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Nude PETA Angel Says 'Always Adopt. Never Buy'


Oh PETA, how we love to hate you. Or is it hate to love you? Either way, it doesn't matter. You're a bit hypocritical in your efforts to rid the world of everything eatable, wearable and comforting but you do know how you make a sexy ad that gets people's panties in a bunch. And your latest is no exception.

You've got an almost naked woman - Playboy's Joanna Krupa - holding a cross and floating in mid air as if she were an angel. All to call attention to the fact people shouldn't buy animals. It seems almost moot you're ads rarely every appear anywhere other than on your website and in the press but that's kinda the point, right? All you're after s publicity. You really couldn't care less where people get their animals or what they think of you killing most of the animals in your care.

No, It's all about nudity. And press. And scandal. And salaciousness. And titillation. And press. And sensationalism. And did we say nudity?

by Steve Hall    Dec- 3-09    
Topic: Cause

My Sky HD TV Helps Ease Life's Challenges


Life got you down? Shark bit your hands off? That hot chick not what you expected? Caught your wife cheating? It's not big deal. Just sit down on the couch, turn the TV on and all your troubles will disappear.

It's amazing what a commercial can do, isn't it?

by Steve Hall    Dec- 3-09    
Topic: Strange

Hey Old People Can Be Hot Too, Right?


We are a youth-obsessed culture. Advertising is a youth-obsessed business. So it's refreshingly hilarious when we see old people portrayed as if they were hot, horny twenty-somethings with nothing better to do then then seductively lick an ice cream cone in slow motion.

Here for your viewing pleasure is an equal opportunity, age agnostic commercial for Science World which claims vanilla is the most erotic scent to older men.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 3-09    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Spirit Airlines Has Fun With Tiger Woods


Oh this is funny. And totally classless all at the same time. One of the five rotating videos (the fifth at the time we visited) on the Spirit Airlines homepage depicts a tiger driving a car into a fire hydrant. Hahahaha. Witty.

Not really but, then again, Spirit Airlines loves to poke fun.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 3-09    

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Do You Really Want Your Bartender to Breathe Fire?


In an effort to hype the fact they'll be hosting parties during the holiday season, bartenders from the Prestwich (UK) TGI Fridays make Tom Cruise (in the movie Cocktail) look like a baby playing with a milk bottle. The Viral Factory filmed the Prestwich bartenders flipping cherries into glasses, launching a shaker shot 30 feet across the restaurant, slicing 12 limes in two seconds and serving seven flaming Sambucas in eight seconds.

We're not sure we want to be anywhere near the bar when those flaming Sambucas are served but it sure is fun to watch.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 3-09    
Topic: Video

Cheil Worldwide Aquires The Barbarian Group


South Korean holding company Chiel Worldwide has taken a majority stake in The Barbarian Group, the Boston-based digital shop first known for its work on Subservient Chicken and, most recently, its augmented reality issue of Esquire. The agency will move its headquarters to its New York Office and agency heads, CEO Benjamin Palmer, COO Rick Webb and Chief Experience Officer (please, guys) Keith Butters will remain in charge of the shop.

We love Barbarian Group. The agency began with $500 in Palmer's apartment in 2001 and has grown quickly to a digital powerhouse. It's nice to see the agency succeed and get acquired by an entity a bit more interesting than the usual American suspects. Congrats, guys.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Agencies

Dockers to Put Hair Back on Men's Chests, Halt Metrosexualism


Did you know testosterone levels in men dropped 1.2 percent per year, or about 17 percent overall between 1987 and 2004? Did you know nearly 80 percent of the net employment losses from November 2007 to April 2009 were incurred by men? Did you know 58.9 percent of all graduate students in fall 2008 were women?

Sounds pretty emaciating if you're a man doesn't it? Well Dockers, yes Dockers, wants to put an end to the decline of manly manliness with a new campaign that screams "Wear the Pants." Yes, the preppy standby wants to "put forth a new definition of masculinity, one that embraces strength and sensitivity and appeals to men who can change a tire AND a diaper." Hear that, metrosexuals? Turn in your skinny jeans right now!

With print, billboard, radio, social media, events and digital launching December 1, a new TV spot will air during the Super Bowl in February. Created by DraftFCB, the campaign will touch 40 countries worldwide.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns

AIDS is Such A Prick


In this unendorsed campaign for World AIDS Day, The Now Corporation's Owen Plotkin has chosen some real pricks to illustrate the fact AIDS is an equal opportunity killer and a lot of support is needed to fight the disease and help two million children in Africa who need assistance.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Cause

Baskin Robbins Goes for Cute Overload With Boys Like Girls Ad


Aw, how cute. And so rude! To pass up a a girl this cute just for an ice cream cone? But it all makes sense because it's a commercial and it features the group Boys Like Girls and their song Two is Better Than One. And two is definitely better than one when it comes to the Baskin Robbins Double Header Cone.

It's so sicky sweet It's like the old school Mentos Freshmaker and "you got chocolate in my peanut butter" Reeces commercials ran into one anotherl. Pile on the sap.

And any commercial in which the girl bites her lower lip is destined for Cute Overload status.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Commercials

Chanel Women 'Move Like a Hot Knife Through A Man's World'


Writing "Part ad, part supplementary miniseries, the work celebrates the contemporary woman: a pristine if idle creature reeking of restrained force, moving like a hot knife through a man's world. Art, games, editorial and videos add colour and context to her tapestry," Angela Natividad is a fan of more.madame.

The work, described as "the first-ever 'digital standalone,'" was created by Mediaedge:cia and the Figaro Group. The site is a collection of many forms of media which aim to be relevant to the modern woman. read all about it here.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 2-09    
Topic: Online

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