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Real Food Fight Trumps Digital Food Fight


In highschool, the legendary food fight is always just that, a legend...until it happens and you find yourself in the middle of it, adrenalin rushing, throwing tray fulls of fries, chicken cutlet, American chop suey and soggy salad across the cafeteria at no particular target. After all the trays have been thrown and are on their way to their final, undetermined target, the "sky" above the cafeteria becomes a surreal event mentally captured for all time in Hollywood-style slow motion.

It's as if you were a camera filming The Matrix, slowly capturing every angle and every last detail as the food moved ever so slowly towards its destination. This imagery becomes so vivid, so real, so indelible it never leaves the mind and continues to replay itself at random moments throughout life.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Opinion

'They'll Block Out the Sun ... and Hell Follows Them.'


I saw this ad for Resistance 2 last night while watching Fringe. Maybe it was the context, or the very large screen, but I found it deliciously chilling.

Product footage and 'net research reveals it's just another shooter game with an old premise: mankind versus an alien race.

Meh. How very Stargate SG-1, circa '98.

Somehow I thought Resistance 2 would be richer, like Heroes before everybody had a power, or like Fringe, which has me stuck on genetic manipulation, corporate conspiracies and string theory.

Where's my MMOG?

by Angela Natividad    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Commercials, Games, Good, Promotions, Television

Crumpler Tries its Hand with Toilet Paper Advertising


For the record, we think Crumpler's* Paint By Numbers toilet paper rolls -- in a stall near you! -- are totally rad. (Read the colour key!)

With that said, the effort lit a spark in us that ignites every time we see yet another brand trying to do something with toilet paper. Like the occasional outbreak of insanity, every few months somebody pitches us with some TP-oriented thing that they're sure will bring ruminations of their genius to public stalls everywhere. See examples one and two.

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by Angela Natividad    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Opinion, Strange

Cigarette Maker Offers People Chance to Control Billboard


Jakarta-based agency SemutApi has created what its labeled the "first digitally interactive out of home advertising in Indonesia." That may be true but it's not the first worldwide. Anyway, the work is for...OMG...cigarette maker Djarum Super and is called The Bro & Cuy Super Show.

As art director Aria Gorba Hamdani describes, the work is "about two soccer addicts who are willing to do anything to be famous. So they went inside an LED screen billboard and perform cool and silly soccer moves as requested by anyone."

Passersby can text the board and request specific videos featuring Bro & Cuy to be played. There are ten videos in all. You can check out a video of the board here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Mobile/Wireless, Outdoor

Obama Girl Backs Ack


Believe it or not, Amber Lee Ettinger's career as Obama Girl was just preparation for a political endorsement that manages to be even more surreal. (Yes, it even outdoes her Giuliani dance-off.)

America's favourite lobbyist now throws her bikini-clad weight -- and lip-syncing skillz -- behind President Howard Ackerman of Red Alert 3. Love that "Let's screw 'em all with Ackerman" tee she's rockin'. And that intro -- it's so vintage Dick in a Box!

Isn't it awesome when an agency -- in this case, DraftFCB -- contaminates a good thing with a flinch-inducer? Whatev, this is officially The World We Live In. Expect to see "Back Ack" splashed across YouTube, RedAlert3.com and the Barely Political website.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Political, Promotions, Spoofs

Trojan Asks Everyone to Evolve, Realize Kids Have Sex


The girl featured in this Trojan Evolve One Evolve All Community video sums up the teen sex/sex education problem quite well when she says, "What really gets me...is that health care covers Viagra but they can't cover birth control or teach about effective birth control."

Trojan aims to change that with its Evolve One, Evolve All community site on which videos from the community and well know artists point out the problems and offer solutions to what Colangelo (Trojan's agency) Chief Digital Officer Craig Lambert calls "a terrible, epidemic problem."

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by Steve Hall    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online, Opinion, Video

Macs Fight PCs Evil Dead-Style


Those Mac vs. PC ads? Tame in comparison to this grudge match between Mac and PC advocates created by Canada's Accident Factory. Cool. Very, very cool. Very very graphic. Very, very gross. Very, very awesome. The ending, though, is the best. It illustrates the absolute silliness and irrelevance of the Mac vs. PC wars.

by Steve Hall    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Good, Video

Marriage Proposal Goes Horribly Wrong, Insurance Sold


A while back when I was actually creating advertising rather than shamelessly trashing it, we held a video contest for a jeweler and asked people to send in videos of their marriage proposals. We picked the best, worst, strangest, funniest, etc. and give them a big discount at the jeweler. I know...giving a discount after the ring's been brought and the proposal's been made is, to say the least, illogical. Then again, this is advertising. More likely, I can't remember the details and the promotion was something completely different that how I remember it.

Anyway...here's yet another in the long line of marriage proposal gaffes that offer never ending hilarity. It's for Aviva Insurance (not even a jeweler!) and was created by Taxi Toronto.

by Steve Hall    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

God Belittled, Broccoli Faced, Dove Examined, Elastic Pathed


- The British Humanist Association has launched a transit campaign on London buses claiming "There's probably no god."

- Not as racy as the tweaked Disney Video/DVD covers of old, the designers of Canadian Farm Frozen Broccoli packaging had some fun.

- Speak Media Blog's Jennifer Jones takes a long look at the Dove Real Beauty campaign that's been running in various forms over the past four years.

- Have the day's of FuckedCompany returned? Yahoo will lay off 1,400.

- ihaveanidea has announced its D&AD 2008 Screening North American Tour. Dates and ticket info are here.

- Using $15,000 as a start up loan, Harry Chemko and Jjason Billingsley launched online retail software company Elastic Path. It's a $10 million company now and the pair were recently awarded BDC's Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

by Steve Hall    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Cause, Outdoor, Packaging

Wow. It's Everything I've Ever Wanted in a Stimulant.


A pill that increases libido and decreases cellulite?" Let Slim Seduction -- don't you love that name? -- show you! Hit the site for Extremely Persuasive surveys, before/after shots, video testimonials and BIG RED TYPEFACES.

The ad hit me while I was reading a political and religious tirade on Dooce.com, which goes to show diet companies don't discriminate much in terms of audience. All you need to do is be female and have skin.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-22-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Worst

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