ArnoldNYC partnered with Stardust Studios to develop "A State of Mouth," a bizarre :15 spot in which a friendly-enough-looking guy pops an icebreaker into his mouth and turns into some psychedelic spaghetti-headed Picasso thing.
The last frame is especially WTFtastic -- dude appears to be crying icicles.
We do not understand. It was neat watching the animation eat his face though. That's some seriously magic clown makeup.
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Quiznos hooked (oh no they di'nt!) up with Playboy to riff on the disgusting "2 Girls 1 Cup" thing. While Quiznos has reportedly denied any involvement with this production, we can't help but wonder just how many people over at Quiznos are loving (even hoping) this thing gets as much exposure as it's getting. We still think there's some shenanigans going on here.
In the ad, two women in bikinis sit on a bench. One is enjoying a Quiznos sub as the other looks on. In fact she's enjoying it so much she can't quite contain herself. Happy to share the pleasure, she hands the sub to the other who can't get it into her mouth fast enough.
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Created 15 months ago by Weiden + Kennedy and directed by Buck Production, this "epic rock opera" for Coke Zero features "a singing bear, candy-pooping birds, an elk with sausage antlers, g-string wearing antelopes and honeycomb encrusted sheep."
And after a long 15 months, the spot has finally aired. In Brazil. Because awesomeness like this never makes its way to America.
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Madness, a band, just released The Liberty of Norton Folgate, which it's promoting by way of ad nostalgia.
The spot appropriates old Cheer spots where a Very Sterile Man washes soiled shirts with both Cheer and "ordinary detergent." In this case, the soiled accoutrement is The Liberty of Norton Folgate. The latter was washed in both ordinary detergent and fictional brand "Zazz."
Five and a half out of Madness' seven band members concluded the album was vastly improved with the latter. We're not sure what happened to the other one and a half members, but it probably had something to do with the button labeled "Permanent Press" and those pesky spin cycle propellers.
Clever. But wait -- does this mean Liberty is less profane, or less gritty, or just really, really wet?
Work by production team Gas & Electric; directed by Sell! Sell!.
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Samsung enlists the head of the Osbourne household yet again to debut its Jack personal assistant handset.
In the spot, Ozzy makes almost-funny jokes about how the phone is more attuned to his needs than previous human assistants, which respectively had hearing problems (for obvious reasons) and kept odd hours (the daytime ones).
It is surprisingly not horrible. But in the event that brands race out right now with a mad hankering to book a seat on the Ozzy train, we're at pains to remind you he's got a full docket: World of Warcraft's already aboard, plus Samsung's planning still more spots.
The one-time dauphin-of-Darkness must be a helluva prince to work with.
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Piracy's looking pretty good these days, and a handful of popular artists have done what they can to demonstrate they don't support the act of suing music fans that also happen to be flagrant file-sharers.
Radiohead gave away In Rainbows online in '07 on a pay-as-you-wish basis, followed by Saul Williams, whose Rise and Fall of Niggy Tardust gave you the option of paying a $5 support donation. Just recently, Del the Funky Homosapien opted to give Funk Man out at no charge, jokingly dubbing it his "stimulus package."
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This is absolutely the most hilarious and disgusting (at the same time) thing we've seen in forever. And it's an ad! For a cause group no less. So remember the guy who used to do huge burps in high school? Of course you do. Every school has one. This guy is that guy.
And as the teacher always used to say to that Olympic High School Burper, so says this ad, "Do something better with your name."
And who said juvenile burping couldn't be put to good use?
After 20 years of riding its existing array of brands, Mars introduces a new candy bar: the Fling, a skinny, "shimmering" (wait, what?) 85-calorie chocolate "finger" whose packaging is hot pink and whose creative invites you to "pleasure yourself."
Just not beyond a PG-13 rating. We just watched the first-ever ad, the first 15 seconds of which gave us that embarrassed schoolgirl flush: two pairs of legs in a dressing room, making motions and noises as if they're doing The Do.
The camera pans over the tops of the rooms, revealing the frisky couple is not a couple at all. The man is in a separate room, grunting as he struggles with clothing that's two sizes too small; and the woman, who's finished shimmying into a tiny dress, moans with quiet glee as she collapses into a seat and pleasures herself with one of Fling's, uh, fingers.
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Casey writes, "It's got to be for something, but I'm not sure what it is..." Well thanks for the detailed information, Casey. We really appreciate it. But, yes, it's definitely for something but we know not what it is. Anyone care to shed some insight on why men and women are walking around New York today in swimwear?
Is it related to that similarly-themed promotion that had similarly-dressed men and woman wandering the streets of New York on Friday?
Either way, it's definitely a travel promotion of some sort.
This is drive safely commercial for Auckland's Rodney District is an amazing piece of work. Truly amazing. Not as technically amazing as Honda Cog or as emotionally charged as the classic The Faster the Speed The Bigger the Mess (which you can view here) but still, amazing.
Saatchi New Zealand, working with production company Flying Fish and a demolitions engineer, blew up a car with ten grenades and then reassembled the vehicle, piece by piece, creating a work of art. The finished piece is stunning. And the music. Well, that works too.
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