The LA-based denim brand Hudson Jeans has been infused with $30 million in capital from Fireman Capital Partners and has hired Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall's daughter, Geogia May Jagger to front the brand.
Hudson CEO Peter Kim said, "One of the key things the investment allows us to do is further the creative process. When Hudson was founded, the vision was to be the next great iconic brand. The investment brought us resources to take this business from where we are today to where we expect to be when we grow up."
The creation of the campaign was overseen by Lipman's David Lipman, a Hudson investor and partner at Fireman Capital. Mario Sorrenti photographed the campaign and styling was done by Camilla Nickerson.
- Boys "play war" in Matchbox campiagn. One dad isn't too pleased with the inappropriateness of it all.
- The Red Bull promotional display box. Pretty sweet.
- The top ten crudest headlines that prove you're a no-talent hack.
_ Agency Cherry and Cake created a video tribute to Michael Jackson to the tune of Thriller. Yup. Leave it to an agency to ride a meme.
Recently, 110 employees of El Segundo-based David&Goliath headed to the rooftop of their building to shoot an ad for their new Brave house ad campaign. All went well until three police cars appeared with officers telling the agency to shut down the shoot immediately.
It seems the multiple flashes and smoke effects were interfering with LAX air traffic control. The agency co-operated and shut down immediately. But not before getting enough shots to make this promotional ad for the agency.
Luckily, that head didn't come from one of the police officers.
To promote a line of Connie Carman- created Couture Planet handbags and accessories made from recycled newspapers, a group of creatives, Keith Lane, Deborah Hines and Frank Rapp put together a series of posters that celebrate the demise of the newspaper poke fun at Prada and call attention to Paris Hilton's apparent lack of readings skills.
You've seen them. The fake videos that attempt to pass themselves off as real all while minimizing the fact their just ads for brands. Some are stupid. Some are funny. Most are lame.
But they all have one thing in common. People who are seemingly incapable of holding a camera steady while filming the idiocy. Seriously. It's not that hard and you don't have to be a Hollywood DP to film something without the camera becoming possessed by an epileptic seizure.
Annoying and idiotic as the commonality is, it's never going to change. Why? Because if the camera remained on the video's primary subject, we'd get to see behind the curtain and the video would become even more obviously fake than it already is.
So here we have yet another shaky cam "viral video" selling some random energy drink.
There's advertising on rockets so why not on the moon? If Moon Publicity has its way, it'll use an army of small robots to create logos on the dusty surface of the moon which, presumably, will be visible from earth.
Now, instead of guys going all out to impress dates by professing their love with sky writing or blimp messaging, they can pay millions to have their message of love carved on the surface of the moon. Though we're thinking the lead time might result in certain professions of love becoming a bit out of date.
OK so the whole professing one's love to another on the moon is stupid but so is defacing the moon's surface with logos that will ruin its natural beauty. Did we say stupid? Yea, stupid.
A couple weeks ago, we announced the launch of questionably-named mobile company, KGB, a service that offers human answers to texted questions. As a follow up to the launch, another commercial features two guys arguing over whether or not Archie Griffin won two Heisman trophys.
Spokesbabe Elizabeth Bogush just happens to be within earshot of the two bickering men and offers a challenge; the loser gets to wear her skirt. Which, odd an visually unpleasant as that may seem, is a coup for the rest of us becasue we all get to see Bogush flaunt her figure in her underwear.
Esurance, The Independent Film Channel and Saavn have teamed up to offer Bollywood lovers a chance to co-star in an animated music video with icon Erin Esurance. There's an Erin Esurance? Who knew? Oh silly us. Of course there's an Erin Esurance. She's the spokescartoon for the brand.
Anyway visitors to a promotional site will have the chance to enter the Esurance Bollywood Casting Call Contest. Participants will submit videos of re-enactments of their favorite Bollywood movie scenes. The winning entrant will star in an Esurance Bollywood music video that will premiere in September during "Wake Up To Bollywood," a presentation of Bollywood films airing each Sunday morning at 10 AM, on IFC.
So get your Bollywood Booty on, people.
Hmm. So a Delta faucet that can be turned on by tapping the spout so you don't get your dirty hands all over it? Brilliant, right? Except for when you're out and the cat decides to jump up on the counter, prance over to the sink, paw the faucet, get the shit scared out of it as the water comes gushing out, has a heart attacks, dies and when you return, a large pool of water is covering your beautiful hardwood kitchen floor because the cat fell into the sink and blocked the drain. Is this really that wise an advancement in sink technology?
Oh and the ad...which is what we're supposed to be talking about here in the first place? Meh. Oh it gets the point across which, one supposes is, uh, the point but wouldn't a battles of wills as to faucet etiquette between the Verizon Dumb Dad and a dirty mud wrestling beer babe be more interesting?
OK so the fake plane crash thing has been done before. Well, here it is a again. This time it's to call attention to the fact Israel has a rugby team. We'll refrain from any Middle Eastern-related commentary on plane crashes. No matter what country is involved.