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Corporate Idiocy: Verizon Slams Phone It Will Sell in Two Years


In the latest version of its iPhone-bashing commercials, McGarryBowen compares the Verizon Google Droid phone to a robot. A robot that crushes rocks. A robot that punches holes walls. Why? Because we don't need smart phones. We need robot phones. Why? Because robot phones do.

So...the Droid is an un-smart, idiotic brute that can kick ass and take names? Is that really what we want in a phone?

This ad is so far off the mark it falls into comical territory. The comparison to a rock crushing robot is absurd. Phones don't need to crush rock. They need to smartly do digital things with ease. Kinda like this thing from Apple called the iPhone. Heard of it?

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by Steve Hall    Nov-10-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Worst

Bus Ads Hijack Events Ads. Then GIve Back


Duval Guillaume, which always does interesting work, is out with a new campaign for transportation company De Lijn which recently increased its nighttime schedule and wanted to make the public aware.

Rather than create an entirely separate campiagn that simply announced the change, the agency latched onto the notion people use the buses to get to and from evening events. Cutouts with the tagline, "whatever you are planning tonight, also plan your transport," were placed over already existing posters promoting events.

The idea, of course, was to simply grab the attention of people reading about certain events and frame the bus message around the original event listing.

A secondary element of the campaign made it possible for the promoters of any posted event to have their event promoted on the actual buses by uploading their poster to a website.

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-09    
Topic: Outdoor

Please Help Us Interpret This Strange Nokia Commercial


Watching this long form commercial for the Nokia N900 brings back less than fond memories of agency concepting sessions during which creative types (and everyone else for that matter) would begin to act like idiots, spout out idiotic buzz words and, in some cases, even burst into full blown freak outs like one dude does here.

It's endearing to know this spastic behavior still exists in the industry. And if this commercial is trying to deliver some deeper message, it's surely escaped us. And we're the best test for this sort of thing. Because if you can't connect with our simple mind, there's no way you're going to connect with the people you'd like to buy your phone.

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-09    
Topic: Strange

Slow Work Day? Roll Out the Slip and Slide


Apparently, Austin-based agency nFusion has no work and no clients. Why else would they spend an afternoon on a slip and slide. Oh wait. To make a stupid video they could send out and hope for some press coverage.

Well here you go, nFusion. Here's your press coverage. No get back to work!

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-09    
Topic: Agencies

East German Band Rammstein Butchers Its Porn


New Berlin agency, TODD is out with a new campaign for the East German band, Rammstein and Universal Music. The campaign promotes the new Rammstein album, Liebe ist für alle da (Love Is There For Everyone) with the message that everyone has the right to express and receive love in whatever odd or kinky way they choose. The launch single "Pussy" shows the band members starring in their own porn movie, directed by Jonas Åkerlund.

And then there the butcher hacking the head of some dead animal. Have a look at all four videos here, here, here and here.

Believe it or not, its a campaign and it's airing on TV.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Strange, Video

If You're A DD Cup, Victoria's Secret Will Make You A G Cup


Victoria's Secret is out with its new Miraculous push up bra commercial which claims to add two cup sizes to any woman who buys one. We once worked with a woman who, shall we ever so politely say, was flat. But that never stopped her from going to freakishly painful looking efforts to squeeze together what little flesh she had on her chest into what she perceived to be attractive cleavage. All it did was make her look like she was wearing a rubber band around her chest.

It's all about size, people. Thirteen inch erections and DDD cup breasts. Much like food, many people go to extreme efforts to super-size various parts of their body in an effort to adhere to the impossible standards we've place on what constitutes looking good.

If you have huge boobs, be pleased with them. If you have small boobs, be pleased with them. Get over the obsessive urge to super-size.

Wait, what? Did we just say that? Who doesn't love big breasts? Not Victoria's Secret which, as it has many times before, is hyping a new push up bra. This one claims to add two cup sizes to what you've already got.

And the bra is available available in DD cup size. So if you're already big, you can be even bigger. See? Isn't America great? We like everything bigger. And Victoria's Secret is here to help.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Racy, Strange

There's No App For That


As we continue to digitize everything in our lives, we need to remember not everything is meant to be digitized. And that's the point Tinsley is making in this new commercial for The Florida Keys. In the commercial, we see the usual finger flip action sliding us from one beautiful photo to another while an announcer reminds us, "There's no app for this."

He's right. There is no app for a great tropical vacation so put down that iPhone and enjoy, people!

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials

They're Fake But We Still Keep Staring


Back in the day we'd all watch in awe "viral videos" which showed people doing seemingly unbelievable stunts that would escape the abilities of normal human beings. For a few seconds, we actually believed there were people out there that could do such amazing things as catch sunglasses on their face, jump over moving cars or make amazing basketball shots.

Now, we scoff at the idiocy of brands who shill this shit. Yet, we still watch. We are still amazed. It's like a Saw movie. We don't want to watch but we can't turn away as people are slowly and gruesomely mutilated in new and different ways.

So Samsung is out with a couple a videos to pimp their involvement with the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Purportedly, they were shot by the brand's Mobile Explorers. In one, a skater drills herself into the ice and, in another, a hockey player scores a goal with a 40 pound curling rock.

Both are mildly amusing. Both will get views. Both will not sell any Samsung phones.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Opinion, Video, Viral

Vacant or Not, Paris Hilton Doesn't Like Being Called Vacant


Apart from the photo usage rights issue which Adland covers here, is it really any wonder a witty wannabe designer at an outdoor company selected a picture of Paris Hilton and slapped the word "vacant" underneath her to promote the fact the billboard is available? Of course not.

Whether or not Paris Hilton is actually vacuously vacant in the head is beside the point. She (with a lot of help from the media) portrays herself that way so it is without surprise she's become the poster girl for celebu-stupidity.

Hilton has voiced her displeasure with Wellington-based Media5 for using her image without permission. Hilton's manager, Jamie Freed, told Stuff the billboard company could expect to her from Hilton's legal team.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor, Policy

Not All Booth Babes Are Just Eye Candy


You can debate the merits of booth babes at conferences but that's like debating the merits of smart people versus un-smart people. The world is full of both of them. Sometimes you get the good ones and sometimes you get the bad ones. Thankfully, I got the good booth babes today at ad:tech New York.

Listen to Victoria and Chris talk about their company, BIscience, and their role in representing the company at ad:tech. They actually know what they're talking about. And they actually work for the company. Two things rarely present in a "booth babe."

by Steve Hall    Nov- 8-09    
Topic: Industry Events

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