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Threadless Plugs Twitter Tees with TweetPR


Threadless is developing a crowdsourced line of tees with statements from Twitter. Users can enter any tweet for inclusion; the best tweets are voted on by the community and ultimately turned into shirts.

More exciting than the crowdsourced chest manifestos, however, was the PR, which Threadless decided to limit to 140 characters:

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) May 19, 2009 -- @Threadless to crowdsource #TwitterTees. @Biz says "Awesome!" http://thrdl.es/~/R

Isn't that the most beautiful pressie you've ever seen?!!

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by Angela Natividad    May-19-09    
Topic: Packaging, Social

Here's Work for Robots that Star Wars Neglected to Cast.


US Cellular launched a really neat program called Battery Swap. If you're on the road without a charger and your phone's dying, or your battery is just really crappy in general, visit a US Cellular store to exchange your old or uncharged battery for a new one -- at no charge.

To promote the program, Publicis & Hal Riney went diving in the generic mascot bargain bin. The result of that pursuit is a poindexterish robot character who dances and slaughters multi-generational slang

(*shakes head sadly*) How far some robots fall while others penetrate untold heights of stardom.

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Jezebel Gets Frisky, Malibu Bowls (Again), Google Bitch Slapped


- The Firsky thinks Gawker site Jezebel is engaging in double talk by lambasting sexist advertising while accepting money from advertisers who, according to The Frisky, make sexist advertising.

- Subway is out with a new Subway Kids game.

- More Malibu Rum Island Bowling silliness.

- adMarketplace would like us to know "For the second straight quarter, Google reported that it cut its Traffic Acquisition Costs (payments to AdSense publishers) in the first quarter of 2009. Their payout to publishers dropped 1.7% in Q4 2008, and an additional 2.1% in Q1 2009, costing AdSense publishers thousands of dollars."

by Steve Hall    May-19-09    
Topic: Commercials, Games, Online, Research, Weblogs

Because Melting Crayons Have Everything to do With Your Friends


This would appear to be a lot of money to spend simply to tell people you'll back up their mobile phone contacts, something Verizon has been doing since, well, ever. Now U.S. Cellular (does anyone even use U.S. Cellular?) wants us to know they, too, will back up your precious contacts. And U.S. Cellular does know they are precious.

So how was this accomplished? We couldn't gush better than the press release which reads, "To highlight U.S. Cellular's 'My Contacts Backup' feature, which stores your numbers even if you lose your phone, the team found inspiration from the idea that your phone numbers aren't just numbers; they're connections to the people who matter most. The spot celebrates the humanity behind what a phone brings to your life in a colorful way."

Yes, people, your friends are melting crayons.

by Steve Hall    May-19-09    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary

Douchebags All Across the Club Make Me...Puke In My Mouth


Rosie Siman points us to a hilarious sequel to the SNL skit Jizz in my Pants. This one's called Puke in my Mouth and it's from MsTaken which sells fake engagement rings. So what makes the oh so familiar actress (oh, it's Michelle Nunes) in this video puke in her mouth?

Jizz, of course. Inner thigh perms. Facebook wall posts. Tub farts. Jeans. Bananas. Tom Cruise. And more. Give it a watch.

The work was created by comedy video production group, Pantless Knights. About 1.1 million views after a couple of weeks isn't bad but it's no where near the 50 million or so the original got.

by Steve Hall    May-19-09    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Because You Should Be Able to Grill a Rabbit While Charging Your Cell Phone.


Brunton promotes its futuristic camping gear (grills, solar panels and the like) by riffing off imagery that looks suspiciously like the covers of paperback science fiction novels -- particularly those of the Asimov persuasion.

The hope is to tie all those chromey, multi-use bells and whistles back to nature, which is what camping's all about, really. (Why pack the oil lanterns when you have JETPACKS?!!!) Work by Cultivator Advertising & Design/Denver; variants here and here.

by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine

Wrath of Cannes Powers into Third Year


And it's crass as ever. (Be sure to watch the Firing Squad videos.)

For the unfortunate ad cogs that won't be making Cannes this year (cannes't!), there's always the Woods Witt Dealy & Sons' Wrath of Cannes.

Unlike last year, when we were shocked it even lasted two events, Wrath of Cannes is full steam ahead for the third: fueled by layoffs, budget cuts, more conservative advertising and all-around creative rage. Nice pink slip wallpaper, guys!

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by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Events, Good, Industry Events

Waging War Hurts the Wagers, Says Peace Coalition


The Global Coalition for Peace wraps its convictions around telephone poles and street lamps with "What Goes Around Comes Around."

Each piece features soldiers whose weapons stretch so far around the medium that the barrels ultimately aim back at the bearers.

"Stop the Iraq War," the prints proclaim. NICE.

by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Cause, Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Poster

Strobey Audis, Midlifers on Hulu, Social Media Mobbin'


- Strobey Audi D7 ads.

- Middle-agers inflate Hulu 490%.

- More BeanCast shenanigans: "Johnny Wall!"

- Contemplating Wolfram|Alpha.

- Something about pumping iron. And also furniture.

- Leonard Nimoy talks origins of the Vulcan salute. (*swoon*). Via @ChristopherY.

- Mob mentality invades social media. (Wait a sec ... aren't they kinda the same thing?)

- Doner CEO Barry Levine retires.

by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Podcast, Social

Obama's Been in Office Long Enough. Time to Commoditize Him.


How best to commemorate the trendiest American icon today? With another American icon: the Chia pet.

"Your Chia Obama is a symbol of liberty. Opportunity. Prosperity. Hope."

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by Angela Natividad    May-18-09    
Topic: Packaging, Sponsorship, Television, Worst

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