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Another Reason Not to Go to A Dodgers Game


Baseball games are long. They play is painfully slow. There's little to no action on the field. Mostly, it's just a bunch of men adjusting their balls and spitting on the ground. Occasionally, a player will actually hit a home run and some idiot will push a little kid out of the way so HE can catch the fly ball.

If you find yourself bored or even falling asleep during this yawn fest, there's no yet another way to experience baseball without actually having to experience it. Several digital billboards fashioned to look like an actual scoreboard will display the real time game scores of Los Angeles Dodgers home games.

Awesome. Except for the fact there's now going to be a whole new kind of game time party. The kind that occurs underneath a billboard where people drink in public and become a general nuisance to traffic causing added police detail to be deployed and taxes to be raised to cover this added detail.

OK so it might not play out exactly that way. But it could.

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-09    
Topic: Outdoor

When Words Fail Just Invent New Ones


When you've spent hours in a conference room concepting a campaign and you can't come up with a thing or the client has shot down everything you've proposed to them, this is the result. From Shalmor Avnon Amichay comes this print campaign for the Mercedes Benz E-Class Coupe.

And it just might be the right approach for a vehicle that, as Mercedes proponents would have us believe, is in a class of its own. So why not create a new language just to describe it? See the second ad here.

You decided.

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-09    
Topic: Campaigns

Blogworld Hikes Up its Skirt in Disneyland For Adults


We went for the parties but we stayed for the sessions. Oh wait. We mean we meant for the sessions and stayed for the parties. Yea, that's it.

So the Blogworld Conference and Expo happened last week in Las Vegas. There were sessions. There were learnings. There were connections. There were crabs (no, not that kind). There was swag. There were celebrity sightings. There were burger eating contests. There was karaoke. There was dancing. There was a guy in a Snuggie. There was pole dancing. There were legs - miles and miles of them. There was tongue (Ted Murphy's). There was cleavage (Bellagio Boobs). There was Chris Brogan. There was Scott Monty. There were no lost iPhones as far as we can tell.

But you don't care about any of that. All you want to see are the pictures so here they are. More on the conference later

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-09    
Topic: Industry Events

Audience Conference Aims to Eliminate Bullshit


Perhaps we should call this conference The No Bullshit Conference because the man behind it, Loren Feldman, never bullshits. He of 1938media fame is a straight shooter. With all the hyperbolic insanity, otherwise known as social media, flailing about like a gaggle of primadonnas scratching your eyes out in an attempt to get your attention, Feldman's Audience Conference, conversely, aims to deliver some meat. Some usable information you can take away and immediately put to use.

more »

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-09    
Topic: Industry Events

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