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Well Written Press Release Gets Attention For Minnesota Lottery


"The campaign features three 30-second television spots that use the element of surprise to build excitement for the new Minnesota Millionaire Raffle game Each spot features a game-show-like host who wheels a large raffle drum into busy locales where unsuspecting patrons are encouraged to play an instant raffle. The spots are built on genuine reactions as people go from shocked and reluctant to actively participating and cheering"

Now that's some well-written PR copy. And we didn't have to go digging through a collection of attachments or ridiculously worded releases to find the nugget of information. Thank you, Colle+McVoy.

Now on to the campaign. Generally, we're not a fan of marketing stunts that involve random appearances in unlikely places. After all, if we're shopping, we're shopping. If we're eating, we're eating. Then again, you can't do stunt marketing (or most any kind for that matter...yes, we love you inbound marketing) without a little bit of interruption. So we can't complain much about this campaign.

The campaign also includes print, radio, outdoor, transit and mall. You can view the three spots here, here and here.

Mrs. Claus Cheats, Notre Dame Hunts, GoDaddy Scores Patrick


- Mrs' Claus gets in on with Frosty the Snowman for Boost Mobile.

- OK. Kinda funny: Notre Dame Head Football Coach Search Gets Professional Help.

- This is really, really bad but since it's Christmas and it features Santa Claus, you might as well watch it.

- Addicted to texting? Even in the middle of Winter? Then you'll love Gloves For Addicts.

- "Danica is the quintessential GoDaddy Girl, she is a beautiful woman competing in a male-dominated sport. She's passionate. She's focused. She's all about doing what it takes to win and we love that about her. Not to mention she's edgy, smokin' hot and as tough as any competitor anywhere." Yes, Danica Patrick has re-upped for three more years of GoDaddy silliness.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Strange, Video

Cult Raw Energy Drinkers Are Belligerent Idiots


Well now here's an interesting way to position your brand. While most brands work towards positioning themselves as clean cut, rosy entities, Cult Raw Energy wants none of that. It wants you to know the people who buy their product are belligerent car jackers who can't drive, grope women in public, rob convenience stores, deface property, pick fights, steal guns and get arrested.

Hey, not all brands can teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. So, yea. Positioning your customers is an idiot when all else fails.

Oh and FYI. There's briefly exposed boobs in this commercial so watch with caution.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Bad, Commercials, Creative Commentary

'Lemonade' Will Motivate Your Lazy Laid Off Ass


Last night the movie Lemonade premiered at the Brattle Street theater in Cambridge, MA. Erik Proulx, who publishes Please Feed the Animals, is the masteind and executive producer of the film.

Lemonade is a 40 minute documentary about how people changed their lives for the better after having been laid off. In the film 16 people, including yours truly, tell their individual stories. There's the guy who got laid off and posed nude Burt Reynolds-style to find a new job. There's the woman who lost her job and launched a yoga business. There's the guy who went to an interview and ended up in a truth campaign commercial. There's the guy who lost his job and decided to change his gender. And there's the guy who lost his job, got colon cancer and started a little blog called Adrants.

Each story is unique. Each story is heart warming. Each story illustrates the fact there is life after the pink slip.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 1-09    
Topic: Events

YouTube's Goofy Boi Pimps Pretzelmaker's Four Buck Hook Up


As you all know, we occasionally really love things most people don't. This might be one of those things. We just can't get enough of this work from 16 year old Goofy Boi who hooked up with Pretzelmake for, ahem, the Four Buck Hook Up, a music video that plays like an actual music video more than it does a commercial for the pretzel chain.

We're a sucker for derivatively simple, Owl City-like sing-a-long style songs...even though we never sing along. And anyway, who doesn't like a great young love story? Even if it comes in the form of a commercial?

In September, a Pretzelmaker executive found Goofy Boi's work online and worked with him to create this ideo to support a current promotion. Goofy Boi recorded the song in October and shot the video at a local mall the first week of November.

Give it a watch. And be nice to the guy.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-09    
Topic: Brands, Consumer Created, Good, Social, Video

Memorex Foists Pre-Movie Sing-A-Long Upon Moviegoers


So if a pre-movie sing-a-long ad came on while you were waiting for your movie to start, would you participate? Memorex thinks so and has created one for the holiday season. Check it out here. Created by Olson, there's all kinds of other elements of the campaign which you can also view on the page.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-09    
Topic: Video

Bop-It Dances, AdVerve Rants, Elf Flashmobs, Milkquarious Jams


- Like to play piano? Like the musician Adam Ben Exra? Obsessed with YouTube? Then this Instrumentube thing is for you.

- Like to dance? Like the game Bop-It? Obsessed with...oh wait...we just wrote that. Anyway, check out the new "viral" for the game.

Be sure to check out the latest BeanCast with Angela Natividad, Joe Jaffe, Kelly Edison and Ian Schafer. The ad gurus discuss Black Friday, Wal-Mart, pay-per-tweet and crowdsourcing.

- Also, the latest AdVerve podcast with Angela Natividad and Bill Green is out. Give it a listen here.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-09    
Topic: Video

Yet Another Viagra Spoof


When a four hour erection isn't long enough, there's Stifficade. Not only does Stifficade make men ready for action for 36 hours, it makes women magically change from house frau to house hottie in a matter of seconds.

Give it a try. You'll hate it.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-09    
Topic: Spoofs

Thank God Idiocy Still Reigns Supreme (Or We'd Have Nothing to Write About)


Oh please. Seriously? It's one thing to groove to a song while driving. But to film it as if it's the coolest thing in the world is just an indication of your inanely idiotic stupidity. Rather, the idiocy of the ad agency that came up with this crap for What UR Missing, some kind of car audio retailer.

And a website with horizontal navigation??? And a store locator that doesn't work? And a contact email URL that's parked? And the most ridiculously fake YouTube video description ever written? And in case the creator's realize how stupid this is, we'll share the description with you here:

"Check it out, we were cruisin around the other day and we were sitting at a stop light when all these people in their cars were dancing to a song by of Montreal called Suffer for Fashion (www.polyvinylrecords.com). It was wild; almost like we were in the Twilight Zone! My buddy grabbed his camcorder so we could shoot it because no one would have believed it if we told them. It was crazy. You gotta see this. www.whatURmissin.com"


by Steve Hall    Nov-30-09    
Topic: Video, Worst

Your Little Girl Will be Safe in Bed With That Gun


At the risk of igniting yet another firestorm over gun control, is it worth pointing to an Iver Johnson Revolvers ad that ran in 1913 which claimed its guns will "shoot straight and kill" while at the same time claiming 'accidental discharge impossible"? Of course it is. What better way to get your brain working on a Post-Thanksgiving Monday?

So this ad, which shows a little girl in bed holding a gun has a quote which reads, "Papa says it won't hurt us." By today's standard's the ad would be freakishly out of place. However - and please don't lump us in the pro-gun category becasue we are clearly not - properly cared for and stored guns don't kill people. Carelessly and foolishly handled guns do.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-30-09    
Topic: Opinion, Strange

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