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Yawn. Microsoft Does Consumer Generated Content


In typical ADD (or is it the brilliant acknowledgment of the public's ever shortening attention span) style, Crispin Porter + Bogusky is out with yet another iteration of Microsoft's $300 million campaign. This time, perhaps anticipating the fact $300 million might not remain $300 million given current economic conditions, the agency is treating us to...wait for it...CONSUMER-GENERATED CONTENT! Yes, you read that right, bucko! Rather than Jerry and Bill, we'll be treated to...Mr and Mrs. Nobody With A Video Camera.

The videos, which call for people to say, "I'm a PC" followed by some inanity, have been integrated into television commercials which are currently airing. Check out over 17,000 videos and photos here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Consumer Created

'Abraham Lincoln: Wrong on Slavery, Wrong for Us.'


What if today's campaign tactics were applied to the election of 1860?

Crazed by this Presidential race, ad bloggers Make the Logo Bigger and Jetpacks ponder this question. Here's the fruit of their labours, "paid for by Friends of Douglas."

Contemporary context gave history both personality and a face. We laughed, we cried, we wondered -- ever so briefly -- what could have been.

Indentured servitude for me? Plantation micro-management for Steve? (Well, I guess one could argue that slavery was on its way out, even without that wee shove we dubbed the Reconstruction.) Propaganda aside, just how big of a deal is an election, anyway?

by Angela Natividad    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Online, Opinion, Political, Spoofs, Video

Hey Look, It's Digital Stalker Art!


For its ongoing "Visionaries" campaign, ABSOLUT launched a three-month digital exhibit of Helmut Lang's Alles Gleich Schwer, a set of print artworks.

Beginning today, users can download a rotating variety of prints from the site, put together by Great Works.

At left is the one I downloaded. The image isn't much of a stunner, but note that my IP, location and download number and download time have been printed at left.

How novel: print art repurposed as digital dog-tag. Also vibes like a tribute to anyone that ever spent a sleepless night IP-tracing blog trolls. Hrm. Wonder if I should frame it.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange

Once Again, Subvertising Rears Its Illogical Head


Follow this logic. Groups such as Adbusters, Billboard Liberation Front, The Bubble Project, Banksy and Graffiti Research Lab hate advertising. So what do these groups do to share their distaste for the horrific practice known as advertising? They create more advertising to advertise their distaste for, yes, advertising.

Wait, what?

Watch this five minute video and revel in its twisted logic and idiotic blatherings as it trys to apply logic to the illogical, passion to the

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Cause, Strange, Video

Breasts Sell Milk, Urge People to Vote For Obama

I Need A Reduction

- Feeling the need for a breast enlargement? Forget surgery. Just drink milk.

- One of the more convincing vote for Obama ads we've recently seen (semi NSFW)

- All kinds of pharmaceutical advertising parodies here from (mostly) Saturday Night Live.

- Tonight at 8PM, Obama will air his 30 minute commercial on NBC, CBS, FOX, Univision, MSNBC, BET and TV One. Hello? ABC? Hello?

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Racy, Spoofs

'Open Please' Takes on New Meaning in Sex Abuse Spot


Once in a while you hear stories of creepy dentists putting their hands where they shouldn't during dental appointments. When you see it in an ad and the the person having the dentist's hands and, likely, other body parts placed on or inside them is a young child, it transcends creepy and moves towards to a far more sinister, twisted and alarmingly disturbing place.

In this Duval Guillaume-created commercial for Child Cry, "open, please" takes on a whole new meaning

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-08    

Allstate Celebrates Quirky Spirit of College Football


Two av'rage Joes, Bergwood and Ham, kick off college football season by living large with the money Allstate saved them on car insurance.

Created by Leo Burnett, the campaign depicts them engaging in the decadent behaviour any red-blooded football fan would, if only he had the extra cash to burn.

With that said, watch with envy as they guzzle from a nacho fondue fountain, barbeque out of a trunk and, um, cross-dress.

Wanna join the tailgate? Visit Bergwood.net. The "Rivalry Central" link includes e-cards for friends that back lame teams -- and the Bergroll, a Bergwoodized Rickroll.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Television

HD Radio: The Perfect Gift for Everyone You've Ever Met, Ever


If you switch on the radio at all this season, you might come across a handful of ads encouraging you to buy everyone you know an HD Radio. The rationale is sound and scientific. Hear:

o Why your boyfriend would prefer one to a scarf ... or to nose-hair trimmers
o Why your bookworm sister will love you forever
o How even Santa's getting one

I read up a little on HD Radio and found out songs can be tagged for purchase via iTunes later. Impulse song-hoarding? Neato. It's like a record label's wet dream.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Promotions, Radio

Paper Pigskin Advergame Reels Emails in for Sheraton


Sheraton's Ultimate Paper Football Challenge is a little mindless fun for a slow workday. Keep an eye on that pesky west wind.

In case you naively wondered what paper football has to do with Sheraton, here's the catch: the game requires registration. I anticipate much spam in exchange for these two minutes of pleasure.

By Gigantic.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Brands, Games, Online

DARE's Manifesto Returns to Haunt You -- in the Form of Wheatpasted Coffin Nails


Colorado's Department of Public Health and Environment uses the image of a coffin nail to declare, "The Cigarette is Dead!"

"Today, cigarette smoking has not only become passe due to all we've learned about its health effects, but, plainly speaking, it's become a difficult behavior to keep," gushes a press release with the undaunted conviction of a fourth-grade graduate of DARE.

"The days when smoking was socially acceptable are over!" (Zeal added by us.)

more »

by Angela Natividad    Oct-29-08    
Topic: Cause, Guerilla, Online, Outdoor, Video

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