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The End of the Beginning is the Beginning of the End


If teenagers knew the consequences of unprotected sex before they engaged in it, would it make them think twice before succumbing to desire? That's the question this teen pregnancy commercial ponders. Following the actions of a teen couple as they party, drink, hook up, have sex and deal with the consequences in reverse, the commercial shares the possible negative outcomes of having unprotected sex.

The bigger question is, given the quick-cut/ADD mentality so prevalent among, well, everyone these days, will anyone remember the beginning (end) when they get to the end (beginning)? Wait, what? Exactly.

The commercial was created by DLKW London for COI.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Racy, Strange

Sony's New Bravia Commercial Gets More Coverage


So our dear friend Ask Wappling from Adland was in Italy last Thursday for the Sony Bravia Drome launch event which we, from thousands of miles away, covered here. While she was sitting in a hotel after the event, she overheard one Sony exec reading aloud the Adrants story on the event to another Sony exec all while three other invited bloggers and press were furiously typing their own coverage of the event. She thought it a bit bizarre.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Industry Events

The Cobalt: A Cred-Bereft Ugly that Can't Be Painted Over


Snake Plissken, who sent us this lead, called the hip-hop-inspired Chevy Cobalt Labs subsite "an identity crisis in website form."

After surveying the features -- Tricked or Trashed (think Hot-or-Not), Mod Street (where you can visually vandalize your own Cobalt) and Track Challenge (where you can race other site visitors) -- we're inclined to agree.

We also wonder why Honda never tried anything similar with the rice-rocket Civic crowd. Unlike the Cobalt, which is stretching the limits of our imagination with this Pimp My Ride crap, that was a car kids liked to play with.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Online

Nikon Cameras Offered In Exchange For Firearms


Toronto-based photo retailer retailer Henry's, along with Toronto police, just concluded an interesting promotion called Pixels for Pistols. Anyone who turned in a firearm they didn't need or want received a Nikon digital camera in exchange. Rifles or firearms earned a Nikon Coolpix P-60. An assault rifle or pistol earned a Nikon Coolpix S-52. Along with the cameras, each person also received photography lessons.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Good, Promotions

DC Snowboard Ads: Now Infused with Kitsch!


They're versatile! They're powerful! They have beards and many adjectives!

Lean back while this Al Borland-looking dude and his tanned-but-silent sidekick sell you a snowboard for all seasons. Look familiar? They should! Your host is Billy Mays, high king of insomnia-enabling infomercials, and his snowboarding homie is Iikka Backstrom.

"Enjoy the ride more!" with DC's new line of snowboards and boots. More infomercial riffs here.

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Fawkes Talks, ad:tech Calls, Life Takes Shmuly


- Piers Fawkes talks to creatives from Barbarian Group, Undercurrent, Naked and Electric Artists at Good Ideas 2009.

- Premium Network has launched PremiumChannels, 45 category-specific sites offering contextual targeting.

- ad:tech has launched its Call for Entries for its 2009 ad:tech Awards to be held during the San Francisco Conference in April. Entries are due January 23, 2009.

- Jason Heller shares his not so pleasant recent experience buying a new BMW and how his experience relates to social media.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Industry Events, Spoofs

One More Bedtime Pharma that Promises to Last All Night Long


Last week pyjama-clad women on mobile beds circulated Los Angeles, using spammy typefaces and a warped colour scheme to ask the $65,000 question:


If you guessed fiber-rich cereal, you are so, so wrong!

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Events, Guerilla, Strange

Bennetts Insurance Upholds Legacy of Its Founder


There are many ways to sell insurance: the full coverage facial. Or cross dressing cheerleaders. Or the accidental wedding proposal. Or five-year-olds. Or Sanjaya.

And then there's bouncing thong-clad women getting spanked, courtesy of Bennetts Insurance.

Which brings us to Bennetts' latest effort, featuring motorcycle-style mechanical bull riding ... in slow motion ... in the rain ... while the riders wear bikinis.

But before rising to argue that wet, slow, mechanical bikini bull-riding has nothing to do with insurance, consider the roots of the company. "The origin of the oath 'Gordon Bennett' lies in the behavior of a 19th century playboy of that name," FishNChimps informs, helpfully adding, "It therefore came as a pleasant surprise to read on the CV of a certain insurance website that in 1930 this company was 'Founded by Gordon Bennett in Coventry and provided general insurance for customers.'"

So it's probably safe to assume Gordon Bennett himself -- self-styled playboy -- is smiling down upon the warped efforts of his ad men, proud that his pervy love of poon has trickled down to the modern day ... with admirable fidelity.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Commercials, Racy

Geico 'Right Sizes' Ad Campaign With Minimalistic Kash


Perhaps in an efforts to identify with trying economic times or, perhaps, to give us a break from the Gecko and the Caveman, The Martin Agency is out with two commercials featuring the goofy character, Kash, who, well...who does nothing but sits there as the cast around him wonders just what the little guy is all about.

And the song. Don't get me started. David Gianatasio has that one covered.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Strange

Beck's Launches Blog. Does Everything Wrong


Beck's has launched a blog, Different by Choice. Yawn, right? But the way they've announced it and the way it's formatted is so annoying, it can't be left alone.

In an email beginning with "Hello Important Marketing Blog People," Beck's blogger Darius asks, "has anyone told you recently how hot you are?" and then goes on to explain how he "destroyed" 850 other potential bloggers vying for the job "'cos that is the way I roll." Ugh. Cue the Agency.com Subway video.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Bad, Opinion, Weblogs

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