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PSP Makes Gamers Out of Far-Flung City Dwellers


Diggin' these new ads for Sony's PSP.* Each unfolds from the perspective of a dude zombified by games like Socom, Motorstorm and Resistance 2, even as bright lights, big cities and poppin' soundtracks beguile him with distractions.

Experience sensory overload in Chicago, LA and New York (embedded below). This two-page spread features stills from all three. The unified, but starkly different, enviros tie nicely into the tagline: "Everywhere just got better."

Sassy stuff by Deutsch/LA.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Online, Television

You Oughtta Know About Inbound Marketing


HubSpot's Rebecca Corliss and friends are out with a video slamming outbound marketing and hyping inbound.

Beginning with an out of touch supervisor throwing the yellow pages on her desk and exclaiming, "What the hell is this internet crap? If you're not dialing, I'm not smiling," Rebecca, to the tune of Alanis Morissette's "Oughta Know," tells us what we ought to know about inbound marketing.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Social, Video

Hey, Did You Hear? Advertising Still Demeans Women.


Alex Leo over at HuffPo wrote a post on five sexist trends the ad world just can't shake. The following tropes "use stereotypes and violence to prey on our most vile desires" -- and probably aren't going anywhere, despite "cultural outrage" and "personal boredom."

The list (in far less detail than Leo provides):

o Bondage. One awesome example is the ad at left, for Remy Martin's "Things Are Getting Interesting" campaign. Experience has taught us naughty domina girls sell more than liquor, however; they also push PSPs with whip-cracking finesse.

o Rape. Illustrated by this ad by Dolce & Gabbana -- which I think had more of a "gang-bang" in mind than a "rape," per se. It's a feathery-fine distinction.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Opinion

'Free the Bowl' Contest Aims to Eradicate Super Bowl Beer Ads


"I'm drunk as hell and I'm not going to take it any longer!" Or something like that. One imagines that's the sentiment behind an new effort from alcohol industry watch dog Marin Institute called Free the Bowl. In response to what it calls "oppressive beer ads," Free the Bowl is a contest for 13 to 20 year olds which asks for the submission of videos aimed at asking brewers to stop advertising (wasting mony?) in the Super Bowl.

*old school sound of needle sliding off the record*

Um, say what???! Like that's got a snowball's chance in he...wait...isn't there a better metaphor for this? Hmm. That's as likely as an SUV getting manufactured in January. Oh wait. That's got as much of a chance of the U.S. government EVAR paying off its deficit. Hmm. That's as likely as Janet Jackson ever appearing in another Super Bowl half time show. Uh. That's as likely as George Parker not saying fuck for an entire day. That's as likely as an ad blogger never again using Donny Deutsch's Speedo picture. That's as likely as no one in the ad industry getting laid off in January. That's as likely as Advertising Age ever letting Steve Hall write for them. OK, this is getting boring.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Cause, Opinion, Super Bowl 2009

Shopping Mall Claims Holidays Are NOT About Spending Money


Last night during Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!, Charlie complained about the flagrant commercialization of Christmas. If creatives ever felt the way he did, they're probably well over it out of professional necessity. I know I am, and I just blog here.

Adding to our jaded perspective of how things operate in Ad Land's warped universe, Cherry Creek North -- a high-end shopping mall, mind you -- worked with CULTIVATOR ADVERTISING & DESIGN/Denver to launch The Yuletide Project. Its goal is to remind holiday shoppers that the holidays are about more than frequent wallet molestation.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Online, Outdoor, Strange

Parker Persuades, Armano Rides Weiner, Alba Liquify'd


- George Parker's next opus, The Ubiquitous Persuaders will be out in January. Madison Avenue take cover.

- David Armano gets his wiener whistle (d?)

- Jessica Alba gets even more curvaceously hot courtesy of Photoshop's Liquify.

- The Webby Awards is out with a call for entries promotion for its 13th Annual Webby Awards. Five "internet video stars," including Obama Girl, will take part in individual videos hyping the event.

- Once again, AgencySpy's Matt Vanhoven gets up off the crapper to deliver another Week in Advertising.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Publishing, Tools

At Crowd's Command, Getty Shoots a Dwarf. In Skates.


To maintain its iron grip on the stock photo industry, Getty records searches and commissions shoots when enough people have searched for an image that can't be found.

To wit: a truckload of people recently queried "rollerblading dwarf." As promised, Getty had its photographers whip out the ambient lights and hunt down a highly mobile midget.

The result is at left. And because mass consumption of "rollerblading dwarf" images is just soooo quirky, agency Think Meets Do launched a Getty-whoring Facebook group in its honour: Search for a Rollerblading Dwarf on Getty Images.

Yeah, there probably could've been a better name for that.

Future shoots (those likely to be repurposed as an ad campaign, anyway) include shooting a crying lobster, and a llama in high heels.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions, Social, Strange

Stove Top Stuffing Keeps Bus Patrons Toasty


There are few things more soothing than warm stuffing out of the gutted sternum of a turkey. And with help from JCDecaux, this soothingest of comfort food is warming bus patrons at 10 bus shelters in Chicago.

The Stove Top ads -- radiant with warmth -- feature a heaping bowl of stuffing, tossed and tasty looking and beckoning hungry passengers home.

"Cold, provided by winter," the ad reads. "Warmth, provided by us. It's a good night for Stove Top."

Find stuffing-hot bus shelters in the Chi through December. Reps will also be handing out (steaming?) samples. Work by DraftFCB.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Guerilla, Outdoor, Poster

TremorMedia, ContentWatch Rain on Inappropriate Content's Parade


Many people have derided the "blind network" practice in online advertising which, in a nutshell, gives an advertiser little or no control over where their ads appear. That's why you see Disney ads on porn sites and other similar non-sequitors.

Many people have lamented the occasional "odd" contextual ad placement which offers up placements such as ads for turpentine next to articles about teens who drank the stuff to terminate her pregnancy.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Tools

Self-Lovin' Scents, Twitter Marketing Help, Designer Laptops, Knowledge Hustlers


- A whiff of Hugo Boss Femme may put you in a self-adulating, decidedly Diddy state of mind.

- Twitter marketing toolbox. *twirls finger*

- Contemplating facial hair? Upload your likeness here. For Schick -- which may actually lose customers that may have otherwise grown mustaches out before realizing they looked like Super Mario. (And not in an awesome, sliding-through-the-magic-pipe kinda way.)

- Bob Knorpp contemplates the legal saga of the Bratz. Complete with at least three hooker jokes.

- This HP Mini 1000 is brought to you by Vivienne Tam. We find them semi-sassy.

- Hey Facebook, "your dreams of avarice are fucked."

- Just another world record-breaking stunt.

- Cab driver advertises MBA credentials to customers. One good thing you can say about this economy: it makes everyone a marketer.

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