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Miniskirt Symbolizes Paper's Reduction in Size, First Female Editor


Italian newspaper 'L'Unità', originally founded in 1924 by Marxist Antonio Gramsci as the official paper of the Italian Communist Party, has relaunched and rebranded with a new campaign created by "controversial" Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani who worked on the United Colors of Bentton campaign.

Some have labeled the ad sexist. Concita de Gregorio, first female head of the paper doesn't agree, saying, "I don't think it's right to use a woman image to sell, for example, cars. But in this case, I think it's perfect. Since two months, this newspaper is controlled by the body and the head of a woman, me, so in this case I think is pertinent to use a woman's image."

Hmm. Interesting logic indeed tying the mini skirted body of the woman in the ad to her position as "head" of the paper.

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When You Make That Transaction, Be Sure to Wear A Condom


"Go all in - but play it safe" so says the copy on Ladbrokes-branded condom packaging. Ladbrokes is a Swedish gambling company which decided to hand out condoms as a promotional item. Another version of the packaging reads, "Don't play with fire - Play with us!"

Ladbrokes' Andreas Gillberg explained the thinking behid the promotion, saying, "We came to think about the fact that condoms - just like Ladbrokes - is all about safe transactions. Just like our games, it's about excitement and safety at the same time".

Interesting. So sex is just a "transaction" in Sweden? Hey, we're all for casual sex but we like to think of it as a bit more meaningful than a poker bet.

by Steve Hall    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Packaging, Racy, Strange

Goodwill Belittles Presidential Candidates With Thinly Veiled Barb


OK so not everyone in America has thousands of dollars to spend on clothes but should a person who can afford such clothes be given a back handed slap upside the head for looking good on national television while running for the President of America? It would appear that's what Goodwill is doing to Barak Obama and Sarah Palin in a new ad campiagn asking them to donate their clothing on November 5th when the Presidential dust has settled.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Cause, Political

Not to Worry, Latchkey Kids: IKEA Won't Neglect You


It breaks my heart to see this little boy fashion a monster out of clay, then wander around in search of someone who'll appreciate it.

Nobody does, and the boy wanders alone into the dark kitchen -- where, like magic, IKEA's Bjursta table produces a feast that brings his dispersed family members out of hiding. (Presumably to give him the love he so craves, but probably just so they can eat and run.)

In this spot from the same campaign, an Ektorp sofa liberates messy, popcorn-crunching couch potatoes in ways the outside world -- with its endless variety of VERBOTEN signs -- does not.

Simply-done and slightly magical, somewhat like IKEA. Produced by Outsider for agency St. Lukes Communications, client IKEA.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

Show Your Dawg You've Got His Back.


Under the wince-worthy tagline "Fix your dog, it's all good!", the ASPCA uses graffiti to encourage pet owners to spay or neuter their animals. See the bad-ass pitbull variant.

The campaign targets black and Hispanic inner-city male dog owners, which will probably smirk, or maybe dolefully shake their heads, when they see the earnest posters on the streets of New York. But since this is a friendly effort to encourage proper furry-friend-stewardship -- and not a lamesauce rap promotion for Taco Bell -- maybe they'll cut the ASPCA some slack.

Put together by Tampa-based Pyper Paul + Kenney.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Cause, Guerilla, Outdoor

What Would You Do with $1M? Sketch It Out


To promote the Minnesota Millionaire Raffle, Colle+McVoy illustrated idle daydreams with stop-motion animation. It's a tasty, quirky watch, sorta like the "Red Bull Gives You Wings!" ads.

o Roller Coaster Restaurant
o Snowbot
o Cabin Island

I didn't always get what was going on, but maybe plotline comes second to replacing these imaginings with your own.

Each spot ends by reminding you the raffle sells out fast, so hurry: go burn hard-earned scrilla -- in the name of something you didn't earn at all.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Promotions, Television

Candie's Turns Back Seat Sex Into Blunt Reality


During last night's Gossip Girl, The Candie's Foundation ran a commercial addressing teen pregnancy. As the camera zooms in on two teens making out in a car, Jenny McCarthy suddenly appears in the window and asks, "What are you doing?", before presenting the couple with one possible outcome of their backseat frolic.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Cause, Celebrity, Commercials, Good

Shut Up & Play Comes Off Crass & Tacky


David&Goliath launched "Shut Up & Play," an outdoor campaign for the NY-NY Hotel & Casino that revolves around the rowdy, party-hardy ambiance you'll find within.

Creative below. It reminds me a lot of D&G's campaign for Rok Vegas, a night club owned by NY-NY.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Outdoor, Promotions

Make Your Vote Pointless, Join Cancel-Out 2008


With a bit of twisted logic, TDA has launched a get-out-and-vote effort but the whole thing's pointless. The promotion is predicated on the notion people identify friends, colleagues or acquaintances who will vote opposite them thereby each canceling out the other's vote.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-28-08    
Topic: Political, Strange

Plastic Dream Shoes, Phone-Toting Thongs, Putting Out for Obama, the Skinny on Parker


- The US Army has released a list of new technologies that could be used to enable terrorism. Twitter, MySpace and Facebook make the cut.

- The recession's not real! And neither is your loneliness.

- Here's a fun little site. Click on a pair of shoes to see a luxe little ad -- er, "dream" about it. The image at left is for the Vinyl Mary Jane-looking shoes. The Ultra Girl Night Sky one is probably my favourite though: jelly shoes, underwater. How novel.

- You know you hate the new Pepsi logo almost as much as you hate the douche-tacular smile/grin logic behind it. Why not make a new one? Show Pepsi what it could've had for far less money than it probably spent.

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