman


Earlier this month we shared with you the work virtual agency was doing for Network for Animals. It was a series of videos on YouTube that took us through the process of selecting a spokesperson to appear in a commercial for the cause group. Well, gig has found their man. And we can say man because, well, it is a man. His name is Owen Miller and if Morgan Freeman had a brother (does he?), this guy would be him.

So here's the finished product. And here's all the lead up videos to the finished product.

by Steve Hall    Feb-19-10    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Social

Copper Mountain's 'Mountains' Are Hotter


By offering skiers a "Swinger's Pass," Copper Mountain has made it OK to "ride something new." Oh the double entendre is dripping from this one. The work is a continuation of a campaign Wexley School for Girls has done for the resort.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Commercials

Robinson's Wants Your Juice


Across the United Kingdom, Robinson's Fruit Juice is looking for the next Juice Crew. The juice brand is looking for some cool kids who can do cool tricks. Once chosen, they'll be featured in future campaigns. It's all happening over at Fruit Shoot.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Promotions

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Bennetton Calls, Boost Flys Cheap, JetBlue Tweets


- With It's My Time, Bennetton has launched a global search for the next face of its brand.

- Don't have enough money to buy your kid a seat on a plane for the family vacation? Boost Mobile has the answer.

- In a bid to determine digital savvy-ness, JetBlue wants agencies to find it on Twitter.

- Wow. Could this McDonald's commercial be any cheesier?

- Skype's new campaign for Skype Out.

- Google Vs Facebook from MyBrandz attempts to determine which social service is better for you.

- GPY&R Melbourne challenged its audience to eat a Picnic in the space of a :30 commercial break. People filmed themselves using mobile phones, webcams and handycams and then created their own TV ads using the website, http://www.itsnopicnic.tv.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Brands, Social

Agency Wishes Erik Proulx Would Come Back to Work


Now here's the oldest tactic in the book: capitalizing on the new found fame of a former employee. With a shameless bluntness we've come to love, Cleveland-based agency Brokaw is begging us to hype their Olympic vitaminwater work by touting the fact Erik Proulx of Lemonade Movie fame used to work for the agency.

They want us to make mention so they can tweet Erik, saying, "See, you could work on vitaminwater . . . if you just come back to the Mistake on the Lake. Please. Please. Pretty Please, Proulx."

Mistake on the Lake. Gotta love an agency that pokes fun of the fact it's not a household name and not in a major city.

Anyway, here's your mention, Brokaw. And it sounds like there's a job waiting for you, Erik.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Agencies

Study Finds Facebook Fan Pages Can Increase Loyalty, Revenue


Ooo! Ooo! Facebook Fan Pages work for marketers! A recent study conducted by Rice University's Jones Graduate School of Business found companies that use Facebook fan pages can increase sales, word-of-mouth marketing and customer loyalty.

The study's researchers, Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business associate professor of management Utpal Dholakia and Restaurant Connections Founder Emily Durham who did the research for Houston-based café Dessert Gallery found the use of a fan page increased store visits by 36 percent, increased amount spent by 45 percent and increased loyalty by 41 percent.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Research, Social

Megan Fox's Georgio Armani Commercial Not Hot Enough


In January it was announced Megan Fox would become the new face of Georgio Armani. There were stills. Now there's a video. And now there's a blogger complaining the video should have featured more of Fox's legs and shown her walking.

Seriously? We'd never complain. We'll take Megan Fox anyway she wants to give herself to us. Any way. At all.

People! You can't be choosy when it comes to hotness like Megan Fox.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Racy

Greenpeace Asks Us to Wonder Why Aliens Always Leave


This one's been out for a while. Say what you will about Greenpeace but this video explains a lot. On why it appears UFOs never stick around very long, this video asks, "Have you ever wandered why they always go away?" The message is simple. Humans just aren't ready to join the the galactic community.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Video

Old Navy Wants You to Stand Still


So while Bennetton is searching the globe for its next model who, it would seem, has the ability to pose in many different positions for the brand's ad campaign, Old Navy, with its Supermodelquin Super Search wants, it would seem, a person who can pose in one - and only one - position.

Yes, the brand wants a human mannequin. To stand. And stand. and do nothing. Except stand. And stand.

by Steve Hall    Feb-18-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Promotions

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